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What is team craptastic? Do I want to be a part of it? Tell me. What do I have to do?

Hi Dawn,

Jena coined the phrase as a result of a member of the forum complaining about all of the crap on the board. Mona said she liked the crap and alot of us agreed with her. Hense Team Crapstatic...those of us who like to read the crap.

Wanna join...Jena can send you the banner.

Cathy :D

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Good explanation Cathy!

In addition, it was fun, and weird, and I like weird! And what the heck, makes us laugh. Keeps the mood light and can't help but giggle when you read it. So should keep us all smiling and giggling.

See Jena, you are becoming famous!!!!!!

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Good explanation Cathy!

In addition, it was fun, and weird, and I like weird! And what the heck, makes us laugh. Keeps the mood light and can't help but giggle when you read it. So should keep us all smiling and giggling.

See Jena, you are becoming famous!!!!!!

Uh, I meant the banner, not all the crap that went on. That was sad, and we tried to make light of it.

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We were trying to figure out my place on Team Craptastic, but I have been told you are the one that can bestow them.

I know I take a lot of crap, give a lot of crap, and love to read all the crap. (Oh, and I also scoop a bunch of crap from the litterbox!) And all but the last is in fun! So, where do I fit in?


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And it started with all you pet people talking about the crap. Someone had 9 cats, someone else 5 cats and 3 dogs, and stuff like that.


I was the team manager!!


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You guys are funny!

And Mona, I recall you saying you like the crap, not just the banner!! LOL!! And you had alot of crap to sling, considering you have a bunch of animals!!

Either way, we love crap...whether it's written here or in the litter box!!!! I have a kitty too!!

Cathy :lol::D

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And it started with all you pet people talking about the crap. Someone had 9 cats, someone else 5 cats and 3 dogs, and stuff like that.


I was the team manager!!


Will, you are the most full of crap, although I am right behind you!!

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Guest sdejong

I just wanted to tell you that I love all of you CRAPTASTIC People..... You have made my journey so very positive.... Keep up the crap...

On a side note, it could be related to how badly people on the post-opt diet want to crap....


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Hey guys, it's great to see so many jumping on the team!!!! I have to give credit where crdit is due though, it was Jena who came up with it and made the banner!

I am sure she wouldn't mind if you all took the banner as your own if you want! But, don't be asking me how to go about it because it took me quite a while last night to figure out how to do it and then I still needed DoLittle to help! I am not too bright when it comes to that sort of thing.

Now cats on the other hand, I like to think I am an expert. Ok, not an expert, just anal. When I got my first, I decided to become an obsessive researcher in all things cats! Then adopted 8 more!

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I just wanted to tell you that I love all of you CRAPTASTIC People..... You have made my journey so very positive.... Keep up the crap...

On a side note, it could be related to how badly people on the post-opt diet want to crap....


hahahahaha that too! FOR SURE!

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I'm a computer idiot, so I don't have the TEAM CRAPTASTIC banner.... but I currently hold the title [proudly!] Princess of Poo. :D

[i can't even post pictures, I read Mamamichelle's directions on how to do it, and to me, it's like reading another language!]

Princesses don't have to be smart B) LOL

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y'all are KILLING me with all this crap!

It all started a little before the "incident" because I'm always talking about how everyone should be eating 25-30 grams of fiber a day and encouraging everyone to take fiber supplements. I crowned myself the Queen of Poop.

So when the day the guy who was complaining about all the crap on the board, I said something like some of us are full of crap and others (him) were full of sh*t. Thus Team Craptastic was born!

Paula Bee said, "Will, you are the most full of crap, although I am right behind you!!"

Girlfriend, you might want to think about being behind someone who is the most full of crap!

Mona is my "sister in crap", I'm christening Cathy "kittycat litter", fat2nrml is "Princess of Poo" (and she doesn't mean Winnie the)

I can think of a few other names that are free for the taking...

Gassy Lassie

Happy Crappy

N. Thugh Crapper

Crappy McCrapperson

Prince Pooper

Feel free to steal the banner!

Jena, Queen of Poop "eat your fiber"

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Does anyone know why Piglet (yes the little piglet with Owl and Eeyore) washes his hands more than any other creature?

Because all day long, he plays with Poo !

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you guys crack me up, I thought you were talking about POO. hahhhaa. Scarred me, I was thinking you all had a poo issue. hahahha. I like the banner. This place rocks, never have I found so many cool people. I will look forward to telling my Jenny Craig consultant to stop harrassing me. She wants me back. I did lose on there but I need something different. She told me she is tired of all the bill collectors calling her, I said "oh kinda like a Jenny Craig consultant calling all the time" I dont think she liked that to much, I laughed my head off. Maybe I will tell her I have a disease and I can't come in there anymore. They need to understand, not every program is for everyone. Anyhow, you guys rock. Can I be on team craptastic?

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you guys crack me up, I thought you were talking about POO. hahhhaa. Scarred me, I was thinking you all had a poo issue. hahahha. I like the banner. This place rocks, never have I found so many cool people. I will look forward to telling my Jenny Craig consultant to stop harrassing me. She wants me back. I did lose on there but I need something different. She told me she is tired of all the bill collectors calling her, I said "oh kinda like a Jenny Craig consultant calling all the time" I dont think she liked that to much, I laughed my head off. Maybe I will tell her I have a disease and I can't come in there anymore. They need to understand, not every program is for everyone. Anyhow, you guys rock. Can I be on team craptastic?

Absolutely...you can be Miss Poo-Fect!! LOL!!


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Absolutely...you can be Miss Poo-Fect!! LOL!!


Not til I get my band, hold that thought

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Was there more drama that I missed out on?

I need some entertainment now that I don't pay for cable anymore. Maybe I should pop in more often.

(Kidding) Wondering what I missed though - especially since I see the pinned "Warning". Oh my!

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Hey BEBE!!

Greeat to see you back on the boards, we've missed you!! There were a few members with bad attitudes who kind of forgot what the purpose of this board is!!

That's all passed now, the bad Guys have been banned and we are all back to normal!!

How have you been sweetie?

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