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Inexpencive Temporary Clothes

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I know that lot's of us bandsters struggle with money for clothes that will only fit us for such a short while. But I have an idea, how about using Goodwill and Salvation Army until you settle on a more permanent size. You will be helping out the less fortunite and can return the clothes when they to get too big for smaller sizes. You may not get a whole wordrobe, but you could find some peices to fill in with the full priced items. I just bought a lambskin coat for 12.99. Just a thought for us who are creative with the money.

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Garage Sales are even cheaper if you have the time to browse. I can get anything for 25 cents! I have gotten some beautiful clothing from garage sales. I buy several sizes so I have some to shrink into! Much cheaper than Goodwill or Salvation Army stores.

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That's what I do, here in Canada/Ontario we have Value Village, it's a thrift store of the Canadian Cerebal Palsy Assoc...I donate my clothes, they clean them and put them up for sale for a minimal fee...I also buy clothes there, they have some great stuff!!!


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I'm a fan of consignment stores, too.

If you need corporate wear, you own it for a while, take care of it, and take it back for re-consignment when you're too small for them. It's like low dollar leasing :P

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