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OMG... I'm to young to be a grandma I still think I'm 25

My son who is stationed in Alabama (US ARMY) just phoned and told me that he and his wife are expecting.

I am so excited!!!

I will be one hot Grandma!!! LOL.

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Thank you all!! You are all so kind!! I'm still in shock, not sure why, I mean they are married. guess it was going to happen sooner or later.

Yes Trina and I will be stopping in Mississippi each and every time for a few refreshing beverages with my band buddy :P

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That's so cool!

My kids are 1 and 3 - and I am so excited for the day I become a gramma! I know I've got a while to wait, but I just love the gramma/grandchild bond my kids have with my Mom-In-Law!

Huge Congrats to your son and his wife!



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OMG... I'm to young to be a grandma I still think I'm 25

My son who is stationed in Alabama (US ARMY) just phoned and told me that he and his wife are expecting.

I am so excited!!!

I will be one hot Grandma!!! LOL.

Congratulations! I have to say, it is the best thing in the world... I love being a gramma! it is way more fun than having kids... (i still have 4 boys at home too)

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Congrats. We are expecting our third grandchild Aug 1. My granddaughter is 8 and my grandson is 5 years old. Grandkids are one of the rewards of getting wiser (older). They are so special.

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