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Bobbi!!!! Your gallery pics are up now - (go look everybody)

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WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH cutie, you can most definitely see a difference girl! Wow, good for you, you rock!!!! You are doing absolutely fantastic!!!! And you are right, those clothes are tooooo big, so, e-mail me your address, I got some 24's from my sister. I'll send them to you. But, are you sure you are a 24? YOu look msaller than that!

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WOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You can definately tell a HUGE difference. You look amazing Bobbi!!!!!!

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Hey Julie,

Look up and click on Gallery, (see the picture of the camera) you'll find her - she's the second one up! And she looks awesome - great job - someone please get this girl some clothes and I agree you are smaller than you think!!! I'm so excited for you!

You are super spectacular!!


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Hey Julie,

Look up and click on Gallery, (see the picture of the camera) you'll find her - she's the second one up! And she looks awesome - great job - someone please get this girl some clothes and I agree you are smaller than you think!!! I'm so excited for you!

You are super spectacular!!


Thanks Lisa, I know I can always count on you for help. Bobbi you look fantastic


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Wow Bobbi - you look SO different - younger too! I'm sure your brain will eventually catch up and you'll be able to really absorb how much progress you've made.

Mona - you're a sweetie for being so supportive and making sure we all had a chance to react to Bobbi's amazing pics.

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Here's a direct link to Bobbi's Gallery: http://www.lapbandforum.com/index.php?auto...um&album=90

Ok I have to ask why do you look happier in the pic 4 days afer surgery then in the 3month post op pic where you're 50lbs lighter? Lol you think you might be more excited about losing all that weight!! Just kidding of course, you look great!! Congrats..

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