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Whats the One Tip You Would Give Me?

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I'm scheduled to have my surgery at OCC August 18th. With help from this forum, I feel like I've made the right decision but I want to know....What is the one tip you would give me i.e. before surgery, after surgery, etc. Please help!! Very nervous.

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I would say submit mentally to your band. You are adding something that will change how you eat, so it will change your life. You need to understand that you have made a commitment – study the doctor’s corner and set yourself on the path to succeed. Understand that if you have an eating problem, it will be hard, but you will overcome everything and succeed and become the new and more healthy and beautiful you!!

Congrats on you decision and can’t wait to welcome you to bandland!


(OK, Cathy and I are starting to sound alike).....

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I would say submit mentally to your band. You are adding something that will change how you eat, so it will change your life. You need to understand that you have made a commitment – study the doctor’s corner and set yourself on the path to succeed. Understand that if you have an eating problem, it will be hard, but you will overcome everything and succeed and become the new and more healthy and beautiful you!!

Congrats on you decision and can’t wait to welcome you to bandland!


(OK, Cathy and I are starting to sound alike).....

I learned from the best!!!

Lisa you are my hero...and my biggest inspiration!!!

Cathy XO

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I agree with all of the above. Now on the more tangible side I strongly recommend to pack LIGHTLY!! Especially if you are only staying the 3 nights they recommend. Use a rolling type of suitcase and leave room for souvenirs!!

Don't forget your birth certificate or passport to get back into the states coming home.

I'm sure others will list some more great things.

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I have Lapband for Life, but haven't had a chance to read it yet, it is supposed to be a great book!

Mental readiness is making the committment to follow the surgeons guidelines from start to finish. You prepare yourself for the lifestyle change. If you are ready to get healthy and get thin and to go through with the surgery knowing that your life will change forever, then you can do this.

I decided very quickly that this was the only way to get healthy and lose weight, all other methods failed. I spent alot of money and went under the knife for this, I will not let food rule me any longer. It won't be easy, infact the pre-op and post-op diet is brutal, but also prepare you for the lifestyle change.

I am so happy with my decision and look forward to a healthier, thinner me!

If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to ask. We are all here for you!

Cathy ><'

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My tips: It's just a silicone band. With fairy dust. It can work its magic, but you have to follow the rules.

Spend a lot of time alone and learn how your new stomach works.

Don't try to outsmart the band. It's easily done with the help of Starbucks, Baskin Robbins, Coldstone, etc. You get the point. You paid plenty for this. Just dont.

Go ahead and get hungry. Your stomach will shrink, your body will shrink and everything will be fine.

You're going to burp. You're going to have to relearn how to burp. See above: everything will be fine.

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Many people did pack instant broth and packs of protein water, I liked the soup at the hotel! And my favorite restaurant is the one by the pool - love their food!

My biggest miss before I received my band was understanding the emotional changes that occurs. Do read lapband for life, most of us have some sort of addiction to food and with the band you are limited to what you can eat. (Unless you decide to go totally bonkers and eat through it – then you are jeopardizing your health as well as your band). Understand that right now you are in the decision stage, and that’s hard enough as you can see by the emotions you are going through now. Then you get the band, and luckily (it really is lucky) we do have the liquid faze that really teaches us how to limit our food. We then go on and learn how to eat with the band, your emotions my be out of wack for a while, mine were and I believe my body craved food for my emotions and I couldn’t feed it anymore. So just understand ahead of time that this is part of our changes for the good.

After a while it becomes our way of life and you are actually seeing the benefits to your health and how you look. You then start seeing how people treat you differently and you’ll receive compliments galore. You will have good days and bad days, but I wouldn’t trade my band for anything – it’s the best thing I ever did for myself! Check out my before and after’s:


I would never want to go back to the big unhappy person with health issues that I was before I received my band.

Congrats, you're going to do great - get ready for your new you!

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Just remember when they all tell you to chew chew chew, please listen... I have always been an "eat as fast as you can

as much as you can" type of girl.

I know you won't have to worry about it for a few weeks after surgery, but if you are on pre op, start now chew chew chew

I have pb'd 5 times since i have got my first fill, and I am still in pain from a chicken episode last night..

so my advice


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How do i prepare myself "mentally"? Did you read the Lap Band For Life? :wacko:

I just got done reading Weight Loss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band - Everything You Need to Know Before and After Surgery to Lose Weight Successfully by Robert W. Sewell and Linda Rohrbough - it's an awesome book. It even has a section for your spouse, partner, parent, etc. to read, which my husband did and I got to tell you, he's really into my band now, he says things like "should you be eating that" and "hey, I thought you weren't supposed to drink with your meals" and the best of all, "do you want to go for a walk?".

Dr. Ortiz' book is only to be had from Amazon from what I hear and I still want to buy it, but the book I read is usually in stock at all the major book stores. And trust me, I'm not slamming Dr. Ortiz (I think he's amazing!), but the book I read had a higher rating than his. At the back of my book Dr. Otiz' book was listed as an additional resources.

Now for my tip... After not going to the bathroom for almost 10 days after my surgery I bought and started taking Benefiber Chewable Tablets - what a difference, I'm going almost daily and what a relief!

Best of luck to you, surgery is a snap and the three week post op liquid diet is really not that hard, just put your mind to it and you'll do fine. Experiment with mixing different soups together when you get to the creamy soup stage and don't forget the baby food section in your grocery store. The strained prunes were helpful too - why do I always go back to that subject, I think I have Poopie on the brain!

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What everyone else said, and HIDE YOUR SCALES! With the band you shouldn't be a slave to the scale. It is wrong when we perceive our success by a number on the scale. Pull it out once a month and have a look.

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