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Other Weight Loss Plans

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I am just curious is anyone has tried other weight loss plans since getting banded?

Since we all agree the band is a great tool for appetite control, I wonder if other programs like Weight Watches, Jenny Craig, Nutri-System would be good for helping to learn portion control and providing on going motivational support.

Heck, we all know the other programs work. We have all previously lost TONS of weight on them, only to gain it back. The difference this time is supposed to be the band will continue to help us control our appetite and NOT gain it back.

I am not doing this, but was just wondering if anyone was. I think it might be a good idea, especially if you are struggling.


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I haven't, I know of some who joined the ones with the packaged of food for ease of eating. Once I got going, I realized I didn’t need to spend the extra money and since I eat so little most of the food would have gone to waist. Since the beginning I've done what Michelle is doing - I've organized and packaged my own food in small containers. It really helps and I set aside time on Sunday to do it. (I haven't done this for the last 8 months, since its so ingrained in who I am now that I don't have to pre organize, but at first I did, or I may have failed).

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That's not such a bad idea :lb23: , I was thinking about going on Atkins for a week or two and yes I know its one of the "Ten worst Diets", but it always worked for me, at least for a little while anyway. :-? Okay it's setlled, I'll start on Monday - remember that all you life time dieters? It was always, "I'll start my diet on Monday, I'll start my diet on Monday"!!!

By the way tomorrow is my one month anniversary and when I stepped on that demon :diablo: scale yesterday morning I finally droped another pound - Yeah finally! :girl_dance: :yahoo: I was at a stand still for two weeks!!!

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I have heard of a few people doing weight watchers along with the band, that's one of the few programs I have not tried before but I hear the groups get super excited if you lose even .5lbs so I imagine it must be very motivating!

I think any program that helps you focus on conscious eating and making smart food choices will benefit your journey with the band... So many of us we drive-through junkies (I used to get thirsty when I was out and about so I'd pull in for a large Dr. Pepper somewhere and usually say well I am already here might as well get a large french fry as well) that little trip cost me about 1,000 calories and would be gone in 10 min and I'd probably still have a large meal a few hours later. Now 1,000 calories is my daily total and as Lisa said I do pre-plan and pre-package out my meals (though it was really her idea to do so first, she was my inspiration on that plan) so if you don't like to cook then maybe a nutrisystem type program might work for you...

From my experience if you follow most of the bandster rules most of the time the band will take you where you want to go and you won't need the other programs... Of course if you enjoy the meetings or the diet plans of the others then the band will help you keep off whatever weight you lose using those methods!!

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Actually, When I decided to get banded I joined TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). It is an international group that has meetings similar to Weight Watchers, but at a much cheaper cost. This group DOES get very excited for all losses and reminds us they care when the scale is not going down. I figured I would need support. I am the only bandster in the group, but about half have had WLS of some sort.

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