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And the plateau continues!

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I just can't break it. It is driving me nuts! LOL

My weight is going up and down..up and down. Happy one week, being aggravated the next!

I am gonna try something new tomorrow. I haven't made my mind up what it will be yet.

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If you find out what works, please pass it on.... I've been at 188 for a month and a half. I can eat pretty much everything and takes alot to get me full. I can't wait till my 2nd fill on the 29th!! <_<

I feel your pain Kimmie, I know we'll get through this though!! When's your next fill?

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My next fill is the 21st. I can't wait. Although I am still not eating much, my body is not losing!

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Another thing that I just thought of.... I know that I'm not drinking enough water. I know better, and I do like water but I'm gonna have to force myself to do better in that area. How's your water intake? I'm also hoping after I go back to work next month, I'll do better....

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I only drink water, when I drink. However, I am not drinking as much as I was. I need to get back on it like I was.

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Kim, it will come - all plateaus come to an end, if you are eating less calories that you are expending – you will lose the weight. Your body will go through stages when if will hold fat – but as soon as it realizes that this is how its going to be – it lets go of the weight. Its just our old survival mechanisms kicking in – but realize you will drop at some point.

I generally added in higher protein - didn't increase my calories, just increased the protein to fool my body. (That's why I like Isopure - 50 grams with 220 calories with water - add high protein lowfat milk and you get 10 more grams of protein with 90 more calories.) I think - or around there. (Dutch chocolate is yummy)

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I have hear of this vest that carries weights on it and you are suppost to put it on when you exerise so that your body thinks that you are still fat and it will not hit a platue. I see a lot of people with them were I go walk. I also so them on the Oprah show. I'm going to get one when I loose more. I need to find out were they sell them.

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UGH! Kim I totally feel you girlfriend! :wacko: I have been hovering at like 185 - 182 FOREVER!! I got down to 180 even like a week or so ago, and this week back up cause of my monthly. Monthly is done, and now back to 182 but can't get below that and I am totally feeling your frustration. I have been trying protein shakes for the past week and a half. I am doing 1% milk and 2 scoops of GNC brand protein powder chocolate caramel (yummy). I think alltogether its 40g of protein and total of like 350 calories. It fills me up and keeps me full until around lunchtime, so hunger isn't the problem its just that I don't know how else to get protein in the am because I do not have time to cook breakfast usually. I got turkey bacon, but the only way that tastes good is to cook on the stove, and that is too time consuming. If you try somethin that works please let everyone in on the info :) Keep trying, stay determined Kim!! YOU CAN DO IT! WE CAN DO IT!! ><'

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I am gonna try upping my protein and my water intake. Gosh I hope this helps. I will keep ya'll informed!

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