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Good news on my fill.................

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My sisters doctor finally called me back from a week ago and has agreed that he would see me for my fills. He said $285 for the initial visit and $100 for fills thereafter. 10 minutes away!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy!!! I really wanted to find someone close and this couldn't be better.

Now my only concern is that over the weekend my sister found out her port is infected and might need to be replaced. They can only assume it came from her last fill and germs got in when he gave her the injection. I guess that can happen to anyone but kind of scares me.

I am still keeping my wednesday appointment in Maryland since he cannot see me unitl the end of August. I don't want to wait that long but I guess I will hook up with him.

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Good for you!!

I see your stats have changed, that's great....I hope you can hit your sweet spot next time.

My first fill is on Wednesday....they are only giving me a little one to start because I still have some restriction.

I am only one hour from the clinic, so I can book one anytime, which is a bonus!

Take care, Cathy

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Try looking up all the gastro docs in your area and you might find another one. One lady that was banded at the same time as me did this too. We found gastro doctors in our area that will fill for 55 (hers) and 50 mine. There are lots of doctors that are gastro that will help you if you are concerned about this...I would be a little cautous.

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Ya Mona, you'll have to let us know how you're fill goes on Wens.!!

Aren't you afraid to go to your sisters Doc after what happened to her????!!! I would be! Bless your heart, you're brave!

Good luck Wens!! Fingers crossed for the sweet spot!! :D

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Try looking up all the gastro docs in your area and you might find another one. One lady that was banded at the same time as me did this too. We found gastro doctors in our area that will fill for 55 (hers) and 50 mine. There are lots of doctors that are gastro that will help you if you are concerned about this...I would be a little cautous.

Stupid question..... what's a gastro Doc? I'll look them up and call in my area, but what are they, what do they specialize in?

Do you mean docs that do lapbands and gastric bipass? Thanks, ahead of time, Darlene ;)

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Stupid question..... what's a gastro Doc? I'll look them up and call in my area, but what are they, what do they specialize in?

Do you mean docs that do lapbands and gastric bipass? Thanks, ahead of time, Darlene ;)

GastroIntestinal Doc's are docs who specialize in just what it says ....your stomach (gastro) and intestines.. They usually arn't Bariatric docs...ones who specialize in obesity, but they can be as a sub specialty. Because they do work on the stomach then perhaps they would also do the fills. I'm sure calling is the best way to find out. Hope this helps

Also Mona I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ya. I am glad to hear your sister is ok. When will she have surgery? Probably after the infection goes away right? Anyway both of you take care and I'm happy for you.

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