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Thinking of Diamond Jim

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It's good to see your posts. I am sure your pain is still more than one can measure. Sadly after all the services are over and the initial kick to the gut it seems we have to just put one foot in front of another and move on day by day. I lost my mother 5 years ago suddenly and that is the closest experience I've had to you, I realize it does not compare but I do know what real grief is. Feel the love around you and gobble it up.

How's your band? Hope it's doing well for you. I think I read another post and your losing well.

Jim keep on keeping on and know my prayers are with you and your family still. ><'

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Yes, Jim I agree with Julie. Big hugs to you!

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Welcome back.. you were missed....

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><' Welcome back! Thought and Prayers are still with you and family! ><'

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