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Back from my trip to Germany

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I have been in Switzerland for a week on business and of course stayed a couple of days in Germany to see my family!

This time was different! I was NOT hiding, being embarrassed that people would see me and thinking "gosh, she got fat" :lb12:

My BFF is a bandster too and it just happend that she got a fill at the time I was over there.

So me - being curious, went with her to see how they do the fills :-? (My friend had only 2 fills and 1 unfill in almost 2 years, losing 85 lbs.)

Anyhow, the doc was really nice and we chatted a little bit about my experience and where I was banded and all of a sudden he says "Dr. Ortiz? You kidding me? ... I met him! He is one of the best surgeon in this field" comes out, he met Dr. O at some international meeting years ago! He even offered me a fill, anytime I'd be over there and needed one.

This was the first time I came back from "mom's cooking" and have lost a pound instead of gaining 10 :D

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Thank you girls ><' I enjoyed my time but missed you all :)

I just thought we are all sooooo proud of our Dr. O and Dr. Martinez (not only are they the best, but also hottttttt)

and doctors in the US talk -well- not always positive about us "Mexican bandsters" and this was just such a great feeling, that he is so well known :good2:

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Wow that's great!! I love your new pic of your animals(i'm assuming).

What a neat thing to hear about our superstar Dr. Ortiz :sun_bespectacled:

I thought so too, that's why I had to post it ;) and yes the doggies in the pic are our "kids"

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How cool is that? My fill Dr. also knows Dr. O! I think everyone is this field knows him!

I am glad you had a great trip! Welcome back!

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That's awesome!! We already knew how great Dr. O is, and now Gremany knows!! :D

Isn't that something that a doc in Germany will do fills for a patient of Dr. O's, but the US docs don't want anything to do with us!! <_<

Welcome back and so glad you had a nice trip! =D>

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That's awesome!! We already knew how great Dr. O is, and now Gremany knows!! :D

Isn't that something that a doc in Germany will do fills for a patient of Dr. O's, but the US docs don't want anything to do with us!! <_<

Welcome back and so glad you had a nice trip! =D>

I told him about the difficulties some people have getting a fill when banded in TJ and he just said "they probably just don't do the fills because you didn't go to them for surgery in the first place and they missed out the big $$$"

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