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First, Almost episode of Pbing

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OMG yesterday at work I was so busy running all over the place, over 14,000 steps, and I had no time to eat or drink. I was starving or at least felt that way and I know my blood sugar was low. So I gobbled some moist chicken down in about 3 bites and barely chewed it I was in such a hurry and as I swallowed it I though to myself I was in trouble. I felt it as it went down my throat very slowly and then stuck!! Oh it hurt so bad all the way down and then also in my pouch. I stopped from eating anymore and wanted to take a drink to get it down but didn't as I've read that can make it worse. Yes I actually had to go in the bathroom and now I know what "Sliming" is. I've never had this before thank goodness and it only lasted a few minutes but man it isn't something I want to repeat. And I won't Lord willing. Anyway just a big lesson to me that at work I am vulnerable to eating too fast and I must be careful. Luckily I didn't really throw up because I was also worried about getting my fill tomorrow. I only slimed 2-3 times without much effort (perhaps TMI but I know some of you know what I mean) so I think I am ok and did no damage that might have caused swelling. I am playing it safe today and just having liquids and MAYBE a small portion of something mushy. Anyway just thought I'd share.

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well the best part is that you're ok. but yeah, that's a big lesson to learn. luckily i haven't experienced that yet and will do everything in my power to not ever have to experience it. that doesn't sound like fun at all.

It wasn't as bad as it sounds. I think it just scared me more than anything. Boy did I learn my lesson. I vowed I'd never do that. Another lesson...Never say never!!

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Hooray for your band! It did its job! Like you said, it is not something you want to repeat again... most unpleasant! Been there, done that, and have the slime on my shirt to prove it!

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Oh no Julie! That is my biggest problem also. I wait too long to eat and then I tend to gobble since I have a 3 and 2 year old running around me too. LOL

I have PBed more times than I would like to admit. :unsure:

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