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Border crossing question

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Someone on another forum had mentioned not to say I am getting a surgery in Mexico but to say I am going on holidays when I am crossing to US and to Mexico. Should I do that and why should I?



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I don't know why they would recommend that - personally I would never lie to the border guards and you’re most likely (we never stopped going in) not going to be asked on the way in, only one the way back and there could be a chance that it is evident you had surgery and if you lie, they may spot it and wonder why which could to a delay in your entry back to the states.

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Nobody asked me anything. We did not even slow down going thru the border. Easy as pie. On the way back I did get asked and I told the truth. I was going thru with my fellow bandsters. No big deal. Do not sweat it. Have two forms of ID.

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I was asked the nature of my visit when coming back through and told them it was medical. I got through without incident.

They are more concerned with your passport or birth certificate. My friend had her ID but forgot her birth certificate (doesn't have a passport) on our last fill trip to TJ and they almost fined her $400. They warned that if she ever crossed again without docs she would definately get fined.

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