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This morning on ABC News they had a segment about dieting....what's new with that right? Well they said that The American Heart Association did a 2 year study on the weight loss results of people on a low fat diet and people on a low carb diet and the results were overwhelming that you lose more weight on a LOW CARB diet than on the low fat diet. They also said that surprisingly enough, cholesterol is not increased with the LOW CARB diet. I guess they suspected it would be.

So what does this mean to us??? Well it means that if you (myself included) are not losing weight, you should examine your food journal (you know that thing that is helpful to keep when you are dieting) to see how many carbs you are consuming. Carbs include fruits, vegetables, popsicles but also POTATOES (mashed, with or without gravy, fried, baked, chips), PASTA, Tortillas (as in used to make quesadillas), RICE (even brown)

I am sure we all have read "Atkins" or "South Beach" but these books/plans would probably be helpful to review if you are trying to LOSE weight. I personally am going to really try and follow Atkins and get into the sweet ketosis. I think between ketosis and this band, I can WIN over FAT!

If you are lucky enough to be planning your first meal after your liquid phase, maybe you should consider fish or steak as an option.

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I agree, low carb is the way to go, but not no carb. My Endoronologist told me that the best he has found and is still using is the South Beach diet plan, suzzane sommers also has lots to say in her books about low carb and staying away from the white stuf, she gets into all the reasons in her books. Her book Ageless is wonderful, it is all about menapaus and the use of correct hormones for weight loss. I bought her books for 75 cents each on a site called half.com

I also bought Weight Loss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band, I found it to be VERY good.

the book Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery was a big disapointment to me, a waste of money. It is a cookbook that has recipes that are too much trouble for me. Any one want this book?

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I took a look at my journal, and since I started this journal my weight has begun to go down again. I to have done the low carb not the no carb because I got really sick. I drink my shake in the morning with my benefiber, for lunch its usualy what the lunch lady brings but I never it the whole thing and for supper, I have 4 oz of steak and green beans. But since I started this the lbs have started to come off again.

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I also agree low carb works wonderfully. The only problem with the Atkins diet is that everyone I know that lost tons of weight on it gained it all right back as soon as they started eating carbs again. Of course we have the lap band now so it will be easier for us to keep the weight off.

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I lost 80 lbs in 7 months on Atkins but thought of it as a diet so when I reached my goal I started to add the junk food which triggered my cravings and it was all down hill from there. Unfortunately I did gain most of it back but it was because I was eating too much junk and binging. I needed to make it my way of life but screwed up. During this time I was in the best shape of my life due to working out with weights and ate veggies everyday. No packaged foods. The beauty of this plan is that if you can follow the rules for the 1st two weeks you will lose all cravings and a lot of your appetite. I should consider it again, it is a more fun way to eat. :rolleyes:

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Thanks for sharing this with us. It's funny because when I heard Dr. Miranda's diet rules it occurred to me that it is really low carb because when you get to the carbs alot of the time you are full and don't finish them anyway. I'm going to watch the carbs even closer now.


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Thanks for sharing this with us. It's funny because when I heard Dr. Miranda's diet rules it occurred to me that it is really low carb because when you get to the carbs alot of the time you are full and don't finish them anyway. I'm going to watch the carbs even closer now.


My thoughts exactly. I do eat carbs, and sometimes I eat bad carbs. But I do not plan my meals around them. No potatoes, no rice, no pasta. I don't have room for a lot of food, so why eat the stuff that has no nutritional value?

Since all vegetable have some carbs, carbs aren't all bad for you. I try to stick to complex carbohydrates rather than simple ones. But I'm not averse to a treat now and then. Of course, I'm only five pounds from my goal, so a few months ago I was more careful about avoiding the "bad" carbs.

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I also agree low carb works wonderfully. The only problem with the Atkins diet is that everyone I know that lost tons of weight on it gained it all right back as soon as they started eating carbs again. Of course we have the lap band now so it will be easier for us to keep the weight off.

Isn't this true of any diet? As soon as you stop, you gain the weight back. I've seen this said about Atkins all the time, but Atkins shouldn't be singled out as a diet that makes you gain weight as soon as you go off of it.


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That is just my opinion on the Atkins diet. My bestfriend Lance who was banded with me lost 80 lbs on Atkins and gained it all back very quickly. The same goes for my friends Peggy and Nancy. It just seems to be that the Atkins diet is harsher when you go back on carbs is all I was saying.

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Atkins is definetly harsher when you go back on carbs, it is as if they become a sponge and capture all the added fat your consuming while on the diet. If you commit to Atkins, high protein, high fat, low carb, you better not cheat because when you add those carbs in as cheating what you have is the perfect diet for gaining weight.

This is in Dr. Atkins book, not in those exact words though.

I think what you have to do is cut back the fat and gradually add back the carbs and mostly complex carbs, not the processed carbs we love so much. Typically not what most people do, they continue to eat the fats, (cause it is so good, dang I love butter) and increase carbs and voila the weight goes back on.

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