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Does fruit gag anyone else? Mainly bananas and peaches? I chew them up and then they just get stuck. It alsmost kills me. Bananas are the worst!

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Does fruit gag anyone else? Mainly bananas and peaches? I chew them up and then they just get stuck. It alsmost kills me. Bananas are the worst!

I had ONE banana since banded, after my 2nd fill and I think I do not wanna try that again in the near future/ever :lb12:

This was my first experience with sliming and PB'ing ((ughhh))

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I have tried watermelon and peach cubes packed in water (lunch cups) and apple sauce so far, I am not a big fruit eater...love strawberries.

I am afraid to eat hard fruit incase it gets stuck, so I have opted to start on soft fruit for now.


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I haven't had a fill yet so bananas are okay but fresh Apricots, lookout! That was an experience I don't want to repeat. I am a bit of gulper (sometimes forget to chew, chew, chew) so I probably did it to myself but if you eat them watch it carefully.

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I am starving for fruit; it is like my body is craving it. I can eat 2-3 bites of banana, but that is about all we are supposed to have in a meal anyway. I like peeled apple... have to chew really good and gives you the satisfaction of having really chewed food, and the same with pears, which are my favorite. I like my pears softer and deliciously drippy. I have never had that golf ball feeling from pears, or, canteloupe for that matter. Pears also help keep me very regular! :)

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I haven't had a fill yet so bananas are okay but fresh Apricots, lookout! That was an experience I don't want to repeat. I am a bit of gulper (sometimes forget to chew, chew, chew) so I probably did it to myself but if you eat them watch it carefully.

That is what I am afraid of after I get my band, I have a tendancy to gulp things down. Is that hard to change? I also will have to give up drinking with my meal, I am not sure how I am going to do that, I have done that for my whole life.

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That is what I am afraid of after I get my band, I have a tendancy to gulp things down. Is that hard to change? I also will have to give up drinking with my meal, I am not sure how I am going to do that, I have done that for my whole life.

Stormy you are too cute.... changing to not gulping is not hard. It may take 1 episode of near Pbing to change it if you don't do it on your own though. My first and only experience of almost Pbing(just slimed...i.e spit up saliva a few times) has cured me, I hope , from gulping ever again. No harm was done but a valuable lesson. Now as far as drinking with meals that's a bit tougher. The best way I've found is to just not have any beverage on the table or near me when I eat. If it's not handy to grab I will not get up to get a drink because then I remember I can't drink while I eat. It sook me a few weeks to get used to it because as you I always drank with my meals but now it's not so bad. Many things in life are much tougher!!!

Breathe, relax, don't stress my friend!!!

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Stormy you are too cute.... changing to not gulping is not hard. It may take 1 episode of near Pbing to change it if you don't do it on your own though. My first and only experience of almost Pbing(just slimed...i.e spit up saliva a few times) has cured me, I hope , from gulping ever again. No harm was done but a valuable lesson. Now as far as drinking with meals that's a bit tougher. The best way I've found is to just not have any beverage on the table or near me when I eat. If it's not handy to grab I will not get up to get a drink because then I remember I can't drink while I eat. It sook me a few weeks to get used to it because as you I always drank with my meals but now it's not so bad. Many things in life are much tougher!!!

Breathe, relax, don't stress my friend!!!

Arent you suppose to be in Mexico today?? Where are you?? :wacko: I am over here going wacko, I can't believe everything is not set up yet, I am ready to go NOW!!! Hahahah. I found that woman who comes to Portland, like you said, she called me and said she will do my fills. Thanks again for the information. She told me to call her once I get back and we will set a date in advance. How exciting!!! Thanks again..

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Arent you suppose to be in Mexico today?? Where are you?? :wacko: I am over here going wacko, I can't believe everything is not set up yet, I am ready to go NOW!!! Hahahah. I found that woman who comes to Portland, like you said, she called me and said she will do my fills. Thanks again for the information. She told me to call her once I get back and we will set a date in advance. How exciting!!! Thanks again..

Yes I am currently sitting at the free computers at the Hotel Lucerna. I had my fill today at about 3:00. I posted on another thread how it went. I'll say here to you it was a piece of cake. Didn't hurt except for a slight "pinch" when the needle went in, lasted about 3-4 seconds at most and then no more "pinching".

I go home tomorrow and thought I'd have time to shop but I have to be picked up at noon for my flight that leaves at 5 pm. Oh well, I'll just get out by the pol in the am and save money for my next fill trip.

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Yes I am currently sitting at the free computers at the Hotel Lucerna. I had my fill today at about 3:00. I posted on another thread how it went. I'll say here to you it was a piece of cake. Didn't hurt except for a slight "pinch" when the needle went in, lasted about 3-4 seconds at most and then no more "pinching".

I go home tomorrow and thought I'd have time to shop but I have to be picked up at noon for my flight that leaves at 5 pm. Oh well, I'll just get out by the pol in the am and save money for my next fill trip.

I am so jelious!!!! you go girl!! Say a wish for me there and blow it in the wind, I pray to be there soon. Thanks again!!!

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Hi Stormy... good luck with you surgery. You'll breeze through it! Kim.. as for fruit.. I'm okay with Cherries, Watermelon, Strawberries and peeled Apple. So far so good...

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Kim, I also have some problems with fruit. I have to peel everything, eat very small amounts and chew the hell out of it. Banana's get stuck, Watermelon also is a problem for me...I love it and can't stay away from it, but it makes me burp! No problems with berries thank goodness, but peaches are tough on me and I love them. My band is so fickle!

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Does fruit gag anyone else? Mainly bananas and peaches? I chew them up and then they just get stuck. It alsmost kills me. Bananas are the worst!

I have been eating a banana in the morning, I did notice today that I needed to eat it really slow. Just depends on the bites I am taking.

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I've pretty much given up banana. It seems no matter how much it gets chewed or mashed it still gives me problems. Other fruits can also give me a problem depending on how fibrous or how tough the skins are. Usually I just settle for a fruit smoothie made with splenda.

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I am glad it's not just me. I was so confused about bananas because they are mushy anyway. I wonder why they get stuck so bad?

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