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Tomorrow is my first day on SOLIDS! YIPPIE!

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I have almost made it to the solid phase! And boy am I glad! I dont think I will eat soups EVER again for a very loooooooong time!

I am trying to read and get ideas of what every one eat on their first day back on solids. I think for breakfast I am going to try some scrambled eggs and sausage. Lunch I think I may try the chili from Wendys that everyone has been talking about.. Dinner...... Here is where the problem is.... I have no clue what I am going to have for dinner! Help.....LOL! I was thinking of some salmon and some yams (the little round ones) with a little butter, cinnamon and some splenda.. Whatcha think? Good idea?

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Everyone is different so this may not be an issue for you but I ate some fried pickle...Yeah I know sounds gross but suprisingly good...anyway they were greasy where I could see the grease on my fingers while I was eating. Try to avoid greasy food like this, it made me really nauseous. Also sugar, I hadn't had sugar in a while and it made my heart beat really fast.

You will be suprised how you analyze everything you want to eat before you make a decision. My husband is good for this...I'll be like man chicken wings sound good and he's right behind me saying the skin is fattening and they are fried in grease so you might get sick! He's great! I know your man is away right now so I'm forwarding on some advice to you from mine! LOL! :D

Just go slow remember to chew your food and stop when you start to feel full. The hardest part is chewing your food. I was so used to just wolfing it down that slowing things down is a challenge for me.

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Way to go Trina!! =D>

Just remember to take it slow. Eggs don't go down for me, but some people can eat them with no problem.

For dinner, try anything you want! Maybe you can get some tuna or something down.

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Unrestricted, everything has gone down just fine, but smaller quantities...I guess that's the upside of 3 weeks of liquids :wacko:

I'm interested to see what happens after the first fill.

Congratulations on your graduation ;-)

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Trina glad to hear youre going to solids. I had the subway but I got thr wraps, I would get one and have half at noon and the other half for dinner. Good luck tomorrow girlfriend.

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I had subway the 2nd day and it went down fine with the bread. I removed any excess bread and just ordered the kids sandwich, couldn't even finish that. I do not like bread any more though because after chewing for a while it gets to doughy and taste like yeast....Some people still eat it and love it.

The wrap sounds good too! I craved tuna also, maybe it is the lack of protein?

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Trina, all I can say is that whatever you decide to eat, it is going to taste like the best thing you ever tasted!

I had very moist flounder for the first meal, I was afraid of anything too chewy. I was shaking with anticipation for it to be done, really shaking with my mouth watering like crazy. Now I can eat anything and it doesn't have the same taste as the first few meals, BTW, tomorrow is my big fill day!

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Gosh Trina..I hope you can get the bread down. If you can I will be soooo jealous! Even the grilled chicken wraps at McD's make me puke! LOL

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Ok there has been a change of plans then....lol... I think instead of Wendy's chili tomorrow, I will have Subway instead. A tuna wrap with lots of veggies! YUMMMMMY!

Cathy, I know I think I am going to do the South Beach diet to keep me on track until my fill August 12th!

Good for you...I am sort of using the Weight Watchers plan...and eating protein and veggies...my surgeon recommended solid foods rather than mushy foods keep you full longer...so I am trying to avoid puddings and yogurts which slip right through.

Enjoy your first solids tommorrow!!!!


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{I know your man is away right now so I'm forwarding on some advice to you from mine! LOL! :D }

Erin that is too funny!!!!!!! LMAO! Keep forwarding me the advice to keep me in check! Tell your hubby I said thanks!

LOL! I tell him all the time he is like the band police!!! You can't eat that, that will make you sick, your eating to fast...and on and on and on! But it's great that he cares and is being so supportive!

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Erin isnt that crazy! I have been craving it too, HELL I have been craving all food these past 3 weeks!

I truly believe it is because were not getting enough protein...I HATE tuna and I wanted it SOOOOOO bad! My friend that had the surgery said he was craving it too, this was a few weeks ago when we couldn't eat real food. Of course now I don't even want to smell tuna! :D

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