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Tulsa area How are you doing? What foods have you found that you can tolerate?

Sure wish I could answer your question on the foods, however, I was banded on 08/31 so I do not get to start real food until this Thursday or Friday, but boy am I READY!!!!

Been too long on this liquid diet, I keep getting light headed, and weak. Solids can not come to soon for me. Other than that I have healed, no more gas, weight loss coming right along, doing great. Hope the same for you.


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Hi, I am in Tulsa. Where did you get banded? Was this the LapBand? I am still researching and that's why I am so nosy! Thanks, Janet

You are not being nosy, that is what we do here, help each other. I was banded by Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana, Mexico. I did a lot of research, and decided Dr. Ortiz is the best. I wanted the best not someone who has only done a few to his thousands. However, after being banded I can say, he is not only the best his whole staff is. My experience from being picked up at the airport to the pre-op surgery requirements, to the surgery, and stay at the clinic was the best medical experience I have ever had. I have had plenty of experience of state side medical needs, and no other place was I ever taken care of so well. I would do it again in a heart beat. In fact when the time comes for plastic surgery to get my extra skin off I will be off to Tijuana again.

One note if you decide to get the Lap-Band either in the states or Mexico. Follow all their directions to the letter on diet both pre-op and post-op and your weight will come off. Your life will change, you will not just loose the weight, but you will have to deal and overcome the reasons you have been over weight all these years. You will become a stronger person in many ways. I am not just talking about my experience, but the experiences of others with whom I have spoken, because I still have a ways to go on all the accounts I just mentioned. Everyone will tell you the Lap-Band is still only a tool, but it is the best tool (thing) I have done for myself.

I hope this has helped you. Good luck on your journey.


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Hi - I'm an Okie too ... and live in the southeastern part of the state. I have a very detailed and honest account of my 5 months post band under the "newly banded" heading. Best wishes on your surgery!


Chelley, I am looking for a fill Dr. and noticed you are going to Paris, TX. Paris would be about a 3 hr drive for me, but very doable. I have a few questions if you wouldn't mine answering them. What is the name of the Dr. and his phone number? Do they use the Florscope and what do they charge? Last one is how did you like him and how do they treat you there? I sure would appreciate your help.

Thanks, Catherine

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