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Pre-op diet--I HATE IT--need support

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Good Morning all,

Well, I have been on the preop diet for a few days now and am really struggling. I have not cheated or anything, but it is more with my mind. I am so hungry and I think about everything that is being given up. It is amazing how much food ruled my life. My mom came over yesterday and said she was going to keep my mind busy. The first thing I thought was where are we going to go for lunch. Her birthday is coming up, where do you want me to take you to lunch, My husband is returning tomorrow from California, where should we go to dinner. UGGGGHHH. I did not think that this was all so important until it was taken away. I am craving things that I never ate, because I know I can't have them. Does that make sense?

So, does this feeling go away? and if it does go away will it come back when I am in a weaker state and will give in to temptation? I want this to work so bad, I have never been this big--not even close. The last 30 pounds jumped on me and took me by surprise. (I had a lost pregnancy, and became depressed) Now I am committed to this but I think back and thought I was committed to the other diets I was on too. So many gain backs has really damaged my outlook.

I know I am not making any sense, I think it is lack of food that makes me rant. <_< . But thanks for listening and giving me any advise or support you may have. This is not something I could bring up to my husband or he would tell me not to do it because I am having doubts and he don't want to pay $8000 for something that I will mess up.

Also, few questions. Does it have to be lean cuisine or can I buy Healthy choice or smart ones (more protein that carbs)? How big can the protein shakes be? I am drinking ensure high protein and they seem so tiny. Thanks again for all the support that this forum provides. It is invaluable.

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What you are feeling is normal. We all depended on food so much and always ate way too much of it. The pre-op diet is very tough. I went through periods of panic where I just wanted to stuff food in my mouth because I knew I would never be able to eat much again. From experience, I can tell you that the post-op diet taught me that we don't need much food to survive. I didn't think there was any way to go 21 days without eating solid food, but I did it, and I survived it! I now really don't even miss all the food I used to eat and even look back with disgust at my old eating habits. I am surprised I wasnt bigger than what I was!

I am pretty sure you can have anything like the meals you mentioned as long as they are the healthy ones. I didn't like the pre-mixed shakes during pre-op and I needed more so I used the slim fast powder that you mix and I would mix it with a good size glass of skim milk. It kept me full longer.

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Hey sweety. You've been through a lot of emotional ups and downs haven't you?

Here's my experience, maybe it will give you some hope. The pre-op diet was so hard the first few days. I did the lean cuisines, but I have the healthy choice/weight watchers dinners a few times. It depends on what was on sale. I love the Lean Cuisines. I would have a Slim-Fast optima in the morning, LC for lunch and dinner, and Kellogs protein water at least once a day. For snacks (if I needed one) SF Jello, SF Jello pudding, sugar free banana popcicles, Fiber One bars.

Hang with it the first 3 or 4 days. After that it was a piece of, well, sugarfree cake. ;) Each day that went by made me stronger for the next day.

I just got my second fill in my VG band and it was quite agressive. I've now got over 8cc's in my 10cc band. Now that I've finally got good restriction, I HAVE to deal with the head hunger. I CAN'T overeat, even if I wanted to. Yes, the band is doing its job! I'm finding there are certain things I can't eat because they are painful and it's just not worth it.

Stick to your pre-op, no matter how hard. You will be rewarded in the end.

Hugs to you!

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Ok, I see this as a start of your life style change. You have some time to plan. Get yourself into the right mindset and if you have to, write down your plan. Do you have Dr. Ortiz's book? If so, go straight to Chapter 10, Hunger, Pains in My Brains. Pick a place to take your mom for her birthday and go to the website and see what you can have to eat. Same with your husband. If you feel you need a cake for her birthday, get cupcakes for everyone instead of a full size cake. If you are hanging out around the house and get the "head hunger" drink a tall glass of water or go for a walk around the neighborhood. Once you are banded you have to get your walks in, right? No time like the present to start your game plan. It sounds like you have a great support system with your immediate family and within this forum.

Here's my strategy currently on the pre-op:

I am going to try the Pavlov's Dog theory. Currently I have a TON of South Beach and Atkins Protein Bars, Shakes and puddings and a lot of hard boiled eggs in the fridge. Whenever I have "head hunger" I will and do reach for one of the above items first. Then if that doesn't work, I am grabbing the ipod and going for a walk. Honestly, I HAVE to eat more than 3 times a day and the pre-op diet would have me on the floor in low blood sugar coma, that's the reason for the protein extras.

I am not banded but hope to be. I hate this struggle of EVERYTHING evolving around food! I went to dinner the other night with friends for Thai Food. They got to the restraunt before me and ordered a TON of food. I couldn't stop eating. The other night we had a going away party with a bbq for a friend at the beach. Again, tons of great food. I didn't have a plan. To me, those two situations was purely a binge session. I think next going away party I am going to have a protein shake before I show up, say my good byes, and then say MY good bye and leave before I have a chance to lose control with all the food around

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I'm going through the same thing you are Heidi. I am due to be banded next Friday at OCC and it's been very very hard. I only drink 2 protein shakes a day and a Lean Cuisine for dinner....that's all I've had for the past week. But, last night I was so hungry that I thought I was going to pass out so I went back into the paperwork that told me what I could and couldn't eat and was shocked that I had missed some actual FOOD to eat. My paperwork says I can have green salad (only green stuff like lettuce, celery, broccoli, asparagus and green pepper), vegetable soup (1 cup), 2 diet drinks a day, sugar free popsicles and sugar free jello. No protein bars or pudding, but to me the protein bars are just like candy bars anyway and don't get your mindset into getting that kinda thing out of your system.

I've had a headache and have been weak for most of this time, and the hardest part for me is when my husband eats his meals, but every time I start to panic and think I am going to break down, I just think of how horrible I would feel afterwards and how I only have 5 days until I get on the airplane to go to the OCC. I know it's going to get harder on me before it gets better, but I just think that my head is in the right place right now and I am ready. I truly think that you have to be in that mindset before you can make this work. But, you can get yourself in that mindset, and you can get yourself in it now. I think of the other people out there who are doing this right now and say to myself..."if they can do it, so can I!" I am NOT a strong person....truly I'm not...but by golly I am going to be strong for this day at least and then deal with tomorrow when it comes. That's how I've been handling this...one day at a time and so can you.

Think of how wonderful you will feel when you get the weight off. Do you hurt when you walk? I don't know how old you are, but every step I take hurts. My feet hurts...my body hurts. Think of being able to walk without hurting. I can't look at myself in a mirror...I avoid mirrors. I can't wait to look in a mirror! I can't wait to be able to take 3 bites of something and be satisfied instead of having to eat 2 servings of it. We all have different things that matter to us. Take what means the most to you and use that to your advantage. You can do it! You will do it! I truly wish that I could wake up in a month and have this all be over, but for some reason I feel that this part (as awful as it is) is something that I have to go through to get better.

Contact me any time and I'll be happy to talk with you...we all need each other. My very best to you... :)

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I do remember from Dr. Miranda that it is OK to have any other type of "diet" frozen meal, just look at the protein vs. carbs as some have lots of carbs. She didn't say this about the carbs though just my take on it.

:lb4: This is a tough time and yes this will come and go. Get ready for the ups and downs of this crazy ride. You can do this and knowing what to expect is half the answer. Also having things like baby carrots( i ate even though they weren't on the list, cucumbers, and other veggies to munch on to help with the times you crave things. Sometimes just the act of hand to mouth helps. When I quit smoking one ip that worked for me was to "pretend" I was smoking, yes no cigarette just pretend smoking. Even if you havn't/don't smoke try this because it makes you take deep breaths and that will help sometimes. Don't laugh, it may work!! Or I may be crazy enough to believe it worked too.

Seriously though I went through numerous episodes of feeling just plain "panicky" and like I would never get through another hour. That's when it's time to get on this forum and type you little fingers out, it works for me too.

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Hi Heidi, what you are feeling is totally normal, I cried uncontrollably on day 3, I thought I would never make it, but I did, and you can too! It's temporary, think of it that way, get different diet meals to change it up and honestly you will survive.

Try not to think about what you are giving up...I did the same thing after booking my consultation, I ate everything I could get my hands on and then Kim2Slim gave me some great advice. I shouldn't think that way, I can eat whatever I want after the surgery, but in moderation. There are foods that will not agree with us, and you adjust to living without them, we all have.

Remember, you are not alone, we have been through this, are going through this, or will be....and we are here to support you!!



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You can do this. It is just one day at a time. For me it was minute at a time..... But if you kick the preopt in its behind, you will do so good on the postop diet. It was a total mind game for me. I felt like it was my last chance to eat whatever I want. I was taking steroids for pain and on the preopt. It was hard....... But I just kept telling myself, weight loss starts NOW...... I have already eaten enough in the years gone by...... I lost 6 pounds on preopt according to my scales even with steroids. After the surgery, my weight just started falling off. I think it takes a week or two for my body to catch up with the effort. I look back and I am proud of what I have done so far. It is a change day by day in my mind. Food did rule my leisure time....... I am slowly changing that. I could not have understood this change by myself. This forum has been wonderful.

Emotional eating is the worst for me. It is hard for me to stop being upset long enough to think about what I am doing. I get frantic. I had that issue last night on my first night of solids. Man, I already love my band. It stopped me from going into a downward spiral. It mentally stopped me. just knowing I have this tool gives me hope and willpower.

here is big hug from me.......


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Fibercon tablets. They are chewable. I only take 1/2 when I am hungry. Give it 2 min and it blows up in your belly and you are no longer hungry.

Fibercon tables...... I'm having "regularity" issues since surgery. Would taking the Fibercon help with that also?

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Fibercon tables...... I'm having "regularity" issues since surgery. Would taking the Fibercon help with that also?

For sure Erin fibercon will help. I needed help in that dept. as well and now every day I use benefiber. It's a powder that totally dissolves in anything liquid and you can use it in cooked item also. You absolutely cannot tell it is in whatever you put it in. I put it in my oatmeal when I have that in the mornings. I have found when I don't use it I get irregular. I just can't get enough food in to help with that. I also don't like to strain (TMI?) for BM's so this helps with that also. Also we arn't to do any of that with the band. There are many fiber additives and chewables but I do love my benefiber.

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Emotional eating is the worst for me. It is hard for me to stop being upset long enough to think about what I am doing. I get frantic. I had that issue last night on my first night of solids. Man, I already love my band. It stopped me from going into a downward spiral. It mentally stopped me. just knowing I have this tool gives me hope and willpower.


Hey Amy for me the emotional eating is also more than just a challenge at times. Like you I get into a state of panic, or at least used to, but even still some times I have to just stop and breath to get myselg out of this frenzy. Mine also has to dfo with my blood sugars. How are yours doing by the way? Hope they have gotten under control. Maybe I better PM you to check on you.

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I have been in your exact shoes for the past 6 1/2 weeks. And that first week it total hell in my opinion. But it does get better. Especially when you see results on the scale and it motivates you. And the hunger part does get better. I am now dealing with head aches and foggy brain, but not hungry anymore. Your BMI isn't over 50, so you will not be required to lose weight as much as those of us with the higher BMI. You must be tall by the way, because I weigh about the same as you right now and my BMI is like 51. I am short if you hadn't guessed. Anyway, they will want to see some weight loss though. Honestly, when I was doing the two shakes and one lean cuisine, I really couldn't lose. So I cut out the lean cuisine. Now I am just having mostly protein shakes, and then I will eat a very small amount of protein, such as some chicken or turkey that I have cooked for my family for dinner. I just eat the meat before I add it to whatever recipe I am making, and I certainly don't eat the other things that I am serving my kids with the meat. I keep the serving of meat to about 2 OZ. I just have had to count calories and make sure that I stay at 800 or lower. That is very low, but this was the only way I could get that scale to move. Before that, I was losing like 1 pound a week. And this was not enough to meet the goal they set for me for surgery. You are so close to surgery that I would totally suggest at least going all protein shakes at least for the last week before your surgery. This will help you lose 3-5 pounds, but more importantly will help shrink your liver for the surgery. That's what's important. Overweight people have very large and fatty livers. They actually have to hold the liver out of the way while the perform the surgery. This is difficult if your liver is too enlarged. Doing this pre-op diet will rapidly reduce the size and fat around your liver, helping the surgery to go better, with less risk of complication. So focus on that. You want the doctor to have the best chance possible and getting your surgery perfect. Eating, low fat and low carb will help your liver shrink. And yes, you can have a smart one. I would suggest reading the labels on each particular meal you buy. I think some are too high in calories, and some are too high in carbs. (thats lean cuisine too) Try to choose the ones that are more protein based. And drink lots and lots and lots of water. This helps so many ways. It will help the weight to come off and it will help with the hunger. Also, after avoiding restaurants for a period of time, they will almost begin to seem like an enemy or bad thing. We haven't done fast food in this past 6 weeks, and now it almost seems absurd to go eat at a fast food place, although we used to do it all the time. So after eating healthy for a while, your tastes and desires will change. At least it has for me. Also, if you are a diet soda drinker, stop. This was soooooo hard for me. I was addicted to diet mountain dew and diet pepsi. But here's something cool. After I quit drinking them for over a week, I decided to have one as a "reward" for that weeks weight loss. And it tasted so disgusting to me. I couldn't drink it. So I tried again a few weeks later and it tasted even worse the second time. After being off diet soda for just weeks, I no longer like it. I know for a fact that this helped me lose some weight. It is said that the artificial sweetners in diet soda can actually cause food cravings and higher appetite. I can't say for sure, but after getting rid of diet soda, I feel less hungry. Okay, I think I have talked too much. Anymore questions, just ask. I know it's hard, but you can do it.

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My husband and I are on the pre-op diet too. It has been terrible. We look at eachother constantly because we miss going out to eat. Our son of course has to eat so I make him food, which really makes it hard. At times I feel like I am starving. The scale will move and then it will move back. This week, I really plan to stick to everything and see how it goes, last week I did not do to well, I had three french fries and a small steak. I guess for me that is not bad. We made spagetti one night and I gave my husband his plate and it was this little one cup scoop. He looked at me so funny. We both laughed but we stuck to it. It was really hard. He has lost 8 pounds already. I go up and then I go down. I went out and bought a whole bunch for lean cuisines so I wont be tempted to cook. They are not too bad. Now I know that I want this cause they brought cookies and donuts to work and I did not touch them, I am so proud. We just have to keep up with it. Together we can do it, I know we can. It is really really hard but if we hold on, it will be over and the new life will begin, a healthier life. I am hoping so much for this. ><' We have to do it!! I need you guys!!

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Once again, I can count on you guys for wonderful support. Preop is going a bit better the last few days. I am getting used to it. (for now). I went out of town for the night and I though i would have a horrible time. Besides the smell of Burger King in the car, I did not have so much trouble. I order 3 side salads from BK and ate it like french fries. ( I could almost pretend). I got a coffee from starbucks and poured my ensure into it and it almost tasted like a mocha. Imaginaltion is keeping me alive. Thanks again for all of your thoughts and advise. It helps more than you know.

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Lean Cusine and Slimfast powder with 1% milk got me down 20 lbs pre-banding. Dr. Miranda approved pickled garlic for a snack (drove my wife nuts). She also suggested cucumber, celery and tomatoes for snacks. These may not be our staple when we are back to normal food. Celery might be aproblem for sure.

Good luck. It is worth it. It helps the procedure and is our first rite of passage in this new excitng journey.


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Good Morning all,

Well, I have been on the preop diet for a few days now and am really struggling. I have not cheated or anything, but it is more with my mind. I am so hungry and I think about everything that is being given up. It is amazing how much food ruled my life. My mom came over yesterday and said she was going to keep my mind busy. The first thing I thought was where are we going to go for lunch. Her birthday is coming up, where do you want me to take you to lunch, My husband is returning tomorrow from California, where should we go to dinner. UGGGGHHH. I did not think that this was all so important until it was taken away. I am craving things that I never ate, because I know I can't have them. Does that make sense?

So, does this feeling go away? and if it does go away will it come back when I am in a weaker state and will give in to temptation? I want this to work so bad, I have never been this big--not even close. The last 30 pounds jumped on me and took me by surprise. (I had a lost pregnancy, and became depressed) Now I am committed to this but I think back and thought I was committed to the other diets I was on too. So many gain backs has really damaged my outlook.

I know I am not making any sense, I think it is lack of food that makes me rant. <_< . But thanks for listening and giving me any advise or support you may have. This is not something I could bring up to my husband or he would tell me not to do it because I am having doubts and he don't want to pay $8000 for something that I will mess up.

Also, few questions. Does it have to be lean cuisine or can I buy Healthy choice or smart ones (more protein that carbs)? How big can the protein shakes be? I am drinking ensure high protein and they seem so tiny. Thanks again for all the support that this forum provides. It is invaluable.

You are doing great- worrying about all of this and mourning where you think you are headed is exactly what you are supposed to be doing. I remember being on that side and I lost like crazy and then ate whatever I wanted the day before I needed to not eat- Picked the thing I craved the most. Was very happy.

Funny thing is now that I am on the other side I pass up most things I see because I am motivated and eating anything off the "diet" is too much trouble. I split meals with anyone I go out with. I don't even care what they pick as long as it is not deep fried. I am only going to be eating a small amount of it anyway. You will be so jazzed!!! Of course, this is so much better when the fill has been done and is correct. It would be much harder if you had no restriction. It happened to me 2 weeks before my first fill (7-9 sks postop), I gained a couple of pounds but the fill took care of that. Good luck. By the way, I love your picture. Ellen

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Well, the pre-op is really starting to get to me this morning. I fly down to the OCC tomorrow. I am down 10 lbs. by my scale. I have been doing pretty well with nooooooo cheating. I was at the bank this morning to get some American money, I am Canadian, and then I ran into the drug store.....all these shakes are getting to me and I felt that I would soon need to get home and use the rest room......as I am standing in the isle the poop decides it is coming whether I like it or not!!!! I actually had an accident like a 2 year old!!!! HOW EMBARASSING!!!!! Luckily nobody was around and I cashed out standing as far back from the check out girl as I could. The store is just around the corner, THANK GOD, and I ran in the house and straight into the shower ( I still had to sit down to drive, YUK) . I hope this puts a smile on some of your faces today, I am feeling the nerves of going to get the surgery but I am still really excited. This is just the kind of "CRAP" that happens to me.


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Well, the pre-op is really starting to get to me this morning. I fly down to the OCC tomorrow. I am down 10 lbs. by my scale. I have been doing pretty well with nooooooo cheating. I was at the bank this morning to get some American money, I am Canadian, and then I ran into the drug store.....all these shakes are getting to me and I felt that I would soon need to get home and use the rest room......as I am standing in the isle the poop decides it is coming whether I like it or not!!!! I actually had an accident like a 2 year old!!!! HOW EMBARASSING!!!!! Luckily nobody was around and I cashed out standing as far back from the check out girl as I could. The store is just around the corner, THANK GOD, and I ran in the house and straight into the shower ( I still had to sit down to drive, YUK) . I hope this puts a smile on some of your faces today, I am feeling the nerves of going to get the surgery but I am still really excited. This is just the kind of "CRAP" that happens to me.


I am sorry, but I am laughing. I know that is horrible to say but it makes me feel a lot better. I thought I was alone in the NOW poop from nowhere. No accidents YET. but my oh my. I think it is all the ruffage. Anyway thanks for telling your embarrassing story so if and when I have mine, I will know I am not alone. Good luck on the plane.

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Well, the pre-op is really starting to get to me this morning. I fly down to the OCC tomorrow. I am down 10 lbs. by my scale. I have been doing pretty well with nooooooo cheating. I was at the bank this morning to get some American money, I am Canadian, and then I ran into the drug store.....all these shakes are getting to me and I felt that I would soon need to get home and use the rest room......as I am standing in the isle the poop decides it is coming whether I like it or not!!!! I actually had an accident like a 2 year old!!!! HOW EMBARASSING!!!!! Luckily nobody was around and I cashed out standing as far back from the check out girl as I could. The store is just around the corner, THANK GOD, and I ran in the house and straight into the shower ( I still had to sit down to drive, YUK) . I hope this puts a smile on some of your faces today, I am feeling the nerves of going to get the surgery but I am still really excited. This is just the kind of "CRAP" that happens to me.


Oh dear! I am sorry to laugh, but I've had it happen to me too. Good luck on your flight and your surgery. I'll be thinking of you because I was supposed to be going with you tomorrow :mellow: I need details when you get back!

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Oh my god, I hate when that happens and I have a pooper that would do that too, gross. So far I am starving to death. At least that is how I feel. I feel sick sick sick. TOM came and now I am really sick and since TOM, I have gained back the three pounds I lost, so I am rather upset about this. I am not eating hardly anything and I am not losing. What is wrong with me? I have my slim fast 2 x a day and then my lean cuizine and here I am. I think TOM wrecked it for me. I'm trying not to worry since I have til the 19th of Sept but it makes me mad. Maybe after TOM, it will come off. But so far, I am down right hungry and I feel terrible. Maybe I am catching something, who knows. Ok enough whineing, have a nice day everyone.

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