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not hungry but body seeking nutrients

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Hey everyone!

For the last few weeks i have tried really hard to reduce the amount of food that i eat. With that said, my body is not liking it. i am not hungry, however my body acts like if i need food. I drink tons and tons of water so i know that is not dehydration. the way i know this is happenning is because i feel weak and at times dizzy.

Is this happening to anyone? :wacko:

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Don't forget your protein. I wasn't getting enough protein at one point and felt like I was coming down with the flu. At first I thought I wasn't getting enough sleep, then I thought I wasn't getting enough vitamins, then I thought I was coming down with something. Finally I started upping my protein intake by having a protein bar for breakfast and BINGO. I perked right up and immediately lost 3 lbs after having leveled off for a few weeks.

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I am not the best at keeping up with my vitamins or protein and I get dizzy headed alot too.

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