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How long in between fill #1 and fill #2?

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I know I have to wait 6 wks until my first fill, but after that how long is recommended to wait before the 2nd fill?



Until you need one. :) Ok, that was kinda sarcastic I admit it. However, it really is based on your restriction and whether or not you lose more weight after your first fill. My doctor explained to me that fills are needed as you lose more fat around your stomach and the band loosens. I had my first fill on October 15, 2008 and I just called for an appt for the 2nd one. I am not sure I will need much to get to the sweet spot, but I can tell I am able to eat more now and I am relying on my common sense and willpower again. IMHO I would say the average is anywhere between 4-6 weeks?

Good luck! :)

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Hi Kimberly,

I just had my 2nd fill on Thursday, it was exactly 4 weeks after my first fill. I had no restriction about 10 days after my first fill but I have awsome restriction now!

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After my first fill, I waited 5 weeks but should have gone back at week 4. It really depends on your restriction level though, and everyone is different.

Good luck!


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