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So why is protein pushed so much after surgery?

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It's probably a lame question, I know..lol..but I am kind of confused on why all these protein shakes, protein bullets(??), protein drinks, are so heavily pushed after lapband. I am really horrible when it comes to the ins and outs of nutrition, which would be why I am overweight to begin with. I know that protein is good for you obviously, but it seems overload.

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Protein is especially important following Lap-Band surgery. After Lap-Band surgery the stomach will never hold more than 4 to 6 ounces per meal, so making every bite count is essential for healthy and nutritionally rounded weight loss success.

Lap-Band patients are advised to consume fifty to sixty grams of protein daily to avoid protein deficiency. Protein deficiency causes hair loss, fatigue, edema, muscle weakness, and a delay in wound healing. A lack of adequate protein may also lead to depression, anxiety, irritability, apathy, and other mental health conditions, as well as cause a number of physical health issues from gallstones to colds, headaches, low blood pressure, anemia, irregular hear rates, and, in extreme cases, death.

Notice, I bolded delay in wound healing. This is the key factor following lap band. For you body to heal you must have protein. With out protien boosters and shakes you can't take in too much protein on liquids alone, that is why they encourage protein shakes post-op. Hope this helps.

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Guest CaraMBA09
It's probably a lame question, I know..lol..but I am kind of confused on why all these protein shakes, protein bullets(??), protein drinks, are so heavily pushed after lapband. I am really horrible when it comes to the ins and outs of nutrition, which would be why I am overweight to begin with. I know that protein is good for you obviously, but it seems overload.

You will start losing hair in CLUMPS if you do not get enough protein!

That is enough of an incentive for me.

you should look into getting a good protein powder (25g protein) and adding a scoop of Whey Protein (another 25g protein) adding a banana (you can become potassium deficient), you will be amazed at how satisfied and full you can get.

EAS is a great product, which I buy on


they also offer the best pricing on protein bullets!


I have shopped at a lot of places and they not only offer the BEST pricing you will find for your supplements, but the order will arrive at your door within 2-3 days.

oodles, Cara

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Guest CaraMBA09
It's probably a lame question, I know..lol..but I am kind of confused on why all these protein shakes, protein bullets(??), protein drinks, are so heavily pushed after lapband. I am really horrible when it comes to the ins and outs of nutrition, which would be why I am overweight to begin with. I know that protein is good for you obviously, but it seems overload.

I actually use the Myoplex Lite powder in Vanilla. It tastes yummy! I add a banana and a scoop of organic peanut butter or whatever else sounds good that day.


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One more reason to push protein: It satisfies our hunger. Carbs affect your blood sugar quickly and can cause swings in blood sugar levels that make us feel like we are starving. Protein makes us feel fuller and more satisfied, plus solid proteins fill our pouch and take longer to digest than many carbs, which usually will reduce the total amount of food you take in. Protein is great for losing weight!

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I actually use the Myoplex Lite powder in Vanilla. It tastes yummy! I add a banana and a scoop of organic peanut butter or whatever else sounds good that day.


I am enjoying my protein by using Syntrax Cappuccino Protein, 0 carbs and 0 fat 27 G protein and only 90 calories.

This is awesome for coffee lovers. I mix with skim milk and coffee or just with hot water. Stir in 1 scoop in cold water first and mix then add hot water...not boiling. A nice diversion from chocolate or vanilla flavors and a great flavor.

I purchase from www.vitacost.com shipping on total order just $4.95.


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So is there actually a certain number we are supposed to have of proteins? Will OCC advise me of this? And is there such a thing as getting too much protein? Also during the liquid diet right after surgery, wouldn't the protein drinks be too thick for that phase, and in that case how do you get your protein in? Oh and last question, I am a very picky eater, and hate trying new things, so all these suggestions (although appreciated) of protein shakes and powder, make me nervous to try them, and since I already know I enjoy slimfast, are those considered a good source of protein? Sorry for all the questions. You guys are awesome!!! :)

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So is there actually a certain number we are supposed to have of proteins? Will OCC advise me of this? And is there such a thing as getting too much protein? Also during the liquid diet right after surgery, wouldn't the protein drinks be too thick for that phase, and in that case how do you get your protein in? Oh and last question, I am a very picky eater, and hate trying new things, so all these suggestions (although appreciated) of protein shakes and powder, make me nervous to try them, and since I already know I enjoy slimfast, are those considered a good source of protein? Sorry for all the questions. You guys are awesome!!! :)

I was told atleast 60! But, I was still getting dizzy on my 21 day of liquids so I increased to 80grams & within a couple days was fine.

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Hello- This might me a stupid question but here goes... The liquid diet after surger will that include a protein shake? Just curious if I need to bring them with me to TJ. Thanks1
So is there actually a certain number we are supposed to have of proteins? Will OCC advise me of this? And is there such a thing as getting too much protein? Also during the liquid diet right after surgery, wouldn't the protein drinks be too thick for that phase, and in that case how do you get your protein in? Oh and last question, I am a very picky eater, and hate trying new things, so all these suggestions (although appreciated) of protein shakes and powder, make me nervous to try them, and since I already know I enjoy slimfast, are those considered a good source of protein? Sorry for all the questions. You guys are awesome!!! :)

Yes to both of you. Protien shakes are included on the post-op diet. But not until day 6. It is strictly clear liquids until day 4 then you can add liquid yogurt. No, you do not need to bring protein shakes to TJ as you will be home by the time you are to start them. Slimfast does have protein - the optimum has more but you would have to drink like 6 of them to get enough protein in during that post-op phase and that would be too many calories. Here is a copy of Dr. Miranda's post op diet. MM has it posted on her myspace so I took it from there. She has posted it somewhere on the forum but I could not find it.




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I actually use the Myoplex Lite powder in Vanilla. It tastes yummy! I add a banana and a scoop of organic peanut butter or whatever else sounds good that day.


I just ordered both the protein and the myoplex. Pure laziness on my part, I could have looked around but this looks so easy. Thanks for the referral. I hope I like it.

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Guest CaraMBA09
So is there actually a certain number we are supposed to have of proteins? Will OCC advise me of this? And is there such a thing as getting too much protein? Also during the liquid diet right after surgery, wouldn't the protein drinks be too thick for that phase, and in that case how do you get your protein in? Oh and last question, I am a very picky eater, and hate trying new things, so all these suggestions (although appreciated) of protein shakes and powder, make me nervous to try them, and since I already know I enjoy slimfast, are those considered a good source of protein? Sorry for all the questions. You guys are awesome!!! :)

Slimfast is loaded with SUGAR and I believe high fructose corn syrup. These both work against your ability to LOSE weight, you might as well stick your face in a bag of sugar and lick.

Here are some facts to review over Slimfast shakes...(BLECK):

The 4 main ingredients are skim milk, sugar, fructose, and cocoa. In other words, milk, sugar, and sugar. Other ingredients include various vegetable oils, emulsifiers, and a dubious vitamin blend. A 375ml (1.5 cups) shake contains 12 grams of protein -- slightly less than what you'd obtain drinking the same amount of 1% low-fat milk.

This same shake contains 38 grams of carbohydrates -- 20 grams more than if you drank the equivalent amount of 1% low-fat milk (with those additional carbs coming from the added sugar). Considering that milk contains significant amounts of vitamins A and D, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium and Zinc, I'd suggest that you chuck the Slim Fast shakes (vitamin blend and all), and simply drink milk instead.

OK... that's problem number 1 -- the shakes are little more than an expensive, sugar-laden milk supplement.

What's wrong with the Slim Fast diet?

The daily caloric limit is set so low as to be detrimental to any long term weight loss success (each shake contains 240 calories (at least the one I'm holding in my hand does). Couple two with a normal dinner consisting of a chicken breast, baked potato and vegetable, add a snack or two a day and you're looking at anywhere between 1000 - 1200 calories per day).

I think that is enough said...ONLY 12 g of protein, it is loaded with sugar and to be honest, not the least bit "healthy" for your new lifestyle...here is the website to review this on:


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OH WOW!! Well, no wonder they taste good...lol. Thanks so much for the information. I am glad I didn't buy anymore. Ok, so I am sure it is somewhere on this board, and I probably already asked, but right now I am on information overload..lol...what would be some alternatives to Slim Fast, that are more healthier? Boost, I think is one of them, right? Oh, and hopefully they taste good too :) Thanks !!

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OH WOW!! Well, no wonder they taste good...lol. Thanks so much for the information. I am glad I didn't buy anymore. Ok, so I am sure it is somewhere on this board, and I probably already asked, but right now I am on information overload..lol...what would be some alternatives to Slim Fast, that are more healthier? Boost, I think is one of them, right? Oh, and hopefully they taste good too :) Thanks !!

How about GNC 100% whey protein choclate caramel or cookies and cream, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM You will think you are in heaven. BUT make with 1% milk and double the scoops or it tastes nasty. OH MY GOD, I could live on that stuff. Keep me full for hours and hours. And helps you lose weight!

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Now that i'm on solids we aren't supposed to do any protein shakes right? I think I heard that but wanted to make sure. I heard of someone mentioning protein bullets that you just put in a bottle of water? A berry flavor I think? Is that the ones listed on here or are those another one? I tried to go to GNC and get some, but they had never heard of them.

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Now that i'm on solids we aren't supposed to do any protein shakes right? I think I heard that but wanted to make sure. I heard of someone mentioning protein bullets that you just put in a bottle of water? A berry flavor I think? Is that the ones listed on here or are those another one? I tried to go to GNC and get some, but they had never heard of them.

It's pretty common for people who are filled too tight to rely on protein shakes and soft proteins but Dr. O is against it totally. He's really stern on that point for sure! I've never been a big meat eater even at my grazing worst. The bulk of my protein now is firm (seafood, tuna, fish) and solid (pork, beef, chicken) but I still supplement one bullet or Booster Juice (Canadian franchise I think?) a day because I work out now and I want muscle recovery.

I don't know the manufacturer of the bullets because I'm out of them but I do buy them at GNC. I have to go to a certain mall to get them because the other malls have no idea what they are even though they are also GNC stores.


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Now that i'm on solids we aren't supposed to do any protein shakes right? I think I heard that but wanted to make sure. I heard of someone mentioning protein bullets that you just put in a bottle of water? A berry flavor I think? Is that the ones listed on here or are those another one? I tried to go to GNC and get some, but they had never heard of them.

A lot of people who have restriction cannot eat in the morning, me included. I am very tight and nothing but liquid will fit. So a lot of bandsters, again, me included, have a protein shake for breakfast. Sometimes, I have to have one for lunch too. But by supper time, that ole band is wide open for me and I can finally eat solids.

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Guest CaraMBA09
Now that i'm on solids we aren't supposed to do any protein shakes right? I think I heard that but wanted to make sure. I heard of someone mentioning protein bullets that you just put in a bottle of water? A berry flavor I think? Is that the ones listed on here or are those another one? I tried to go to GNC and get some, but they had never heard of them.

well, I personally have very tight restriction in the mornings and evenings....and if this is the only way I can get a really good portion of protein..so friggin be it!

Chicken is too fibrous...sashimi wont go down, so I am left with soft fish, the occassional piece of 3 oz's of red meat and protein shakes and supplements.

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Same problem here...when I ask at GNC they seem to have no idea what i'm talking about. I might call them first and save me a trip to another one. But if I can find them online i'll just do that - so much easier. So if anyone else knows the brand name or where I can find them online let me know.

Right now of course I have no restriction so I can eat whatever I want, but I know that won't last so i'm trying to prep for it now. Trying to avoid a lot of bread b/c I love it too much and i'm not sure I can handle going off it twice. <_< But I am still having more than I should. Fon instance, had a healthy choice pizza today which i'm sure won't last once fills come along. But that will be a good thing! :D

It's pretty common for people who are filled too tight to rely on protein shakes and soft proteins but Dr. O is against it totally. He's really stern on that point for sure! I've never been a big meat eater even at my grazing worst. The bulk of my protein now is firm (seafood, tuna, fish) and hard (pork, beef, chicken) but I still supplement one bullet or Booster Juice (Canadian franchise I think?) a day because I work out now and I want muscle recovery.

I don't know the manufacturer of the bullets because I'm out of them but I do buy them at GNC. I have to go to a certain mall to get them because the other malls have no idea what they are even though they are also GNC stores.


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Guest CaraMBA09
Same problem here...when I ask at GNC they seem to have no idea what i'm talking about. I might call them first and save me a trip to another one. But if I can find them online i'll just do that - so much easier. So if anyone else knows the brand name or where I can find them online let me know.

Right now of course I have no restriction so I can eat whatever I want, but I know that won't last so i'm trying to prep for it now. Trying to avoid a lot of bread b/c I love it too much and i'm not sure I can handle going off it twice. <_< But I am still having more than I should. Fon instance, had a healthy choice pizza today which i'm sure won't last once fills come along. But that will be a good thing! :D


i provided links in the first portion of this chain for both EAS Myoplex Lite and the Protein Bullets off of wholesale supplement store .com


you will find ALL your stuff SO much cheaper here than GNC...and they have it to your door in 2-3 days!

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i provided links in the first portion of this chain for both EAS Myoplex Lite and the Protein Bullets off of wholesale supplement store .com


you will find ALL your stuff SO much cheaper here than GNC...and they have it to your door in 2-3 days!

I did have a wistful look and it is definitely without a doubt cheaper with exception of custom charges, our dollar differences, Canadian taxes and shipping across the border. So sad isn't it? But for the south side of the border those prices definitely rock!

Thanks for that though, I appreciate the thought for sure!


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Awesome! I'm definitely going to order them online. I've been to 3 GNC's now and they don't have them at those ones. I don't need my hair falling out - it's so thin and fine as it is! :o

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