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Here at the OCC right now!!!!!

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Francisco the driver picked my husband & I up at the Car rental company at exactly 9:00.

We left there and picked up Donna at the train station. After a short ride we were dropped off at the OCC for our Pre-op tests.The facility is very nice and clean. They took a photo of me to make a card so I can get child's prices at restaurants. They weighed and measured my height. I talked to Dr. Miranda, who was very nice. I had lost all my pre-op weight, so we had a nice chat. She wants me to lose down to somewhere in the 150-160 range due to my body build. She said I have a muscular frame.

I then met with the cardiologist where he did 2 tests. 1 where you blow into a tube for 6 seconds, and then Iwas hooked up to a heart monitor.

They had an opening so they went ahead and operated on me & Donna today.

It seems like it only took them about 1 hour from beginning to ready me for surgery and the time surgery was actually over.

I am doing great.

I slept a lot this afternoon, and I am in very little pain.

I am very pleased with my experience so far.


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Francisco the driver picked my husband & I up at the Car rental company at exactly 9:00.

We left there and picked up Donna at the train station. After a short ride we were dropped off at the OCC for our Pre-op tests.The facility is very nice and clean. They took a photo of me to make a card so I can get child's prices at restaurants. They weighed and measured my height. I talked to Dr. Miranda, who was very nice. I had lost all my pre-op weight, so we had a nice chat. She wants me to lose down to somewhere in the 150-160 range due to my body build. She said I have a muscular frame.

I then met with the cardiologist where he did 2 tests. 1 where you blow into a tube for 6 seconds, and then Iwas hooked up to a heart monitor.

They had an opening so they went ahead and operated on me & Donna today.

It seems like it only took them about 1 hour from beginning to ready me for surgery and the time surgery was actually over.

I am doing great.

I slept a lot this afternoon, and I am in very little pain.

I am very pleased with my experience so far.


YAY for you!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations and welcome to the other side!


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Feeling awesome today. Hubby and I are at the Lucerna. I am well pleased with everything! We walked to the mall and I bought a pair of boots, and three pairs of shoes. Going back tomorrow for the red and silver pairs. We are about to taxi to Revolution Avenue and see what we can get into.

So far I am not hungry.

My card from the clinic says I got a 10cc band, so I guess my stomach was really fat.

Talk to you all soon, I have more shopping to do!!!!


Donna is doing great also.

I briefly met Salena today. Hope I get to talk more with her tomorrow.

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LOL...Kim, you shopaholic!!! ((HUGS!))

Glad to hear you are doing very well! And thanks for letting us know of Donna and Salena! Hope fully we will hear from them soon enough. You are doing EXCELLENT with the walking! Remember, to continue to SIP, SIP, SIP and follow the guidelines Dr. Miranda had given us before our surgery. Use the calendar too to "cross" off the days...it helps! You may not feel hungry but it's important to get your nutrients in you. Also, drinking the liquids will help aid you in flushing you from your surgery.

OK...report tomorrow of your yet another 'shoe' adventure! LOL Need any matching purse to go with them? HA!

Have FUN!!

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Congrats Kimberly....

The hotel staff is Wonderful! We had a guy there named Alonso that help us with everything from Taxis to dinner reservations for my sis and brother in law, he is wonderful. He will help you in anyway. Good luck on eveything. If you see Donna tell her CONGRATS for me!


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Alonso is wonderful. He hooked us up today with the Tijuana open air tour bus. We rode around for a while then got off at the Mall where I bought 4 more pairs of shoes. We walked back to the Lucerna instead of waiting for the bus or taxi.

I have had very little pain, and I really think it is because we have walked so much.

I am using the restroom frequently, so I must be flushing something out.

So far, I am doing ok on the liquids. Not starving yet.

A lady approached me in the lobby of the Lucerna today and attempted to get me to contact Dr. Huacuz and get a fill before I left for home. She said 4 of the ladies that were banded yesterday went with her and got one for $125. I was nice to her, but there was no way I was getting a fill if Dr. Ortiz said to wait for 6 weeks.

This entire experience has been wonderful. Good luck to all who are contemplating it.


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Sounds like you all did fantastic! Congrats! Welcome to the other side! Wow, it still feels wierd for me to say that! :D

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Hope you don't lose the weight in your feet!!!! That would be a waste of all those new shoes.



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