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JazzyJude's first fill!

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Hi Everyone!

My first fill was yesterday and it was AWESOME! Like the song, "I had my fill....on "strawberry margarita" hill!

Although my experience was quite different than most, it seems. My appointment was scheduled at 10am, of course, got here early ~ JUST in case there would be anyone I might know from this forum or meet up with new prospects or newbies. I was to meet up with Salena, but she was still sitting in the dentist's chair when I left! LOL

I didn't wait too long after signing in, when Dr. So was waiting for me and onwards I went! I walked a little taller as I walked towards the back room to have your fill. (This was my 2nd time in this room, as I was lucky to 'view' a live fill when I signed up). Dr. So was impeccable in explaining what he was doing AND he didn't speak like a running log either. He knew what he was doing every step of the way and he EXPLAINED before each process. He answered any questions I had in between, which, of course, if you knew me, I had a million! But he was paitent, listened and explained and made sure I understood. He studiously retrieved all the packaged items he needed from the drawers for my fill. I watched him put his gloves on, put iodine solution on some gauze for my tummy, opened the syringe package and add the saline into it, set up the fluroscopy, all the while he was explaining what is to be done today.

He said, they don't do a aggressvie fill the first time. Your 'first' fill is meant to be first time for your stomach to progressively prepare for a 'tighter' fit later, yet have a slight restriction. Cara says it good...like a 'primer' - getting ready for the 'big one'. And this is true and I totally agree with this process and personally would want only that, otherwise, it would be a shock to your system and your body and your mental state wouth repel this, thus causing an 'unfill'. He did say, they start aggressive fills with the 2nd. So, I have something to look forward to!

I saw my stomach on the fluro screen and it was an insight! My port was RIGHT THERE! Big as it can be and just waitng to be injected! Dr. So said my band looked great and we are ready to get started! I have to be honest here, I was starting to get nervous of the thought of that darn needle! BUT, what he did was simply placed his hand on my tummy, where the port was, and then gently stretched out my skin area and he announced he was going to insert the needle and I may feel a little sting. GASPS! I was totally surprised! There were NO pain, not even a 'bee sting'. NOTHING! All I felt was the pressure he applied and that was it! Also, for your info, I have a 'thick hide' and I always had to have a 'sharper' needle to get through my skin. But THIS experience was great! THANK YOU Dr. So!

I sipped the pink "strawberry margarita" barium, he so graciously gave me, and watched the screen as I swallowed it. Really cool to see! He started off slowly and I kept drinking the barium until he thought it was good. Then I sipped on some water to 'wash' down the barium. Again, I drank the rest of the barium to see how the flow was. It was perfect. He put 1cc in my 4cc band. He gave me a piece of paper titled, "CAUTION: Is your band too Tight?" GREAT reference to have when getting your fill. So, if you get your fill here at OCC, make sure you receive one, which would assist in any of your questions about your own fill.

As I got off the table, he was cleaning the countertop off and changing the 'bed sheets' with new sheets, in readiness for the next Bandster! I was thoroughly impressed on the whole procedure and now that I know what having a fill is, I will NOT hesitate at all to go for one when needed!

Now comes the interesting part of my day...

When I fist came in, I filled out my 'first' fill form and made my $100 payment and sat in the lounge area until it was time for my appt. Hubby sat with me and when I was to go do my thing, he was going to shop around for items we needed to take back home. In the meantime, people were strolling in, signed up, and the lounge area was starting to fill up. Then my name was called in to get my fill. After the fill experience, I went back to the lounge to sip on water to make sure my fill is ok and wait for hubby to come back. George, one of the admin staff and who actually signed me up for the surgery, saw me and came right up and hugged me and we chatted for a bit. He said, "Boy, you are really popular here!" (Heads were popping up and leaning towards my way by now)...I am thinking, "O-kay...it's probably because of my son, daughter in law, and grandson's banded experience and TV popularity, etc". But, no, this wasn't the case. It seems as though newbies are coming on board and reading the forum's posts and I just happened to be the topic of serveral discussions. Right on cue, Dr. FeelGood (oh yeah Baby!) came into the lounge area and came right up to me and shook hands and gave me a hug too! I just beamed! By now, these people must were staring at me wondering if I am a star or what! The three of us chatted a bit of how am I doing, etc. and soon enough they needed to get back to their work. Then all of a sudden, one gal asked, "Are you JazzyJude?". I was slightly aghast and said, "Yes" and she just smiled and rambled on about the forum etc. Other people around were into the conversation and so forth and so on.

My point to all of this is this...YOU NEVER KNOW WHO YOU WILL MEET! People DO look at these posts to gain information for their own journey. It's the support and successess that people are looking for and if one person is willing, all will receive in ten thousands fold.

Sorry for the long post, but it's MY experience and I so hope all of you will have this too!

OH, forgot to mention...I've lost a total of 42 lbs since my decision date ~ YES! I haven't weighed since Oct 18 and this was all so worth the wait to weigh. So this is my little NV as well! Check my stats below.


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that is so fantastic i'm glad it went well!!! Are you feeling any restriction? I got a call Friday that my first fill has to get bumped back a week, but that is OK i'll make it work. I sure hope mine goes as smoothly! I can't afford to go back to OCC for it, so i'll be going here.

Congrats Mz. Famous!!!!

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I am so glad your fill was a positive experience. Maybe you should start carrying a special pen to sign the autographs requested of you Mrs. Star!! Your input here means so much to everybody and you are always positive it's no wonder everyone knew who you were!! People like you are ones others respect and remember.

How do you feel today with your fill? notice any difference?

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that is so fantastic i'm glad it went well!!! Are you feeling any restriction? I got a call Friday that my first fill has to get bumped back a week, but that is OK i'll make it work. I sure hope mine goes as smoothly! I can't afford to go back to OCC for it, so i'll be going here.

Congrats Mz. Famous!!!!

HA! Thanks Darlin'! :D

Hang in there Shelby! KEEP with the guideline! Measure your foods because I was having a heck of a time that last week. But I am strict with myself and stuck with it. I've never cheated ONCE. Just make sure your protein intake is up high beyond 60 grams and you will be fine.

I have a little restriction - not a whole lot but that is what I want. I need to control myself and learn to eat properly. This is a good thing for me.

Keep me posted on how you are doing!!

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I am so glad your fill was a positive experience. Maybe you should start carrying a special pen to sign the autographs requested of you Mrs. Star!! Your input here means so much to everybody and you are always positive it's no wonder everyone knew who you were!! People like you are ones others respect and remember.

How do you feel today with your fill? notice any difference?

Thanks Julie! I appreciate your message and I do try to help others. I love the fact that everyone IS different and they share THEIR suggestions or tips. I like to know there are other options out there for me to TRY. It may not work for me, but would for someone else.

I feel fine today...and oh yes!...I know I have restriction because as I start to swallow the food or drink, I can feel it go down slower than when I didn't have restriction at all. So, again, I am re-learning to drink slowly as well as swallowing slowly too. Also, after each food goes in my mouth, that fork or spoon is laid down as well!

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great to hear it went so well. And you are famous! We all love you. Congrats on weight loss!

Maggie! Yes, it really went well and I worried for nothing! Also, it was total surprise for me to see the weight loss because I don't go on the scale! I hear of others being so disappointed when they see their weight go up and down or on a plateau. I didn't want to see that at the beginning of my weight loss. I didn't need to have that darn thing 'weigh' me down, hoping I would jump on it 2 or 3 times a day. No thank you. I figure if I weigh myself monthly, on the 8th of each month (since I was banded on Oct 8) I would have a nice NSV to add in Jazzy's Journey Journal and to share with others.

It is a challenge to stick with the guideline and to reach my goals...but it is so worth it!

Thanks for your message ~ ((HUGS!))...it means a lot!

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Thats FANTASTIC Jazzy!!! Im glad it went so well!!! And ya know, I would have known you if I was there... Everyone chats on here ALOT and even if it was someone else, someone probably would have recognized them!!! Thats what this place is for, to get to know people and make friends, not enemies... Glad to see I have a famous friend!!! LOL B)

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Thats FANTASTIC Jazzy!!! Im glad it went so well!!! And ya know, I would have known you if I was there... Everyone chats on here ALOT and even if it was someone else, someone probably would have recognized them!!! Thats what this place is for, to get to know people and make friends, not enemies... Glad to see I have a famous friend!!! LOL B)

Thanks Amy...but I am not THAT famous...YET! LOL!! I am glad to have met so many friends here. I know I've said this before but there are so many people here on this forum to support us and it just feels so great you are being cheered on by all. It actually thrives me on to keep going on my challenge to reach my goal safely and to be consistent and on track.

I know I talk a lot but I am a people person...what can I say? ((HUGS to you all!))

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congrats on your first fill JazzyJude! It's a great feeling and you are doing fabulous! Look forward to reading about your progress! Have a great day!


Thank you Mindy for your message! I would love to share my progress with everyone. It's amazing how one's journey can be so fulfilling as we thrive to go forward!!


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Congrats, Jazzy!! :)

You're doing so awesome - what an inspiration!

Thank you Dapzilla! And to tell you the truth, it was easier done than said. I have been listening to other's experiences and I had expected some the same for me and it wasn't. Everyone is different. So, basically, don't judge on your fill til afterwards. You will NOT experience the same as anyone else at all.

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JazzyJude WTG, it is posts like this that make me worry a little less about what i am doing.

Thanks for sharing


Thanks Shana-Lee!

It's my pleasure! I thought I'd post my experiece as well because I was different from the others and you will too ~ there's no two person alike. And, I had no numbing stuff either. It was just a quick poke and that was it. It was really a good visit and I am not hesitatant to go for the next fill at all. For me, it was worth to SEE my band and watch the fluids go down smoothly...A PEACE OF MIND!

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AMAZING! I really thought I would have a difficult time during our Thanksgiving feast at my Mum's...but I didn't. It was a great day and my first fill I received 5 days prior to Thanksgiving day didn't let me down one bit. After the fill, I was on full liquids for 3 days, which I've lost 2 pounds, and started eating solids on Tuesday, 2 days before Thanksgiving. All is well...

Thanksgiving day, our family started cooking from 6:30am on and the aroma was just sinfully wonderful! We cooked and baked all day with the turkey and sage bread dressing, creamy cucumbers, green beans, cranberry sauce, applesauce, cranberry chutney, yams, cheesy potatoes, relish dish (pickles and olives), homemade country white bread...and for dessert, pumpkin and chocolate cream pie. OH yes! AND, yes, I had a tiny bit of EVERYTHING to equal 3/4 cup of food and it was all on my small dessert plate and it was a delight for my eyes to 'see' a full plate ~ instead of having a regular dinner plate and with the 3/4 cup of food and with all the empty space around the food, I might have been tempted to grab more to make my plate look fuller. What was amazing was I was able to have everything that was on the table and I was very content and had no problems eating any of the foods, as I took small bites and chewed the heck out of everything! LOL

I just wanted to share MY first fill I received really helped me and I am continuing to have the same restriction, which I am still continuing to discipline myself to no more than 3/4 cup of food per sitting ~ and yes, I DO use a measuring cup for all my meals. It's AWESOME!


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