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Another Newbie!!

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I had my surgery on 11/24 -- the Monday of Thanksgiving week! Whatever was I thinking?

I went to work yesterday and was exhausted by the time the final bell rang -- today was much better.

I seem to be pretty weak which concerns me. I cannot walk very far before I need to sit down. Is this normal?


Top weight: 324

Surgery weight: 262

1 week down!

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Hi Sue,

I am to banded 12/15 so I will be joining you shortly on this lifelong journey. The forums are great! There fellow banders on here that have so much advice and great help.


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Hey Sue,

It’s totally normal, you're eating far less than you’re use too, traveled to get surgery done, and now you're back at work. The first days back at work and on liquid is hard, if you don’t have any see if you can pick up some protein water along with liquid vitamins to keep your energy level up and keep sipping at things all day.

Try and take breaks and when you’re off work baby yourself – don’t do anything too strenuous.

You’ll feel better soon once you can get on soft soups and protein, and once the weight starts rolling off you’ll have more energy than you’ll know what to do with! However one note - if it continues and doesn't feel right, call the clinic and check in to be on the safe side.

Take care and congrats – you’ve got a fun journey ahead of you!


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Hi Sue,

Yes, it is normal what you are going through like Lisa says. You body is going through a big change right now and you are lacking proteins. Try to get some protein water, such as Special K2O. Also, you can have the new whey protein liquid from GNC and mixed it with either Gatorade or Crystal Light and drink half in the morning and the other half in the early afternoon. This would help give you some energy and as well to prevent on dizziness you may get.

You should also be drinking those yummy drinkable yogurts. I like the strawberry with bananna for the extra potassium.

I had my surgery on Wed and went back to work on Monday. I didn't do any lifting whatsoever and did a lot of walking to prevent any gas bubbles in me or what's left in me. Take mini breaks throughout the day and go outside and breathe in the air! It's feels real good and refreshing!

As Lisa says, soon enough you will be on creamy soups and then solid foods and you will be getting some good proteins going and have an abundance of energy! During the first 21 days, just relax and rest as much as you can for you and the band to heal properly.

As well, if you are concern and not feeling right, call the Dr for assistance. Congrats on your decision and let the weight loss begin!! Woo Hoo!

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Welcome Sue to bandster world

I agree with lisa and jazzy, I too felt weak the first couple of weeks due to lack of food and calories. It will get better. congratulations on the wonderful decision you have made for yourself.

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I had my surgery on 11/24 -- the Monday of Thanksgiving week! Whatever was I thinking?

I went to work yesterday and was exhausted by the time the final bell rang -- today was much better.

I seem to be pretty weak which concerns me. I cannot walk very far before I need to sit down. Is this normal?


Top weight: 324

Surgery weight: 262

1 week down!

Yes, it's normal. After all you are only on liquids. Ocne you get on the protein shakes, that will help a lot.

Good luck and welcome to bandland!

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Is it protocol not to have protein shakes after surgery. Even if the protein is mixed with water?

You can have protein shakes after a certain amount of days, 7 I think. I am not positive since my surgery was so long ago, but check your paperwork. Once you can go on those shakes, you won't be so tired and dizzy. They help a lot!

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