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stressing about pre-op diet thus far

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Hello Bandsters,

Well it is exactly one week to surgery and I have had only a 2lb loss for pre-op. So many parties and Christmas stuff going on. So hard to keep saying no.

I knew going into this is would be hard, but oh my! This is the only time I can make it happen (surgery date), but it's the hardest work to diet this time of year, especially with trying to loose quickly for surgery.

I have this last week and I have cancelled two Christmas parties/lunches this weekend as I just cannot be in that environment. I find with drinking shakes only that I am sooo hungry at night and the salad and lean cuisine still leave me empty. I think I will have to go to bed or something to not be tempted to eat more.

HELP!! What did everyone do to keep going on pre-op....I know it is so important for a good surgical outcome to loose weight.....

Thanks for the support.....I haven't told anyone what I am doing, so it is even harder when people don't understand the importance of me NOT eating at this time. Everyone else is just enjoying the holiday feasting and I am being the scrooge with food.....not a happy camper right now....uugghhh!


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Are you taking Metamucile capcules? They really helped me when it came to hunger pangs. You can take one at 10 o'clock am and 3 o'clock pm. When you have hunger pangs, drink something and see if that will settle your hunger. Just keep your eye on the prize! I'm on the 21 day post-op liquid phase during this holiday season. It's difficult when you're surrounded by good food and good treats. The key for me was to stay super busy!

Good luck, Kristy

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Hi Rhondasue,

I too had a lot of difficulty with hunger and just feeling like crap during the pre-op diet. I was on the pre-op for 4 weeks, and actually found that much harder than the post-op diet. Good for you for recognizing the triggers for falling off the wagon. Being at Xmas parties while on the pre-op diet is like expecting a recovering alcoholic who's just decided to get sober and is going through major withdrawal to spend a lot of time in the bars where his/her friends are drinking. It's better to stay away from the environment and stick to it than to risk going off the plan as well as deal with having to explain why you're not eating.

I personally feel that while the pre-op diet was such a hard and miserable time for me, I am glad that I went through it and did not cheat during the 4 weeks I was on it. I felt that it prepared me both physically and psychologically for the band and the post-op period. Your stomach shrinks and you do in fact go through withdrawal from all the sugar, fat, carbs, chemicals, and addictive junk and processed food. But once that stuff is cleansed from the system, I find that I don't crave those things nearly as much as I did earlier on. And if I do indulge in the craving, the band will help me from going overboard. Once I get that to that sweet spot of course :)

Hang in there, and believe everyone here when we say it does get better!


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Hi Rhondasue,

I too had a lot of difficulty with hunger and just feeling like crap during the pre-op diet. I was on the pre-op for 4 weeks, and actually found that much harder than the post-op diet. Good for you for recognizing the triggers for falling off the wagon. Being at Xmas parties while on the pre-op diet is like expecting a recovering alcoholic who's just decided to get sober and is going through major withdrawal to spend a lot of time in the bars where his/her friends are drinking. It's better to stay away from the environment and stick to it than to risk going off the plan as well as deal with having to explain why you're not eating.

I personally feel that while the pre-op diet was such a hard and miserable time for me, I am glad that I went through it and did not cheat during the 4 weeks I was on it. I felt that it prepared me both physically and psychologically for the band and the post-op period. Your stomach shrinks and you do in fact go through withdrawal from all the sugar, fat, carbs, chemicals, and addictive junk and processed food. But once that stuff is cleansed from the system, I find that I don't crave those things nearly as much as I did earlier on. And if I do indulge in the craving, the band will help me from going overboard. Once I get that to that sweet spot of course :)

Hang in there, and believe everyone here when we say it does get better!


GREAT posts Kristy and Vangirl ~ you've got it. Yes, the Metamucil capsules saved my butt too! Also, I drank the protein water (Special K2O) and that helped me as well. Like Kirsty says, focus on your goal and the reason why you are doing this surgery. You did good by turning down parties and get togethers and staying away. I applaud you for doing this and it shows you really want to do this new healthier lifestyle. You just have to muster up and decide which is important ~ eat and gain or live a healthier, THINNER you? You are paying good, hard earning money for your band...do yourself a favor a think positive and motivate yourself.

Keep staying focus. Get a good book, do some crafts. something to keep you occupy until the surgery. YOU CAN DO THIS Rhonda...we are all here to help you. Also, during the winter time, drink a cup of WARM water and drink it while it's warm. Your tummy will feel it's warmth and thinks it's soup. Continue with the protein shakes breakfast and lunch. For dinner, I don't do lean cuisine at all. I do salads and lunch deli meats (protein helps curbs hunger pangs). I added other proteins in my salads too like hard boiled eggs (no yolk) and cheese and a few nuts ~ all good source of proteins.

Hope this helps and we are cheering you on ~ only ONE more week! WTG! Woo Hoo!!

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I feel your pain! I am going to be honest, my plan was to start the pre-op diet 3 weeks ago, then 2 weeks ago, then 1 week ago. My surgery date is Jan 8th, and here I am still talking about starting. The problem I am having is, I do not like protein drinks, and so to have struggle with drinking 1 for breakfast and then 1 for lunch, and then knowing I can't even look forward to a yummy dinner, is really messing with me. I know once I start I will be able to lose the 15 lbs Dr. Miranda told me to lose, it's just trying to get started is killing me. The post op diet is looking like a breeze compared to this misery..lol

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Also, Dr Miranda said I could make my own dinners on the pre-op instead of Lean Cuisine as long as they were under 300 cals, 12 grams of fat, 25g protein and 25 g carbs. I had HUGE salads with sliced chicken breast from Costco or a grilled chicken breast or fish with TONS of veggies. You can actually have a lot of different stuff with those nutritional guidelines. Agreed, the Lean Cuisine just isn't a big enough portion. At least not for me.


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Hey Girls,

Thanks for the replies! Yes just having the encouragement is so nice! I am doing it alone and feeling sorry for myself.....I didn't realize how much I like it when people know I am suffering:)) Usually everyone would know I am on a diet and try to help me by not putting all the crap in front of me, but now it is just the opposite....everyone sees this as a time to PARTY!!

I have told my staff that I am "really trying to cut down" this Christmas season as I am starting a new strict food plan in the New Year....they really don't believe me ( heard that before) so I just have to be strong with out a lot of help.

Thanks so much for reminding me that I am actually in detox this two weeks from all the carbs and sugars ect. Keeping this in the fore front will help me to resist as I really do not want to have a hell time in post op.

You are all the BEST! band family I could want.....thanks for the tips and reminders......go Metamucil!!


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