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Leaving thursday to be banded on Feb 6th

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I am not sure if I am scared, excited.. So many emotions and not too sure what to do. I think the part that is scaring me is I am going alone. I love my husband very much but he is not able to leave our buisness. Noone else can go with me and so it is just me..

I have gone thru prev posts and read about people going alone and everything was fine.. I just need to convince myself of it.

I am not scared about the surgery but just the being alone. I know I am going to meet up with a few people it just isn't the same.

Did anyone else feel this way? How did you cope? Did you write a letter and leave it at home just " incase " something happens??

I know I sound sill but can not help how I feel.

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I am not sure if I am scared, excited.. So many emotions and not too sure what to do. I think the part that is scaring me is I am going alone. I love my husband very much but he is not able to leave our buisness. Noone else can go with me and so it is just me..

I have gone thru prev posts and read about people going alone and everything was fine.. I just need to convince myself of it.

I am not scared about the surgery but just the being alone. I know I am going to meet up with a few people it just isn't the same.

Did anyone else feel this way? How did you cope? Did you write a letter and leave it at home just " incase " something happens??

I know I sound sill but can not help how I feel.

I am sorry you are feeling so tense about your upcoming journey. I went alone and looked at it as a special time just for me and looked at it as a new adventure. We too own a business and hubby couldn't get away.

This is easier said than done but start thinking about all the positive things this "journey" will bring you. Through the years I have learned I can talk myself into "feeling" any way I set my mind to it. If I am worried, stressed, and anxious and allow myself to just go with those "feelings" I can wollow in them. When I choose to take control over my thoughts and be positive and really work on it than I can and do turn my feelings around. It is normal to have some sort of anxiety before any procedure like this but going to the extent of leaving a letter if something happens will only set you up to be more worried and consumed with the negative thoughts. Let go of those, smile and be the strong courageous woman that you are for making this life changing decision!!

You are only alone if you think you are. Make this your special gift to yourself and enjoy just being with you. Take time to reflect and do what you feel like doing with no one interfering with your time. You will be waited on and taken care of at the OCC and the Hotel and will find numerous folks to befriend as soon as you arrive. A few of the guys in the hotel restaurant have had the surgery and will be happy to talk to you and give many suggestons. Open up to a new adventure with just you!!

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I know it sounds crazy and probably won't help calm your nerves, but the morning I left I was crying because I didn't want to leave my daughter and I told my sister in tears that if anything happened to us to make sure that she went to my mom. I knew everything would be fine but I just wanted to make sure that someone knew what we wanted so if something did happen that I knew she'd be in the best hands.

That said, you will be just fine, I never really even felt like I was in Mexico. Granted my husband and I just hung out in the room and watched movies all day but we never felt unsafe at all and the OCC was great!

Take care and rest easy, before you know it you'll be home safe and sound!

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Awww honey, it's perfectly normal to be scared, especially since you are going alone. But, you will be fine, I promise!!!! You WILL meet up with other bandsters and you will hang out and all will be good. Just make absolutely sure to pack as lightly as you can since there is no-one to help you carry your stuff. And when it's all over, you be like " Oh duh, that was nothing" and you will be on here comforting the next person who is saying the same thing as you are right now.

Luckily, I had my husband go with me but knowing myself the way I do, I'd be saying "YO ya big baby, grow up and get over it. You are a big girl now and can handle it". Of course, I'd still be crying anyway. But, thats me, a big ole baby!

Listen, you'll be fine and all will go well and when it's all over, you will be VERY proud of yourself for doing it alone. You will!! So, keep your chin up, think good thoughts and PLEASE use the hotel computer to let us know you are there are doing fine!

((((((((((((((((((((((( BIG HUG )))))))))))))))))))))))) wish you could have waited until the 18th, I would have gone with you!

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Oh darlin...I wrote 2 letters (1 to my dear daughter and 1 to my sister and her family). I'm not close with my parents and my friends who knew what I was doing were told how I felt about them, what I wanted for my daughter, etc. It was very important that I got those letters written. I cried the whole time I hand wrote them. It was very freeing. I then bucked up, turned my thoughts to only GOOD ONES and had a wonderful experience travelling, having surgery and being in a foreign country. I was not alone, my bff went :) I couldn't wait to get home and tear up the letters I wrote and strategically placed to be found only 'if...' I am down 15lbs and on a wondeful amazing jouney. I get to hug my daughter every day and she gets to wrap her little arms around a skinnier me everyday....life is good. Like the other posters said, its completely normal to feel the way you do. I sooo sympathize with you!! My heart does go out to you. Know you will be well taken care of. I'm proud of you (even tho I don't 'know' you) :) :) BE WELL! BE HAPPY! Soon you will be back with your baby...let us know when you return!

Jennifer :D

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:lb4: Silverstarz, I too thought about writing a letter to my family. But I didn't, because I told myself "If I think negative, then I expect negative". So, I kept myself busy right up until the day of flight. I even booked my flight as early as possible in the morning. Even while I was getting my pre-op bloodwork done, I felt nervous about the whole situation. It's funny because the nurse couldn't find my veins and she kept reassuring me and telling me it was going to be fine. THANK GOD for the wonderful and caring nurses at OCC. All in all, I am glad that I went to OCC and I would recommend them to anyone. I believe you will be fine sweetie. Before you know it, you will be back home complaining about gas pains! :lol2: God bless and take care :air_kiss:

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You will do great! I spent so much time in this forum as well as reading up on the procedure in general, that by the time I got there I was ready to rock and roll! I didn't sleep much the night before, but that was more excitement and anticipation. The only thing I got nervous about was being away from work for a week. I arrived and everything was as advertised and even better than I expected. I was able to get in a day early which was great...less time I had to wait!

You will look back as a veteran and laugh at how worried you were. All will be great! Be sure and let us know when you are done.

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