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Pharmacy Meds in Mexico

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I would be interested to see how many of you have purchased meds in Mexico. I know that Amoxicillin is a big one. What types of pain meds are available? Does anyone know if Plavix is available? Do you negotiate prices at at the pharmacies? And, does anyone have a specific pharmacy that they would recommend? I know that they are everywhere.

Thanks in advance, Kristy

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I would be interested to see how many of you have purchased meds in Mexico. I know that Amoxicillin is a big one. What types of pain meds are available? Does anyone know if Plavix is available? Do you negotiate prices at at the pharmacies? And, does anyone have a specific pharmacy that they would recommend? I know that they are everywhere.

Thanks in advance, Kristy

I don't have insurance and buy a lot of meds in Mexico. I buy my synthroid for my thyroid, I used to get chronic strep and would buy antibiotics for that as well as antibiotics for UTI's and diflucan for the yeast. (3 months of thyroid meds cost me $4, a round of strep meds cost about $8, diflucan cost $10 for 10 pills, etc. very affordable) You can get pretty much everything there, especially if you have a prescription for it already. My sister gets her zoloft there. And my esthetician gets her Meridia there. You don't negotiate at pharmacies, and though I have one I go to in Algodones out of Yuma, I don't have any specific one I go to in T.J.--try not to go to the one next to the border because they will probably charge more than some place further in.

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I don't have insurance and buy a lot of meds in Mexico. I buy my synthroid for my thyroid, I used to get chronic strep and would buy antibiotics for that as well as antibiotics for UTI's and diflucan for the yeast. (3 months of thyroid meds cost me $4, a round of strep meds cost about $8, diflucan cost $10 for 10 pills, etc. very affordable) You can get pretty much everything there, especially if you have a prescription for it already. My sister gets her zoloft there. And my esthetician gets her Meridia there. You don't negotiate at pharmacies, and though I have one I go to in Algodones out of Yuma, I don't have any specific one I go to in T.J.--try not to go to the one next to the border because they will probably charge more than some place further in.

Thanks Angela! So... you need to have a prescription? I'm wanting to price Plavix for my mom since it's so expensive for her here in the USofA. Maybe I'll call her today and see if she can get a prescription.

Thanks, Kristy

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I had my pockets full of goodies when we crossed the border last time. I brought back amoxicillin and several pain meds. Also some cigars. I just put them in my pants pocket. I guess I could have brought back anything since they didn't even have the xray machine going for luggage when we crossed. If I had known that, I would have myself a new gardener now.

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I bought Retin A for wrinkles/ acne. it was super cheap ( 4 dollars for a large tube) I bought it at the pharmacy in the supermarket at the mall near lucerna. I didn't need a script. wish I had been more prepared to stock up!

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Thanks Angela! So... you need to have a prescription? I'm wanting to price Plavix for my mom since it's so expensive for her here in the USofA. Maybe I'll call her today and see if she can get a prescription.

Thanks, Kristy

No, I've never used a prescription, but I think you need to know the generic name for Plavix because that's what they deal in and usually it's on the bottle.

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Yes... I remember you having meds in your pockets. What is the name of the paid medication that you bought. I remember you telling me and making a mental note to remember it... but, I've slept since then. Oh... how was your trip to LA?


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I brought back tramadol, vicotin, and amoxicillin and a few cuban ciggies. I also had about 10 kilos of cocaine taped to my belly, and my suitcase filled with illegal mexican fireworks. Just the first sentence is true, the rest is my typical B.S. LA and Hollywood was great and we had a really fun time. If I ever need another fill, I will definately go back. I didn't get in to get my tattoo from LA Ink, so I have to go back for that. My daughter said her hands and feet fit perfectly in Marilyn Monroes. I tried to fit my feet into John Wayne's boot prints, and just as my wife predicted, I couldn't fill his boots.

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I brought back tramadol, vicotin, and amoxicillin and a few cuban ciggies. I also had about 10 kilos of cocaine taped to my belly, and my suitcase filled with illegal mexican fireworks. Just the first sentence is true, the rest is my typical B.S. LA and Hollywood was great and we had a really fun time. If I ever need another fill, I will definately go back. I didn't get in to get my tattoo from LA Ink, so I have to go back for that. My daughter said her hands and feet fit perfectly in Marilyn Monroes. I tried to fit my feet into John Wayne's boot prints, and just as my wife predicted, I couldn't fill his boots.

LOL...way too funny! How much was the tramadol did you purchase from TJ? That is another thing my Mum just recently been prescribed for. Also, did you have to have a prescriptions for any of the meds you bought? Which Pharmacy did you go to, if you can recall...LOL!

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I brought back tramadol, vicotin, and amoxicillin and a few cuban ciggies. I also had about 10 kilos of cocaine taped to my belly, and my suitcase filled with illegal mexican fireworks. Just the first sentence is true, the rest is my typical B.S. LA and Hollywood was great and we had a really fun time. If I ever need another fill, I will definately go back. I didn't get in to get my tattoo from LA Ink, so I have to go back for that. My daughter said her hands and feet fit perfectly in Marilyn Monroes. I tried to fit my feet into John Wayne's boot prints, and just as my wife predicted, I couldn't fill his boots.

You're freaking hilarious! And, I must say... the little bit of time that I spent talking with your daughter, well... my guess is that the two of you are a lot alike. Glad your trip to LA was fun!

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I would be interested to see how many of you have purchased meds in Mexico. I know that Amoxicillin is a big one. What types of pain meds are available? Does anyone know if Plavix is available? Do you negotiate prices at at the pharmacies? And, does anyone have a specific pharmacy that they would recommend? I know that they are everywhere.

Thanks in advance, Kristy

I have to admit that I was curious about this as well, but I have concerns about getting through the airport security here in the states rather than across the border. I take several meds for Bipolar would love to have a stash on reserve in case times ever got hard. Has anyone ever had trouble buying meds in Mexico and then getting them through airport security in order to fly home? :(

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Buying Prescription Drugs: The U.S. Embassy recommends that U.S. citizens not travel to Mexico for the sole purpose of buying prescription drugs. U.S. citizens have been arrested and their medicines confiscated by the Mexican authorities when their prescriptions were written by a licensed American physician and filled by a licensed Mexican pharmacist. There have been cases of U.S. citizens buying prescription drugs in border cities only to be arrested soon after or have money extorted by criminals impersonating police officers. Those arrested are often held for the full 48 hours allowed by Mexican law without charges being filed, then released. During this interval, the detainees are often asked for bribes or are solicited by attorneys who demand large fees to secure their release, which will normally occur without any intercession as there are insufficient grounds to bring criminal charges against the individuals. In addition, U.S. law enforcement officials believe that as much as 25 percent of medications available in Mexico are counterfeit and substandard. Such counterfeit medications may be difficult to distinguish from the real medications and could pose serious health risks to consumers. The importation of prescription drugs into the United States can be illegal in certain circumstances. U.S. law generally permits persons to enter the United States with only an immediate (about one-month) supply of a prescription medication.

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I just went into a pharmacy over the weekend on Revolution Ave and asked for some Percocets(back pain ya know) and he said you can't get that here without a perscription. He did say that Tramadol wasn't restricted for purchase and that it could be taken across the border legally. So I got some of those and the wifey got some Amoxicillan for her sister. Viva La Mehico!!

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