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losing VERY slow

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I just need to vent. I have lost very slowly to begin with - - approximately 4 lbs per month. I was 200 lbs to begin with, so I guess a 'lower' weight would make it tougher anyhow, but still... COME ON!! 32 lbs in like 8 months - how frustrating!! :huh: I haven't lost anything in over 2 months despite exercising and following a strict diet. Meh. I have posted about this before but just needed to vent again as I am having a bad day - - an emotional day, rather. :( Thanks for listening everyone.

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I went 3.5 months without losing a single pound. And it was summer, I was very active, working out, watched what I ate - the whole deal. I went and got another fill and started losing again.

Maybe you need another fill? If not, change up your routine. Do your exercise in the am rather than at pm, or vise versa? Maybe try a 3 day liquid diet to change your system up. Make sure you're drinking ALOT of water. That's key. You're plateau-ing. Every one does. Change up the foods you eat. Maybe eat smaller dinner and bigger lunch. Call Dr. Miranda for suggestions - she has many!

Four pounds/month isn't bad. My personal goal was 5 pounds/month. I'm just not doing the 8-10 pounds like was suggested. And I'm okay with that. 4 pounds/month is better than gaining, or better than none!

Remember, it's not a race. Good luck!

I just need to vent. I have lost very slowly to begin with - - approximately 4 lbs per month. I was 200 lbs to begin with, so I guess a 'lower' weight would make it tougher anyhow, but still... COME ON!! 32 lbs in like 8 months - how frustrating!! :huh: I haven't lost anything in over 2 months despite exercising and following a strict diet. Meh. I have posted about this before but just needed to vent again as I am having a bad day - - an emotional day, rather. :( Thanks for listening everyone.
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I noticed in your stats that you weigh very little to begin with. Your plateau makes a lot of sense, as you're already at a pretty normal BMI. Be patient with yourself. You'll need to do some fine turning if you want to get the last 25 lbs off, and it will be a challenge.

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I went 3.5 months without losing a single pound. And it was summer, I was very active, working out, watched what I ate - the whole deal. I went and got another fill and started losing again.

Maybe you need another fill? If not, change up your routine. Do your exercise in the am rather than at pm, or vise versa? Maybe try a 3 day liquid diet to change your system up. Make sure you're drinking ALOT of water. That's key. You're plateau-ing. Every one does. Change up the foods you eat. Maybe eat smaller dinner and bigger lunch. Call Dr. Miranda for suggestions - she has many!

Four pounds/month isn't bad. My personal goal was 5 pounds/month. I'm just not doing the 8-10 pounds like was suggested. And I'm okay with that. 4 pounds/month is better than gaining, or better than none!

Remember, it's not a race. Good luck!

Calicat ~ EXCELLENT post! I totally agree with everything you said. Last week, I changed my routine completely and 8 days later, I lost 4 lbs! I kid you not! I was plateauing for over a month, because I lost a lot of weight to begin with, and my body is catching up with me. Although, I am losing the inches, just not the poundage. BUT, my newly changed routine includes some hard core strengthening and cardio exercises AND I am better monitoring my calories intake (tracking from a different website) and BOY, has THIS made a HUGE difference for me right now!

Good luck...YOU CAN DO THIS! Take the time to know the new you...

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Hugs to you. I haven't had my surgery yet but I read your post and I can understand why your results might have you a bit down. I used to work as a consultant for a national diet plan...(I know I know...and I still decided to have surgery) anyway, this is what I know because I saw it personally all of the time.

As you lose weight, your body requires less calories. Simple enough. So at 200 lbs your body would lose weight at 1500 calories a month, and each 10 lbs you lose, in theory, you should eat about 100 calories less ... and in the world outside of surgery solutions, we didn't let our clients eat under 1200 calories a day.

So when we begin our journey, I can't speak for everyone, but my liquid diet is just a smidge over 400 calories a day. Again, I can't speak for everyone but from what I've read, once solid foods are introduced our daily calorie allowance goes up...until it settles at about 1000 (which is the reverse of the commercial diet world).

Because when we are on liquids our daily calorie intake is low and then slowly rises the weight loss results will slow down, plateau...etc.

To be at your current weight and losing .75 percent of your body weight each week is really an exceptional result. I know that's not what you want to hear...but honest, it really is.

I hope my post makes sense. I also have a list of about 100 items that might have occured with your or your body that would say to ignore the scale...a little too long to post here.

Hugs to you!

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I too lost quickly before and have plateaued - I know its supposed to be slower for lower bmi - especially now...but I feel your pain! It is very frustrating!

I have been stuck at 155 - actually going up a pound to 156 this week - grrrr...I have introduced swimming 5 times a week - plus back at the gym 4-5 days a week. Also - I realized I havent been drinking water - at all! So - today I went and bought some water bottles and mae myself drink 1.5 today and tomorrow my goal is to have at least 2 (which would be about 5-6 glasses). I noticed when I was losing good I was drinking a lot more water - I always have a hard time with this..

Any other suggestions from you guys? I am trying to have more protein too - and starting tomorrow I am going to track every morsel that goes into my mouth again - another thing I was doing before.

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It sounds like you are doing your part and that you just have to be patient and let your body "catch up" a bit.

You did not say how tall you are or how you determined your ideal goal weight. If you started at 200, is your goal 130? Others on the forum haved posted that our bone and muscle weigh more when we become heavy and that it can be difficult to get down to pre-obese weights.

Are you losing inches instead of pounds?

I also do not know how old you are but as we age, our metabolism slows making it harder to lose.

Are you eating enough? I only say that because you say you are exercising which usually helps with weight loss.

Stress level? Dr. Miranda told me "stressing" about losing weight releases cortisol which makes it harder to lose.

You look great in your picture. Congratulations on your success so far!


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THANK you, everyone for your support and suggestions! Its encouraging and makes me feel validated and understood. I have switched up my exercise routine and have added strength training/cardio and I see a personal trainer so he has me doing cardio and strength training together. Its a killer lol!

I emailed Dr. Miranda and she gave me a strict diet to follow and have been trying to do it, but am finding that sometimes I am way too tight - - or my band rather. She wants me to eat 2 pieces of protein for breakfast, a fruit and 2 slices of toast or 8 crackers. For lunch, a piece of fish/chicken/turkey/ham etc, veggies, fruit and carb like 2 toast or 8 crackers again. For dinner, basically same thing. No drinks with calories and I am allowed only 2 tbps of dairy per day. I am doing the best I can to get all this food in but some days its just not happening.

Someone asked how tall I am - - I am 5'6". My determined goal weight by Dr. Miranda is 147 lbs. I was 195 at surgery and she wanted me to lose 48 lbs to get me to a 23 BMI.

Robbyn - - thank you SO much for your post. It really helped me to see that maybe I am being too hard on myself. You know, I worked at LA weightloss for over a year, so like you, I should know all of these things lol :rolleyes: BUT I guess its difficult sometimes isn't it? You are totally right, though. Thank you again! Good luck with your surgery - you will be in the BEST of hands, trust me. Dr. Ortiz is the best Dr. there is for this surgery. He actually emailed me yesterday to see how I am doing because when Dr. Miranda emailed me back with my diet plan, she CCd it to Dr. Ortiz. I was touched by the fact that he took the time to email me.

Thank you all again. You have given me renewed strength and courage to kep pushing on in this journey!! ><'

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Calicat ~ EXCELLENT post! I totally agree with everything you said. Last week, I changed my routine completely and 8 days later, I lost 4 lbs! I kid you not! I was plateauing for over a month, because I lost a lot of weight to begin with, and my body is catching up with me. Although, I am losing the inches, just not the poundage. BUT, my newly changed routine includes some hard core strengthening and cardio exercises AND I am better monitoring my calories intake (tracking from a different website) and BOY, has THIS made a HUGE difference for me right now!

Good luck...YOU CAN DO THIS! Take the time to know the new you...


Can you give us examples of your new routine. I have too started hitting the weights and cardio HARD! Also can you tell us some websites to track you carlorie intake?



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I too have been stuck since Jan Once I hit onerland, I have been at 197 for 2 months. I also started to exersice and drink lots of water. I really hope this helps.

You look GREAT!! You can really tell a difference from your before and after pictures. Wow! way yo go girlfriend.

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Can you give us examples of your new routine. I have too started hitting the weights and cardio HARD! Also can you tell us some websites to track you carlorie intake?



Hey Carrie,

Me & JazzyJude use Sparkpeople.com. It is fabulous!!!!! :)

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Carrie I hear you!!! I have been at 160/163 since before Christmas. I am working my butt off. I am literally doing the same as I was back when I was losing 10 lbs a month. This week I decided to step up my exercise a lot. I have always calorie counted (on my own) but I am trying to be really vigilant. I also just ordered the new version of the Body Bugg and the digital display. I am hoping this really puts me over and let me know what is up with my stinkin' body!

Good luck!


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Carrie I hear you!!! I have been at 160/163 since before Christmas. I am working my butt off. I am literally doing the same as I was back when I was losing 10 lbs a month. This week I decided to step up my exercise a lot. I have always calorie counted (on my own) but I am trying to be really vigilant. I also just ordered the new version of the Body Bugg and the digital display. I am hoping this really puts me over and let me know what is up with my stinkin' body!

Good luck!


Hey Karen -

Isn't it frustrating to be the same for SO long even when you are workin your butt off at the gym? Whats the body bugg?? HMMM. :)

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Hey Karen -

Isn't it frustrating to be the same for SO long even when you are workin your butt off at the gym? Whats the body bugg?? HMMM. :)

It's the armband thing that measures with 96% accuracy what you eat versus what your body burns in 24 hours. The newest version has a digitial display that you wear as a watch or in you pocket that shows you by the minute what is up. It's supposed to be amazing. It was very expensive even on Ebay. BUT I figure that it's worth it when nothing else seems to work. I am very motivated by numbers so I am confident it'll work.......... I guess they use them on the biggest loser but I don't watch so I am not sure.....

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Hey Carrie,

Me & JazzyJude use Sparkpeople.com. It is fabulous!!!!! :)

Thanks Dana, I will check that website out.....

Carrie, hang in there girl. I am trying something a little different this week that I have been doing, I am adding HIGH protein snacks into my day so I am eating about 5 times a day and I am making myself drink the water. I am also changing my work out times and not doing the same workout everyday. I hope this helps. Just a questions, have you been tracking your measurements, maybe you are shrinking in inches instead of weight ;) .

I keep telling myself that maybe I am replacing some of my "fluff" with muscle do to working out EVERY day now. Anyways keep your head high. You are a bea u ti ful Girl! You can do this!


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I used to be obsessed with the scale too. And then I was nearing my goal weight and stopped weighing myself for awhile. In the past 2 months I have lost so few pounds (6, I think) - but I went from a size 10 to a size 4. Obviously I'm losing weight/fat, but it's not reflecting on the scale. When I bought those size 4s at the mall, I was so excited and scared (did I lose too much?!?) I rushed home to weigh myself and found I haven't lost but ONE pound in the last month.

It's really weird - but don't measure you success by what the scale says alone. But by how you look, how you feel and whether your clothes are fitting different/better.

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Thanks Dana, I will check that website out.....

Carrie, hang in there girl. I am trying something a little different this week that I have been doing, I am adding HIGH protein snacks into my day so I am eating about 5 times a day and I am making myself drink the water. I am also changing my work out times and not doing the same workout everyday. I hope this helps. Just a questions, have you been tracking your measurements, maybe you are shrinking in inches instead of weight ;) .

I keep telling myself that maybe I am replacing some of my "fluff" with muscle do to working out EVERY day now. Anyways keep your head high. You are a bea u ti ful Girl! You can do this!


I used to be obsessed with the scale too. And then I was nearing my goal weight and stopped weighing myself for awhile. In the past 2 months I have lost so few pounds (6, I think) - but I went from a size 10 to a size 4. Obviously I'm losing weight/fat, but it's not reflecting on the scale. When I bought those size 4s at the mall, I was so excited and scared (did I lose too much?!?) I rushed home to weigh myself and found I haven't lost but ONE pound in the last month.

It's really weird - but don't measure you success by what the scale says alone. But by how you look, how you feel and whether your clothes are fitting different/better.

Hey ladies!

Thanks for the encouragement. Carrie - - Yeah ya know, I actually measured myself today (5 min ago or so lol) and I have lost 10 inches in my waist and about 5 in my hips. Maybe more. I can't remember what I started at and I wish I had wrote it down. meh!! :huh: Like you, I am trying to get in more protein and eat a little more frequently. Also I am horrible about the water <_< and have been trying real hard to get at LEAST 4-5 glasses in per day. We shall see!! Keep on plugging along. We WILL get there!

BeBe - CONGRATS on your success! WOW! Size 4. I wish I was that small. My goal is just to get into a size 10 as I am currently in a size 12. I am a 12 in pants and a 10 in skirts (?? :-? not sure why lol). In any case, the mini goal is to get into a 10 comfortably - - comfortably being the key word there lol!! Any suggestions on what to do to lose that many inches??

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