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Day 2

Hello again! I have returned to the hotel and thought I would take time to update the blog. Surgery went great! Everyone there was so helpful, kind, and attentive. We got chicken broth twice, a few otter pops, and some capri suns; which helped. I was up and moving about an hour after my surgery and then walked the halls about every hour. I did not sleep well though, the air/ gas in my stomach made me feel very uncomfortable, a few of the others who had the surgery said the same. I am st



Night Before

Well.... *sigh*.... It is the night before the surgery. The first new day of the rest of my life begins at 7a tomorrow. I am here in Tijuanna, Mexico watching television shows like Vampire Diaries and The Thomas Crown Affair in spanish and thinking about what tomorrow means. I am nervous, excited, ready, apprehensive, and mentally ready for what tomorrow means. The two others that are getting their surgeries tomorrow were nice, and if they read this, I wish you both the best of luck in yo



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