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About this blog

What I'm thinking, eating, and doing to make my life with the lap band the best it can be!!

Entries in this blog

3 weeks of BOOT CAMP starts today!!

Ok so we all know that exercise is a big part of losing inches and reaching our goals and I have been pretty lax about it lately. I was going really hard core back around Easter time and that month did really well with my weight loss and since over the last 2 months I've lost only 7-8lbs (not that those numbers are terrible but if I can achieve that with little or no exercise then I want to see what 3 weeks of hard core working out can do for me!! Plus I've got a goal of 175 by July 4th which se



First Entry- Hello and Welcome

Hello all, Thanks for taking a moment to look at my blog, !! Let's see I am 26 and live in Las Vegas NV, I do website design for a living so I am on the computer all the time!! I got my lapband on Feb 28th 2008 and couldn't be happier with my results so far and I can't wait to see what the future holds for me... That's all for this post, I post a lot on the fourms so we will see how often I can get on here to share what's new in my life!! Love you all!!



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