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Two days till plication!

So the days are ticking by, slowly with this whole liquid thing! I have to admit I broke down and had a meal tonight. I got a terrible sinus infection and upper respiratory infection and the lack of nutrients was really compromising my immune system. Anyway, I am feel much better now and ready to tackle the next two days of liquids only and fasting. I am supposed to fly into San Diego on Tuesday morning and have my pre op tests done Tuesday followed by surgery on Wednesday although I am pushing



One week till plication!

So, I have been on the pre op diet for the last three days and not enjoying it! I am so irritable and frankly wondering why the heck they make you do this anyway. I would like to be a pleasure to be around on the last week of spending with my precious kiddos, and I'm doing my best to hide my crabbiness, but only drinking liquid protein and eatings bags of broccoli is not fun. Clearly I have some food additions (I know duh) but I had no idea I would experience withdrawals like this. My family is



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