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Old Band Gal

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Journey on the Road

Entries in this blog

The Rip van Winkle Years

You will "get" this title more as we go along. For now, let's just say it refers to the period of my life when my main focus was raising the two human beings I had produced. My concerns were minor compared to the awesome task of supporting and nurturing my daughters to adulthood. Mr. Willing was not much a part of this. In his defense, when he had said, "So, you're one of those women who doesn't want to have children?" after a night of competition disco dancing, I had answered, "Actually I'd lik



Along the Road

I entered adolescence only slightly plump & very self-coscienious. We moved out of the city when I was in middle school, and between 8th grade & high school I went through a transformation without even really knowing it. As a loyal reader of the teen movie mags of the day, I constantly compared myself to Annette Funicello and Sondra Dee. They seemed so perfect, and their lives so exciting. (Side note: In case you too young to know them, Sondra Dee died at about 60. Her rumored case of



Who I am and how I got here.

I am an older woman. I love that euphemistic phrase. How old is an older woman? Not young, not old, but closer to old than young. That describes me alright. I won't say how old right now, though I will give clues as I go along... if you follow me on this blog adventure long enough you will figure it out. For the time being I don't want only women of a limited age range to be able to identify with my story. I would like to be able to appeal to men as well, but I think it is uniquely a woman's st



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