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I need to add exercise to my weight loss I think!



...... otherwise I'm never going to lose any more weight! AHHHHHH!!!!! I've been "stuck" at 240 now for a while, and I had a fill last week and I'm hoping that there will be some restriction with this one. I do get full quicker and I do take smaller portions but I know that I need more of it (the fill I mean). But I think what is really slowing me down is my non-active lifestyle. I really do .... so tonight, because I'm not a gym person, I'm going to spend an hour on my Wii -- half hour doing step and the other half hour doing fun stuff. Maybe I'll do half Wii and half Dance Dance Revolution -- either way I have to get my heart beating faster to burn those calories!

On a happier note though ..... I bought some Christmas PJ's at Superstore yesterday in an XL and tried them on last night. Thinking that they were going to be "tight" ..... nope not at all! So.... my pounds may be slower but my inches are going quicker! I even bought a long sleeve shirt from there and it fit! And I find that Joe sizes aren't as "giving" ... so I'm very happy. Its little things like that, that keep me going!


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