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Monday at Recovery by the Sea



I hate to tell you guys,, there just hasn't been much going on here at RBTS. I'm just sitting around on my butt trying to recover from the LBL. OH,, here's one thing,, My "New" belly button won't stop leaking, for some strange reason its leaking the same fluid that's running out my drainage tubes and into the holding bulb. The nurse here at RBTS is going to try to figure out a way to stop the flow. They say the belly button is the hardest thing to stop from being infected and it needs to stay dry. I'll keep ya posted on that. LOL. Exciding hey!

Tomorrows schedule is a van trip to TJ and Cosmed clinic for a check up by Dr. Quiroz. Everyone that's staying here is going along. Kind of an one shot trip. You know this recovery stuff is really boring,, when everyone gets excided to go on a van ride. LOL. More tomorrow.


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