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31 Pounds Down...YIPPEE!!



Ok...so the last time I blogged I was three weeks out from the surgery, and was still on the liquids. Man was that the hard part indeed! I didn't mind the liquids so much...it was just that I was running out of different options, and they were getting so boring! It was also hard as well to eat/drink only liquids as well while having to prepare meals for my husband, and two kids!! I say this to encourage all at this stage to say this...IT IS ALL WORTH IT!!

When I started real food again it was like a flavor explosion, and I started to enjoy the taste of food so much more! Not to mention the fact that you can't eat as much d/t the restriction so you get very choosy as to what you decide to eat. Make it count because you want the food you eat to sustain you for the long haul for energy throughout the day. This is so psychological, and you have to have your head in the game at all times!

The band is merely a tool to help you succeed! You still have to decide what you are going to eat, and if you are going to exercise! I have joined a gym near my home, and have a trainer for a couple of months until I get a feel for all the equipment! I have never stepped foot in a gym, and what good is a membership if you don't know how any of the equipment works?! If you have it in your means I highly recommend it! I had all the excuses in the world why I couldn't exercise here at home!! I make the time now, and my gym has daycare as well which is awesome!!

I just went back down to TJ to have my first fill with Dr. Acosta, and he was very pleased with my progress. He filled my band with 2.0cc's, and had a very smooth trip down to Mexico. I know there are a lot of warnings telling tourists to stay out of Mexico right now, but from the perspective of the locals there it is no different than what is going on here in America in drug/gang neighborhoods. I had no issues whatsoever, but then again they have you covered every step of the way.

As of today, I have lost a total of 31 pounds, and am 9 pounds away from being below 200 pounds for the first time in 4 years. Crazy exciting!


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I'm so happy for you!! I'm 4 days out from surgery :( BUT..I am starting to feel pretty good. Still have some gas pains controlled by lots of walking and still on pain meds--tyl w/cod--liquid taste toooo sweet but helps. I have leg soreness when I wake up, I think I may need more fluids..any advise?

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I'm so happy for you!! I'm 4 days out from surgery :( BUT..I am starting to feel pretty good. Still have some gas pains controlled by lots of walking and still on pain meds--tyl w/cod--liquid taste toooo sweet but helps. I have leg soreness when I wake up, I think I may need more fluids..any advise?

You betcha...fluids...fluids...fluids! Hot compresses for the gas pain also helps! Things get a lot easier after a week. By two weeks you are feeling back to your old self again minus a few pounds!! Good luck to you, and thanks for your comments!!

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I am on day 5. I am still ok with everything. Still sore on port side... and still some bruising around biggest incision (is that normal?) I am down 17 pounds from when I started the pre-op diet. Today had kids in the car and they were eating fries.. how come those darn things smell so good? I just thought, their lives have to go on as normal and I have to learn how to deal with it. They are so busy with sports that fries every now and then aren't going to hurt them, but I have to learn how to say NO and mean it. I want to be back to high school weight by the end of the year... hard to not climb on the scale twice a day to check progress. Hope everybody out there gets to their goal and can maintain.. we didn't spend all that $$ for nothing!!!

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amen to that! the money spent is a huge motivator! and the pain invoked when we eat just a bit too much. After not eating with the family for so long it is a relief to finally be able to eat a Normal Meal just in lapband portions. THe hard part for me is slowing down and CHEW CHEW CHEW! This is 180 from the eat on the go habits I had accuired!

We have the power to change, I am working to remember that!

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