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Surgery is scheduled! April 24th, 2009



Yesterday I scheduled the appointment for the lapband! It's set for April 24th, 2009.

I feel like it's falling into place, and at times I feel myself pushing for it. I know that when the time is right it will happen and this is not something to rush. Easy does it Angie! Easy does it. A decision has been mad, this is progress. There is light at the end of the tunnel! I am a controller and a planner by nature. I often have to practice self restraint when the urge comes to push or force things. For that is not the "spiritual way" I like to live my life by.

I have faxed my paperwork back to the OCC, the health survey ect. I am waiting to hear back on bank financing. That makes me a little nervous. We have some credit card debt, most of which is interest free. Still we have the debt and it may be a bit to high for us to get a loan from Coop. They generally don't like you to have more than 40-45% debt and we have 50%. Hmmm. well I guess we will have to wait, and see what they say, and make a decision after that. We have money in savings that we can use, but I want to keep it there.

I found airline tickets, but now I am holding off on them because.....I don't want to rush things.

I'll know more by next week.


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