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Embracing the Alpha & Omega.

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Tight! Yes mamma I am tight!

A few word before I get started ranting about what's new. I want to say thank you to each of you who reads my randomness. I love getting your messages, questions and thoughts. It feels good to get to know you and I really appeciate you taking the time to comment. To any guy who reads this, you may as well stop now if women speak bugs you. I will be sharing about being tight with a fill; but the reason why it's a women thing! You have been forewarned. So, I am having my monthly cycl



Indepth talk about fills and restriction.

*This is an email reply from me to a friend. We are talking fills. I have edited out the more personal information.* I am pretty happy with my fill level. My portions are now down to a smaller portion. One that I am letting myself adjust too. In the mornings, like today, I am eating 3/4 of a banana. For lunch I am having shrimp with cocktail sauce. I am going to see how many # I can eat. Right now I stay satisfied longer. To be honest, I could skip breakfast and



Holy Cow Batman!

So, I have hit on my holiday trip.....haven't shared everything cuz it is a bunch of negative stuff.....and believe me i could go on and on and on, just ask Carrie! lol! Sorry Carrie - but thanks for reading my woes! (not sure you read this blog but if you do...thanks for listening!) I woke up last night and tries to night eat. Yes, that is right. I have been dealing with a whole lot of unpleasant "stuff" and want to stuff my face to cope. Thank you band! I can rarely night eat anymore.



1/2 way home and chillaxing in the hotel

Well we are on our way back to the home we miss and love. I am looking forward to seeing our cats and sleeping in my very own bed!!! Nothing feels as good as a sleep number. I am spoiled. Plus we have been sleeping on a queen or double and have had an extra lump in our bed. The lump is named Daniel. He is completely off his normal routine and was a bit freaked out by all the travel and change of environment. He wanted no part of sleeping in his bed at grammy's house. So we had a "family"



Vacations are suppose to be fun right?!

Talk about a ruff vacation. The best part of it was spent with my hubby and son in the hotel on the way to visit the folks. We relaxed, swam, and enjoyed each others company. There was no major tension or arguments. No battles of will to make the holiday a uncomfortable mess. At 33 years of age, one would think I would be beyond my "pleasing" stage in life. I still find myself doing things for others that end up putting me in a bad way. Why, because I want to spare them the dissapoint




Okay so I've learned my bowels have changed since having surgery. I went throught the adjustment period of "hard poop" where I was not getting enough of what I needed to have a good BM. I added benefiber to my morning coffee and it seems to have done the trick. I do poop alot less volumn wise as well. See, I told you from the get go....this subject contains entirely to much information. Holy Crap! Literally, I had a BM this morning and was amazed at how much came out! I hadn't gone for



Helpful tips and info

I pulled this information off the internet. I did not create this guide.... FYI HOW TO TELL WHEN YOU ARE PERFECTLY ADJUSTED. You are losing around 2 pounds per week. If you are NOT losing 2 pounds per week You may need an eating adjustment: Are you eating 60 grams of protein a day? Are you eating 25 grams of fiber? Are you avoiding all liquid calories? Soup can be sign of "soft calorie syndrome" Alcohol contains a lot of calories about 7 calories per gram It's also a stomach irritant



In the drivers seat of my health care car! LOL

I am back from my 5th fill. Yes, I said #5. I can say with confidence that this will be a very good fill. Matter of fact, this is the best fill I have got out of them all! The last fill was a good one too, but even this latest one blows it out of the ball park. Finally! Not only that!!! But my intuition was correct. I felt the vibe of, “you’re calling again so soon for an adjustment.” [unspoken tone in their voice] Um, yeah! I filled out there paperwork that goes into detail of how muc



Writing because I can't speak of it.

There is a back story, like everything seems to have. I am not going into it right now. This is more for me than for anyone who reads this so please excuse me if I don't focus on the story up till now. I just don't have it in me. I've made the decison to put my cat down. My husband will take him to the vet tomorrow. I will have Doc B runs some tests on him, that are only going to cost me money. I know in my heart there is nothing wrong with him other than his personality. Which by the wa



Let's talk about food with a crunch.

I brough several bags of Kay's Naturals foods They had a sale and a good sample package so I bought some goodies. When I focus on protein, I am finding more and more that I want something with a crunch. Now, I didn't realize I was a "cruchy" type of food eater. Before now, I have not been big into chips or foods that offered that crunch. Most of the proteins' I eat now are soft, chewy or meaty. That completely leaves out the crunch. So on the search I went. This morning I had a bag of H



I am so blessed!

Hey all! Black Friday we all loaded up in the car and went shopping at Nebraska Furniture Mart. I asked Santa for a laptop and Santa.....aka my loving husband bought me one! I got a lovely Toshiba laptop with a huge screen and 10 key on the keyboard. Very cool. Has a web camera right in the monitor too! Yes! I am so happy. You can bet I will be making some more You Tube videos! Yes! It was affordable too! It won't be my laptop alone, I will share it with everyone in my family. Jim h



What I am up too....

Hello everyone. I have recently stumbled on a great weightloss community on you tube. It is pretty cool. I like being able to see everyone. People really lay it on the line there, and I enjoy the truth being spoke. One of my favorite channels is "ProofWLSWorks." That channel has a new youtuber for each day of the week. Each week they have a topic they all share on. The speakers have all had weightloss surgery of one type of another, so you can see the topic from different perspectives.



Happy Thanksgiving! An Boy Am I Grateful!

I cooked up a storm this year. It was great. Switched up a few recipes for the health of it. Ate till I was satisfied and felt great. I had all the fixings! Yummo! I love this band!



Self esteem / Bread / Cake / Fill

Self esteem – Feels so good! Looking better….oh, wait…..a compliment! I am at the 40 lbs lost mark. (happy dance) A co-worker said she could see I was loosing weight. YES! Love it! That makes 4 people I work with who have noticed a change! Thank heavens, I was starting to wonder if people were blind!! It is amazing how you can loose weight and no one will comment. It feels good to see and feel the changes I have with my own body, and yet when someone else notices it it’s like icing on to



Nurse visit - Check in.

My weight loss has really slowed down. I lost 2 lbs this month. Down 8 lbs since my last fill in Sept. I've been watching a lot of videos on you tube. People vlog about there journey. I have really learned alot. I am a visual person so it helps to see people and pictures of what they are talking about. They get honest about things and it has been refreshing. Getting my head in the game for my next fill. Each one is a process for me. Getting use to less food and all the adjustments t



NSV - Shopping - Walker Tracker Challenge!

NVS! I went shopping this weekend. (Toddler free) I went to good ol’ Walmart. I was on a mission to find a new bra. One that would offer support and the all so important comfort! My current bra size was 44 DD. I walked out with a 42 D! I am so happy about that. I’ve had set backs with my food intake that I am aware of and I am working on. I want to feel good about the foods I am putting into my body. Changing my food habits is a work in progress. Adding junk food is not something I



Drinking water – big ol’ drinks! Questions…

Drinking water – big ol’ drinks! Questions… Okay so I had something unexpected happen this morning. I took a big-o-drink of water. More like three consecutive drinks. Swallow, swallow, swallow….you get what I am saying. I actually felt the water being held up. Like not super drastic, but I felt it in my stoma and throat. I felt a mild alert over the situation. Um, never had that happen before! Wow! Until this happened this morning I have been able to chug-a-lug my water at a good rate



A New All Time Low!

I new from the moment I woke up this morning, I felt skinny! So I made my way to the bathroom and BAM! 237.7! Ta-Da! It feels good to see the decrease in size and number! I feel better, can move easier, breath deeper, and eat less! I feel like a success! Last night, I was eating supper and I must have taken a "few" bites to many. Something didn't feel right, and I knew I was in for it when I started to get the spits. I was up walking around, and had to make my way to the sink. (I am



Scheduled my 5th Fill - December 7th, 2009

I scheduled another fill apt for December. I have really been on the fence. Do I need a fill….? Up until now I haven't had this hard of a time making up my mind. What the biggest sticking point is the amount of food/portion wise and being MENTALLY satisfied with a smaller and smaller portion of food. For example, yesterday I ate around the band. I had gyro meat for lunch with sauce. I had around 1/3 of the meat when I felt satisfied. So, I stopped, but mentally I was not satisfied.



Walker Tracker Challenge!

Walker Tracker Challenge. I joined a walker tracker challenge. For the most part, I needed to get some accountability for myself; To push myself to do something. I’d joined a gym, and it seemed to cause my husband some stress and unhappiness. I was very surprised by his reaction, and I realize it is not the healthiest of reactions to have to your spouse wanting to do something positive. That being said, *clears throat* I am not the picture of healthy living myself. I have PLENTY of “issues



Hair Molting

Hair Molting For the past few months, I have REALLY noticed an increase in hair molting. It is has been bothersome to the point of me using google. From all I have read, it seems that it is not uncommon to molt after surgery, sever trauma, child birth, after reaching the age of 30, crash diets, lack of protein, and a few others that I can’t think of right now. The information I found to be the most fitting and helpful was under Telogen. So, if you have noticing you are loosing hair. Google




Next! I am wearing a pair of my “next size down jeans.” I am happy to say, that they fit well, and my hubby even said….”they look a little too big!” Oh how I love him! I had tried these jeans on last month and…..they fit, but were not flattering. So, I continued wearing my size 22’s. I am not one to wear something simply because I can pull it up over my hips. Nope, I am more about breathing and comfort. Let’s face it, when you are larger, to tight simply means less comfort and more p



Changes, oh how I love to see the changes.

Changes, oh how I love to see the changes. I am one of “those” fatties that got this way by not having the stop button. You know the type of person who could purchase a pumpkin pie for desert and by the next day the pie would be half gone. Not to mention, that I was the only person eating the pie! Yes, sad to admit it but it is true. I was the person who would buy little Debbie’s snack cakes. Hide a few boxes in my closet and put the rest in the cupboard. Eat one whole box the same day



This is great! 241.8

I am beside myself this morning. Let me tell you, when I stepped on the scale, it had gone down a tinny bit more 241.8. This is amazing to me! I am assuming the fill I had is really doing its job?! Seems like I am dropping weight pretty fast, more so than I thought I would. Not that I am complaining, it is surprising to me. The foods I am eating are the same as before. In the beginning my weight loss was S-L-O-W or non existent. I was pro-active about getting fills. Each month, I went



Lowest number yet! 242.5 Yay Baby!

Well the scale said 242.5. That my folks is the lowest number I've seen in 2 years. I am pretty sure I will be out of the 240's soon. Maybe next week.....lets hope. I could use a change of scenery. Come on 230's. I know before to long, I will be cleaning out my closet. My 22's are pretty big. Can not wait to give them to someone who needs them! What a great feeling! My husband took our son out today. It feels great to have some alone time. I don't get me time very often. I love my



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