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My first fill is scheduled!



I scheduled my first fill yesterday. It will be done by Fill Centers USA in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, August 12th at 2:30, using flouro. I live about six hours away, so I'll get up early, drive down there, get my fill, check in at my motel, and then go check in for the Scentsy convention.

I know I'll be on liquids during convention, but that's okay. I'd rather get my fill on Wednesday and then have to be on liquids during convention (and know that I can go back to Fill Centers USA for an unfill if need be) than wait til convention is over with and I'm on my way out of town to get the fill. Fill Centers USA has a 72-hour unfill policy so I'd rather be safe than sorry.

My wounds are healing, slowly. I'll be so stinkin' glad when I don't have to cover up the one with gauze, though! Going through a fortune in first aid supplies, but I'd rather do that than risk infection in the wound.

Going over to my daughter's and son-in-law's tonight for dinner and to love on my two grand-babies. I'm taking Popeye's chicken for them and mashed potatoes/gravy and red beans & rice for me. I'm debating if I want to try to take a bite of chicken tonight. I haven't had any trouble with the diet restrictions, but today is day one of 'soft' for me. I think if I chew the chicken up really well, I'll be okay. I hope!

My grand-babies have a new trampoline and they want Grandma to come over so they can show me their new 'tricks'. Have I mentioned how much I love and adore my grand-babies? They are the most beautiful, awesome little girls in the whole world. One will be four in October and the other one, her sister, will be three in January and I love them both to pieces!

I may be introducing my English Gentleman to them tonight, as well. I'll see. Depends a lot on what happens during the day today and how much I get accomplished.

Having a party tomorrow night at my house, so I have a ton of housework that needs to get done tomorrow before the party. I've already decided that if I *don't* get it all done, that's just too damn bad! If they want a perfect house to have a party in, they need to have the party somewhere else than mine! *I'm* the one who just had surgery, damnit!


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