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My journey to a *new* me!

Entries in this blog

Slowly but surely!

So, slowly but surely, the weight is coming off. I'm at about 40 pounds currently, with two fills. I've made an appointment for my third fill; it's scheduled for Thursday, April 8. I'll leave here at oh-dark-thirty that morning, go to SLC for the fill, then spend the night in SLC. Next morning I'll get up and head up to IF to spend the weekend with my son, my daughter-in-law and my not-yet-born (but will have been born by the time I get there) grandson. I am *so* excited to be going! My fi



The "not me's"

I apparently suffer from a serious case of the "not me's". You know how it goes...you'll read about some aspect of the band and you'll think to yourself, "Oh, I *know* better than that! That won't happen to me...not me!" First fill was great. 2 cc's of saline. My port is pretty deep and the Dr. recommends that every fill be done with flouro. Figures! Now every fill will be an additional $99, but I am trying to look at it from the standpoint that it's better to be safe than sorry. So...I




I'm starting to get very excited about my weight-loss journey. My first fill is tomorrow afternoon. I've lost close to 20 pounds since I started and I can tell the difference in how my clothes fit me. My one *problem child* incision is healing well, finally. I've been reading on the forums and in blogs about people getting nauseous because they were eating too much, too fast. When I first starting reading about it, I totally thought they were high! How in the *world* is that even possibl




People are telling me that they can see a difference in me. Wow. And I haven't even had my first fill yet so I feel like I can eat just about anything. I'm making a conscious effort to watch my portion sizes, drink plenty of water, take super small bites and chew like a mad-woman, all in slow motion! The gals at the bead shop today told me that they can totally see a difference in my face, my tummy and my butt. Awesome! I just wish the scales would show me that! Honestly, I get on every F



My first fill is scheduled!

I scheduled my first fill yesterday. It will be done by Fill Centers USA in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, August 12th at 2:30, using flouro. I live about six hours away, so I'll get up early, drive down there, get my fill, check in at my motel, and then go check in for the Scentsy convention. I know I'll be on liquids during convention, but that's okay. I'd rather get my fill on Wednesday and then have to be on liquids during convention (and know that I can go back to Fill Centers USA for an



What a day!

Wow! What a mile-stone type of day this is, so far. Michael's son is leaving to go to visit his Aunt in Wales for three weeks. Stephen is due home from Iraq this afternoon for two weeks. Michael H.'s bday is today. Austin's bday is today. Found out that Derek (ex-stepson) got married. Wow!! I'm getting anxious about eating soft foods. That happens on Friday. I'm ready. Went to a WLS support group last night at one of the local hospitals. There were LOTS of people there doing the 'wai



Slowly feeling positive

Today is two weeks post-op. Well, I should say that this afternoon at 4:17 pm is two weeks post-op. I've had some problems with a couple of my incisions. One major problem (all the stitches came out of one incision) and one minor problem (one of the stitches came out of another incision). So I've been REALLY concentrating on wound care and cleaning of same during the last two weeks. 'What to eat' has come in second, every day. I'm more concerned about my wounds not getting infected (which



Simon is home, safe and sound! YAY!!

My boxer was discovered missing from my yard yesterday morning. I have been frantic. I searched the Humane Society. I put out an ad on Craigslist and in my local paper. I searched my neighborhood and the local parks. I cried. And then I cried some more. I kept imagining him hungry and thirsty and going to the river to get a drink, missing his footing and falling in, to be swept along to who-knows-where. I had a friend come over on Friday to get some extra no-good-to-me-but-someone-else-m



My legacy to my children/grandchildren

Reading the thread about obese children has really touched me. I have been fat my whole life. I weighed in at 196 during the initial Dr's appointment when I discovered I was pregnant with my son. He'll be 29 in a few weeks. So, yeah...30 years of being overweight. I have a niece who just got married the middle of April. My whole family was present for her wedding. My dad, my two sisters, my two daughters (two of my three children). My dad and my son have the same type of body. Stick-thi



A few things I'd mention to anyone considering lap band

First of all...I am grossly overweight. I should weigh somewhere in the low 160's and I weigh in the high 270's. So you can see...*grossly* overweight. I have a *lot* of fat/weight to move whenever I sit up or bend over or even roll over in bed. Just doing those things post-op caused some of my stitches to pop. I think that's why the Dr. put my port where he did, was so that I could bend over and not open the port incision. In the meantime, I've lost at least three stitches, possibly four.



First half-day back at work

I woke up this morning feeling great, so I decided that I would go in and work for half a day or so. Anything I did today would make tomorrow (month-end) that much easier for me. So I took my shower, changed my dressings, got dressed and went to job #2 (I have three). They haven't heard from me since I left Thursday morning at job #2 and I knew they would be frantic. They were all excited to see me and told me I look great, yada, yada, yada. It was wonderful to feel so very loved. One of m



Officially a 'bandster'!! YAY!! :)

Had my surgery at 4:17 on Thursday, June 25. It's official...I'm now a bandster! *doing the happy dance* The Dr. discovered I had a hiatal hernia and some adhesions and that my stomach was actually in my chest cavity, instead of in my abdominal cavity where it belongs (I had no clue!). He got everything all straightened out and didn't charge me a penny extra! I do have my port in a 'not so normal' place compared to the rest of you, though...mine is right between my boobs. That incision mig



Getting antsy!!

Surgery's in a week and I'm starting to get antsy...not antsy as in nervous about the trip/surgery but antsy as in I want it all over and done with, so I can learn to eat healthy and begin the process of learning to live my life again. I've verified with both of my daughters the transportation to/from the airport plans (I'm cheap and don't want to leave my car there for two nights!). Also verified that my youngest daughter and her hubby will be taking my boxer, Simon, home with them after hubb



Started pre-op diet today

I started my pre-op diet today so I can shrink my liver a little bit before I have my surgery. It's basically Atkins. High protein, low-carb. My surgery is next Thursday, which means I have ten days of doing it. Hell, I can do that standing on my head! I went over to Linda's yesterday and she took me to her studio and took about two dozen 'before' pictures of me (she's a professional photographer, so guess who's going to be doing my lingerie photos when I lose some of this weight??? lol).



Getting all my ducks in a row

Slowly, things are totally coming together. I've bought the Smart Stick hand blender and all the post-op food and powdered protein supplements that I'm going to need, with the exception of the fresh fruit I'll need for my fruit puree's. I'll get that the night before I leave. I've bought liquid vitamins and dissolvable Gas-X, as well as a fresh supply of band-aids and first-aid ointment, cuz who knows how long the other ointment has been in my medicine cabinet? Could have been there for de



Surgery three weeks from today! Woo-hooo!!!

My surgery is scheduled for three weeks from this afternoon...not that I'm counting or anything! Six more work days of regular diet, then eight work days of pre-op diet...then I'm on the plane and outta here! Woo-hooo!!!



Fill Centers USA prices

So...called Fill Centers USA yesterday to get an idea of prices and availability. 'Bout had a coronary! The initial visit is $350, which doesn't include flouro. Flouro is an additional $99. Subsequent visits are $165. So...my first visit is going to cost me almost $500. Wow! But, I know that I want flouro at my first fill, just to make sure that everything is okay. I hope I don't need a fill every single month! And, even if I went back to TJ for my first fill and they used flouro, I'd



Wow! I am *so* out of shape!

Holy crap! You know how you really don't notice how much weight you've gained until you see a picture of yourself and then you're in shock for a minute at how fat you are? Yeah, I got the same reaction this morning, only it was about how out of shape I am. I already *know* I'm fat! Holy crap...got on my new treadmill for six minutes on Sunday and for seven minutes last night. This morning, my tummy muscles are sore! From walking! 13 minutes of walking and I'm sore. This is going to be a



Got my treadmill!

Got my treadmill this weekend...it's a Nordic Track C1900...Linda bought hers brand-new at Costco a couple of years ago for $699 and then she had to assemble it. I got mine delivered and ready-to-go for $350. I totally got a STEAL! I even got on yesterday and walked for a bit to test it out...I could only do six minutes before my back started hurting though. I know six minutes isn't a lot, but hey, it's a start, at least!



There are forces at work

Since I have begun this journey...from the VERY start...I've felt that there are forces at work around me...guiding me and pointing me in the direction I need to go. Example: the fill Dr. is right across the street from my work. I can sit at my desk and look across Overland and see his office. How the hell cool is that? Example: Susan and the whole 'life-mapping/hypnosis' thing. One more cog in the wheel of transformation. I just found out that one of the (flouro-using) Fill Centers USA'




Woo-hooo!!! I get my treadmill this weekend! Found it on Craigslist...Nordic Track...retails for over $1K and I'm getting it for $350! I can't wait! AND it's the same one that Linda has! How weird is THAT? Went to a different GNC on my lunch hour yesterday and bought some more protein supplements. I have about a four month supply now, so I'm pretty sure I'm set! lol Went to the store last night and bought about a dozen and a half different soups. I actually bought baby food, too, to su



GNC last night

I bee-bopped into GNC last night, just to look around, while I was waiting for my daughter to meet me. Never in my life have I even *set foot* in a nutrition store. I was pretty much convinced that lightning was gonna flash and the ground was gonna open up and swallow me as I walked through the front door. Surprise! Nothing unusual happened, but trust me, I was waiting for it to! The clerk was a complete snot to me. He took one look at me (and my size) and immediately (mentally) dismissed



OMG! I *love* my Smart Stick!

I have decided that I am *completely* in love with my new Smart Stick Hand Blender! It is the most awesome thing I've used in decades! Went over to Linda's this weekend and she fixed me a fruit drink with it...she said it was my first 'bandster' meal and this was to give me an idea of how to eat once the surgery and healing is all done. All she did was chop up some fresh fruit into small pieces (I chose cantaloupe, papaya, pear, watermelon, strawberry and half a banana) and then she poured so



Things have started

The first check was waiting for me when I got home from work on Friday. So...I have made the surgery appointment (Thursday, June 25), paid the deposit and made our flight reservations. My younger daughter will take us to the airport and she and her husband will take care of Simon (my boxer) while I'm gone. My older daughter will pick us up when we get home. Just a couple more things to get done before I go: 1) Shop for liquids/protein shakes, etc. 2) Look on Craigslist for a good used trea



Met with Susan for the first time

First meeting went well...it helped that we had history with each other, I think. The initial 3-hour meeting was knocked down to a little less than 2 because of that history and the fact that I'm already comfortable with her. I am REALLY excited to see some of the changes that she's helping me map out. Already could tell a difference this morning...did my 'house laps' before I got on the computer to play WoW. Going to concentrate initially on the 'get moving' part of the transformation. Aft



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