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What I am up too....



Hello everyone. I have recently stumbled on a great weightloss community on you tube. It is pretty cool. I like being able to see everyone. People really lay it on the line there, and I enjoy the truth being spoke. One of my favorite channels is "ProofWLSWorks." That channel has a new youtuber for each day of the week. Each week they have a topic they all share on. The speakers have all had weightloss surgery of one type of another, so you can see the topic from different perspectives. Makes it cool and has that human connection.

My youtuber id is "faith8412", feel free to add me if you have an account on You Tube as I would enjoy your friendship.

I had a great Thanksgiving. I didn't over eat and felt on track. Then the very next day, I felt like I ate all day long. I am not going to beat myself up over it, but I will say this.....I am better off this year than I have been anyother year before! So, I have gratitude for that as well.

I'd say I am on the weightloss journey of my lifetime. I am not uber obsessed with the process in the way of I am taking it in stride. I am living with the band, and that to me means enjoying myself along the way. For me personally, I don't want to be so focused on loosing weight that I loose my life to it.

I am happy and life is goooood!

I hope each and everyone of you had a great holiday and was able to celebrate in the way you choose to!

Many good wishes this holiday season!


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