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Two weeks down



The second week is done and I'm slightly ahead of my goal. I only made it to the gym once but I am already feeling stronger and fitter. We had some crazy weather so I'm glad I did get all my cardio in for the week. My eating was better this past week as well, I am hoping to continue that this coming week.

Usually the first couple weeks of a goal are easy, you have the motivation from a new beginning. But the following through part can be tough. I am hoping to get a day of cross county skiing in next week. I haven't been skiing all winter and I just found out the park is closing on April 10. It is a great way to get in cardio for me, it's just a hassle because I have to drive about an hour and a half to get there. I"m hoping I can meet up with a friend, but it's hard to plan because the weather can be crazy this time of year. Geez, it feels like I have nothing but excuses. OK, so that's what having a plan B and even a plan C is all about.

So my goal this week is to stay on track and do at least two days of weight workouts. I also want to do a little better on eating this week than I did last week. I also need to find my list of non-food rewards. It's crazy that I have to write a list - food unfortunately is my first choice. But I have to keep remembering my ultimate goal - I want to look great in the pictures that will be taken on my trips in May. I am feeling good, and I want to feel even better. I've got a little over 5 weeks left - I can do this!


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