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One Month after surgery



This month has been eye opening to say the least. I have had to face head hunger quite a few times and learned what foods are trigger foods and why I feel the need to eat when I'm not hungry. One of my biggest problems was how much I hate being alone. Every time I am alone, I want to eat. More than once I found myself standing in front of an open fridge and knowing I couldn't eat anything from inside, I realized why I was standing there. I was trying to fill the emptiness. Only now, of course, I can't. I like my day busy and full of friends and family. I have to learn to live with myself, and accept that there will be times I will be alone and I don't have to fill up on food.

I have had to face head hunger of junk food, too. Went into Walmart a few times and shortly afterwards I craved chips. Every time. Staying out of the stores unless I really need something can help with this one. No window shopping.

I haven't been tempted to cheat much, but when the constipation got really bad last week I was tempted to go to Dairy Queen. I know how that reacted before on me and was wanting relief. I didn't allow any kind of reasoning to sway me, though. No Dairy Queen! I was proud of even the little wins like this one!

I grocery shopped a couple of times and bought only what was on my list. No junk food and no food that are not on the safe list. I truly felt empowered! And trying new recipes mostly from "The World According to Eggface". The blog author also had weight loss surgery and she is a chef. She blogs her recipes for the rest of us who have had surgery and need to find a healthy way to eat and not make more than we need to. Awesome recipes!

My hubby did the math last night and told me I was half way to my goal already. What?? I had to redo it. I only got into my size 18 clothes this week, and they are already loose. I have a few items of size 16 and may have to shop soon! But you know what I am hating to shop for the most? Bras. I wish I could just get a sports bra and be comfortable!

I must add here that I am feeling wonderful! Not sluggish or tired and drained. Arthritis has quieted down. Not much flaring up there. Blood Pressure has returned to normal. Even FM still behaving. Off most of my meds now. Still no CPAP machine. I'm loving this new found freedom!


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I know this is hard to believe but it get's better. I haven't had junk food in over two years. I can't even believe I just wrote that. McD's chicken nuggest used to be a fav...I too am alone and have learned to "be" alone. My latest lesson is that the kitchen is not my enemy and I can take the time to cook and eat things that are good for me..this has been fun. I have been finding and making one or two new reciepes a week..you will work it out..


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Thank you Michele for your encouraging words. I have been playing in the kitchen lately. Just discovered that I can have spagetti squash instead of pasta and zucchini manicotti is to die for! Why did we ever eat pasta? So delicious!

I have been enjoying "The World According to Eggface". It's a blog by a woman who also had weight loss surgery and she was a cook so she now cooks for us! Quite inspiring!

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