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My second chance at life!

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Update - 1 year and 3 months later

It has been one year and three months since making this life changing decision and I couldn't be happier. I have lost a total of 105 pounds and have been plateaued for over two months now. I have reached the top end of my goal set by Dr. Miranda. I wear a size 12 jeans or a Medium top. I am happy with my success! I still don't eat bread, pasta or rice. No pop or anything carbonated, or drinking with a straw. Periodically, I enjoy a small bowl of doritos. I love that I can have just the



Five months today!

It has been a roller coaster ride these past few months. 84 pounds lost as of this morning. And feeling great! My size 16 clothes are now baggy. Time to look for size 14. For the Christmas holidays, my family and I (9 of us) went to Florida and Disney. I walked and walked; shopped for a new wardrobe; played with my grand kids in the Gulf of Mexico; enjoyed the family time in the pool at our villa; even ate out with my hubby! The restaurants were very accommodating. I explained to the



Three months later

Here it is three months later and I feel wonderful! I have lost a total of 70 pounds so far. The non-scale victories are what really count, though. Trying on clothes that I never thought I would ever fit into. Being able to have a good night's sleep and wake up totally refreshed and ready to start each day. Being able to walk around a store and not be out of breath or worn out. But the best NSV? Having my hubby think I'm hot again! There is no amount of money worth that! Have to get rid



One Month after surgery

This month has been eye opening to say the least. I have had to face head hunger quite a few times and learned what foods are trigger foods and why I feel the need to eat when I'm not hungry. One of my biggest problems was how much I hate being alone. Every time I am alone, I want to eat. More than once I found myself standing in front of an open fridge and knowing I couldn't eat anything from inside, I realized why I was standing there. I was trying to fill the emptiness. Only now, of cou



Saw my Family Doctor

Saw my doctor this week and gave him the surgical report. He was surprised that I went all the way to Mexico and paid out of pocket for it. I told him that I was serious. Doc's wife, Lee, was happy that I went and told me it was time to get a new bra! Haha. So, this week I have to bra shop. Something cheap. Just to get me through. I also had to retire the size 20 clothes! Now in size 18! I am out of the 20's!! Whoohoo! And I now have to retire all my size 7 shoes. Back into size 6.



Three Weeks Post Op

Today marks three weeks after surgery. The most important thing about today? I get to start real food! I had two tablespoons of oatmeal for breakfast. I had some pureed pears for lunch...MMmmmm. Food tastes good again. The learning to eat properly begins. Wow! Full comes quick! I weighed in this morning and I'm down a total of 40 pounds since all this began back in June! My strength is returning. My knee no longer gives out when I walk anymore. What I find truly funny is when som



2 weeks today

It's two weeks today since I had my surgery. I know I shouldn't feel hunger, but for some reason, I do. To the point of wanting to throw up. Maybe it's just head hunger? I went back to work today and passed a lot of Tim Horton's and fast food places that I ate at before. Especially between my school runs. First time I actually missed my coffee. Haven't had one in a month, and today, I missed it. A lot of my hidden eating was on my school run. I would purchase things and hide them in m




As days go by, the thoughts of what I will be able to do increase. There are some things I had totally forgotten about. Besides my stamina increasing and clothing going down in size, there is also the fun of bowling again! Being able to breath has started me thinking of all the things I had given up. I started curves in June to have to stop after three weeks. The FM reared it's ugly head and pulled me under, not to mention the fact that I was constantly out of breath. I think I will give



Clothing - too big!

I went to the closet this morning to look for something to wear and nothing fit. The dress I wore to my brother's wedding just last month - too big. I started to go through the tops and one by one they were folded and put in a basket. Some items I hadn't even worn yet. Others only barely. I finally found a t-shirt that is loose by fitting better than all the rest and a pair of Capri pants I haven't worn in 5 years or more. Gone are all my 24's and 22's and some of my 20's. All 4x and 3x a



After week 1

Week one is past and the clear liquid diet now has become full liquid. No real hunger, just some head hunger every now and then. Especially when a commercial comes on with something really tasty. It doesn't last long, though. I really don't want to eat anything. It's kind of weird. I never thought I could feel this way. The creamy soups have added some flavour to my diet. Finally! And drinkable yogurts help. Still quite a few weeks to go before solid food but I know my stomach has to



The beginning of a new journey.

The beginning of a new journey. After more than a year of indecisiveness I finally decided to give myself a second chance at life. Six weeks shy of fifty years old and I decided to have Gastric Sleeve Surgery. Why? I'm tired. I'm tired of people not looking at me when they speak to me. I'm tired of being out of breath all the time. I'm tired of always sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else have fun. I want to play with my grandchildren. I want to be able to sing, even off ke



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