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So the last several days I've noticed that I've had a harder time eating. I know its doesn't help that my allergies are horrible and I feel like a slime manufacturer half the time - so much "gunk" - and since I have a very small stomach now, it fills up pretty easily, plus I'm sure I'm a bit swollen or irritated from the "gunk" - but I also realized, I've gotten very lazy in the chew chew chew department. My band forced me to slow down, chew my foot thoroughly, and wait between bites. The sleeve isn't that obstructive restriction, and you can get a little lazy in that department. What I'm realizing is I'm not getting in the protein that I should because when I don't chew my food thoroughly and I eat too quickly, I can't eat very much at all. Its also easy to start relying too much on those really easy to eat foods (none of which have much in the way of nutritional content!)

So I'm headed back to weight loss surgery 101 which is slow down, chew your food thoroughly, and take a moment between bites. I'm hoping this will help me up my protein intake and then once I get a handle on my allergies, things will get back to normal!

My weight loss has slowed down, which is exactly what I want, I'm really at the goal I had set for myself (actually a little below that) and only 3 pounds away from the goal Dr. Miranda had set for me (which I NEVER thought I'd come close to!) I just want to make sure that the little bit I can feed myself, is good, healthy food (most of the time anyway!)

Have a great weekend!

If you have any questions you can email lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com or call 1-866-376-7849 ext. 81


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