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As is fairly typical after a sleeve gastrectomy, I was having some reflux issues occassionally, even while using my acid blocker medication.

Now remember, I'm not a doctor, but in doing some research, and from my own experience adding a probiotic to your daily intake (or like me 2 or 3 during cold/flu season) seems to have really helped this situation. From some of the literature i've read, after having a sleeve surgery, the addition of a probitoic supplement can be helpful in many ways... and it sure can't hurt!

My probiotic of choice is this brand - Natrol Biobeads. super easy to swallow, very reasonably priced, and since they need no refrigeration, you can keep some with you all the time!

(I get mine on Amazon on their subscribe and save so shipping is free and they ship to me automatically)

I've taken probiotics for years but now I'm taking at least 1 extra during the day (again up to 3 during cold/flu season)

I haven't had a cold in quite a long time and haven't had the flu in years (yes, I do get my flu shot) - but considering how many colds have gone through my house, the fact that I've steered clear of them I believe is a direct result of my diligent use of these probiotics... wish I could get my family on board!

That's just my little pearl of wisdom for the day... hope everyone is ready for Christmas! My daughter gets married in 10 days so things are super hectic right now. Hope you are all taking the time to enjoy this season and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and counting your blessings.



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I have found I have been having a similar issue but with me I have to thing about the last time I had anything to eat. For me is seems my tiny tummy produces way to much acid if I wait to long in between meals.

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