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There is about to be a love fest up in here... so if its too hot for you, best to leave the kitchen now :)

Really, this is all about you guys! I love it when someone has read my blog and contacts me all excited about my journey, or looking to start a new chapter in their own life. You guys are so great! I appreciate your support, enthusiasm, excitement so much! You keep me inspired to keep on keeping on, and I love being able to inspire and support you as well!

If you are ready to make a change, either with a first time weight loss surgery or a rescue/revision surgery, I would love to talk to you, share my experience, give your more information, and support you on your path!

email me anytime lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com or call me at 1-866-376-7849 ext. 81, I would love to help you take that next step!

Oh... and my favorite super bowl commercial was probably The Farmer (so nooootttttttt GoDaddy YUCK!!! - i'd prefer another wardrobe malfunction instead! none of the commercials were as good as the Volkswagon little Darth Vader commercial - that was fabulous!)

As for the half time show... bring back Santana!

The post lighting malfunction was a much better game then pre black out. My favorite FB post was the XX beer buy... "I don't always use a surge protector, but if I did, it would be for the superbowl!" lol classic!


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