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blog-0019976001357254271.jpgSo... my daughter got married last month. It was a beautiful, intimate, very romantic and meaningful wedding. We had it at church in our smaller sanctuary - about 75 guests, we all sat at the reception tables for the wedding. My dad said a prayer. We had dancing (I got to dance with my 85 year old daddy... a treasured moment... no that's not my dad in the pictures, that's my husband!! - OK i switched up pics - that is my husband beside me and my daddy behind me) and a dessert bar and a lovely cake baked by our friend and beautiful decorations (anybody want tips about a wedding on a budget... ask me!). Our brilliant photographer donated her time to us because she loves my daughter so much... let's just say blessings abounded... everywhere you looked and even when you weren't looking... a very joyous day.

One of the things I didn't have to worry about was camera angles. You all know what I'm talking about. When you aren't at your ideal weight (or are very far from it as I'd been for so long) the camera is not your friend. You try to find ways to hide behind other people, try to figure out the right angle... or just plain hide all together - you are a bobbing head from behind a group of people. That is not the case for me anymore, and I'm so thankful for my sleeve. I loved every picture, kept looking at myself like... hey - i look pretty good! I wasn't holding my breath as I scrolled through the pictures, afraid of what may be next. Now i'm not saying every picture is a keeper... they never are, but I wasn't embarrassed or ready to put any through the shredder... that's a first :)

If you aren't where you want to be for 2013 and are ready to make a change for the better and get back on track to a healthier you... you can email me at lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com or call 1-866-376-7849 ext. 81. Whether its a first time weight loss surgery or a rescue/revision surgery - we can help! Make 2013 the year when you don't hide anymore!


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oh my goodness, I tried for an hour to post my blog over at gastricsleevetalk and it kept giving me error messages, accusing me of putting links in my post (which I didn't) so i posted a rant instead and THEN... in the comments, it let me post full links to here and to my facebook page - I love our OCCForum... so much easier to post to... less frustration, and more followers anyway.

exhale> ok... i'm good now :)

:: Update :: i went back in and took out the font changes and the color and it seemed to take it - so i put IN links this time LOL - crazy train!

oh... and the picture!

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