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blog-0297033001421778084.jpgDon't minimize the benefits of great support. Be it a good bra, compression socks, Spanx, family, friends, or the kind I'm going to talk about today... Sleeve sistas (and brotha's).

When we are going through weight loss surgery we NEED support - for the pre-op phase, for surgery, and especially for after surgery.

There are so many things we don't consider for post surgery... eating isn't just about nourishment for most of us - we know we should "eat to live not live to eat" but most people don't follow that rule. We eat because we are hungry, but we also eat because we are bored, we are sad, tired, mad, scared, so many other reasons besides nourishing our body. We need help to work through all of those things after surgery. We need encouragement, camaraderie, understanding, accountability, and sometimes a good ol' kick in the butt!

We can find that many places, sometimes with friends and family but sometimes we need that from someone that truly understands what we are going through... someone that has been through it or is going through it.

The occforum is a great place for that, the posts, the blogs, they are all so helpful. There is another new place where I am finding and giving that support - in the OCC Sleevers Support Group. This group was started by some of our patients and is administered by them. If you are looking for some support why don't you give it a try.... you just may find that extra help you need (and maybe a good bra recommendation too!)


as always, if you have any questions you can email lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com or call 1-866-376-7849 ext. 81


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