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CELEBRATE Good Times C'mon.... let's celebrate! woohoooooooo

3 years ago I had by Sleeve surgery - my band to sleeve revision surgery. I can tell you I haven't regretted it for a single solitary second! I still love my sleeve. I love what is has allowed me to do... I'm at a healthy weight, my cholesterol is 115... 9 years ago it was over 240. I feel great and... ok ok... i get to buy clothes off the really cute rack... usually in a small or medium.

If you've read my blog you know I had my band surgery back in 2006, and I did well with it for quite awhile... then I got derailed through a series of accidents, surgeries, no walking for months, band wide open, and lots of really good church lady food. I needed a change... enter the <ahhhhh> sleeve surgery. I loved my band, but I will tell you - I love my sleeve more.... its a much more natural restriction, i can eat whatever I want (within reason!) just in smaller quantities... no worries about food getting stuck, I just fill up really fast.

Thanks to OCC and Dr. Ortiz, today, I am at a very health 5'7 and average around 140 pounds. I'll be FIFTY this year....<shudder> and I honestly feel worlds better then I did when I hit 40.

My husband and I celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary next week.... in Cancun. I am taking 7 bathing suits for our 6 day trip - almost all of them are 2 piece (nothing too skimpy... the sleeve didn't give me 20 year old thighs people!) but 10 years ago i would never have considered spending all day in a bathing suit at the pool or beach... but that's what I'll be doing all of next week (with a fabulous faux tan and a lot of sunscreen and one of those big floppy hats and oversized sunglasses... again i'm almost 50 people...)

Thank you for sharing this day with me... and happy sleeviversary to my sleeve sista Emily, too - we've walked this journey together (and she has a baby to show for it!)

If you have any questions about my journey or weight loss surgery you can reach me at lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com or 1-866-376-7849 ext. 81.


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thank you for all that you do, the blogs , the facebook and if that's you on Twitter, keep up the good work, you are an inspiration! I can not wait to be at my goal and take more than one bathing suit to my vacation. Not the usual hide me all skirted bathing suit!!!

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that is so sweet, thank you! I am excited for you, its a whole new world out there, I hadn't realized how much I was hiding, until I wasn't!

Keep me posted on your progress :)

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So happy for you:) I really hope I too can get my sleeve:)

Looking for success stories on revision from plication to sleeve, concerned about complications because of potential scarring from sutures and condition of stomach tissue?? Do you know of anyone getting a sleeve after plication? Successfully?

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