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Posts posted by karenlynn79

  1. th_IMG_1899.jpg

    This is a pic of my husband and I last night going to a wedding. I have been losing steadily 1-3 lbs a week for 3 months (yea!) and only have 4 lbs to go before I hit the 180's..... So nice! I have been having fun jogging/running on my treadmill every other day, and can go for 8 straight minutes without even getting too winded. I like those kinds of changes as much as the weight loss.

    As for last night, first night out in SO long, I drank (which I never do) kind of a lot but surprisingly I was ok! Not going to do it anymore though, I kept thinking, "alcohol has so many calories!"

  2. That is a concern for me too. I take about 6 pills per night and I guess I would need to break them up. I told OCC about what I take and they still scheduled me the band surgery anyhow, so it must not be an issue. I usually take them all together and then I take 5 fiber capsules, I guess those will have to go. But the Zoloft I take and the Topamax, will have to stay and I will just break them up. I bet it is going to be nasty, ug. What does everyone use for fiber? I must have my fiber daily.


    Have you tried FiberSure or Benefiber? It's in a small jug and mixes in water. That's what I use. I used to take the Metamucil capsules and for me, I absolutely cannot take those now!! I've only used FiberSure but I was going to try Benefiber when I run out.......

  3. They don't really tell you a number for calories after surgery. I think most people on here shoot for between 1000-1200 a day on average. Some days I have trouble getting there, though I usually hit 1100 with my "usual" food routine.

    If you are worried about once you get off the liquid stage and onto regular food, before your 1st fill, most people gain a few pounds back. Most of us were able to eat just as before banding, before you start having fills. This is totally normal. It's basically willpower before your fill. Either you can eat healthfully and just make good choices until the fills force you to, or you can do what I did (don't!) and go back to your old ways!!! I think a lot of people now book their fill, flight etc... ahead of time or right away so they aren't tempted to do that.

    Good luck!


  4. Hi! The SD zoo is SO amazing. Seaworld kind of dissapointed me though. Are you going to the Wild Life Park as well? It's run by the SD zoo too, but it's about a 30 min drive from the city. It's really great too, huge, more like a wild animal park in Africa than a zoo.

    Anyway, have fun both there and at the OCC. You are in excellent hands!


  5. I have trouble getting protein so I have been expanding my options- I found these two things and LOVE them!

    Morningstar Spicy Black Bean Burger (veggie burger) at grocery stores

    120 calories

    4 g fat

    4 fiber

    11 protein and they are GOOD

    Dry Roasted Edamame (soy beans) I got a big jug at Costco for 6$

    130 calories

    4 g fat

    8 g fiber

    14 grams of protein

    they are good by themselves or could be added into stuff like salads

  6. Are these good? And do you mix them with water, or are they liquid form?

    I'll let you know..... I'll have 3 lbs of the stuff so I guess I'll be using it no matter what! It's the powder so you have to mix it with something. The liquid drinks from GNC were so expensive I just couldn't order them... I should have it by the weekend I think.

    Right now I use Any Whey protein with my slim fasts. But I am looking to wean off SF's because they don't keep me full and it's just extra calories and fat.

  7. Hey Jessica,

    You have to figure that you are spending many thousands of dollars at once for the band. The fill cost is so little in comparison, but you do have to factor that in. I have been down many times to the OCC, I do live in Cali so it's only a 100$ flight roundtrip for me. Every person really is different. Depending on where you are and if you stay in TJ a night, it could add up. But, it's something that is necessary. When something is nonnegotiable, I just try not to worry about it.

    I've been down probably 6 or 7 times in almost 2 years. But, I had to have an unfill because I had them put in just a wee bit more when I really shouldn't have (2 trips), and I had a baby recently so that counts for 2, getting an unfill while pregnant and then in April getting refilled back to where I was before. As far as sweet spot, people just mean the fill level for each person where they are losing but not too tight.

    It's best not to compare with other people's fill levels because each person's stomach is radically different. If you are borrowing or saving $ for fills, you might want to plan for at least a few the first year or two at a minimum and go from there....


  8. I am new to the forum and just trying to feel my way around. Sorry if I am doing this wrong. But I just wanted to ask if Dr. Romero and Acosta work in the OCC?

    Yes they both do still as far as I know. I was down in April and Dr. Romero did my fill again. Dr. Acosta was training to do fills about a year ago and "practiced" on me, and he was great too..... They are both young and funny and cute, too!

  9. They also have you drink water right after your fill, or this pink stuff, and watch it go through the band on the screen. They can tell if liquids are going through at a good pace, too fast or too slow. Then, they might give you more fill or take some out. Dr. Romero is great and Dr. Acosta too, they've done all my fills and unfills and can really tell on the screen where you're at.... I personally wouldn't get a fill without fluoro...

  10. Drs. Romero and Miranda told me that I could drink up until the moment I start eating. Also, some doctors recommend not drinking 30-60 min before eating because some people's restriction is affected by hot or cold drinks. I think that cold drinks CAN sometimes give you "extra" restriction. Hot can open you up more. So, if you are a drink-sensitive person, perhaps drinking hot or cold right before a meal will affect how much you eat, which could be bad (or good). Personally hot drinks do open me a little in the morning, which is good for me. I haven't noticed cold drinks doing anything, I eat ice all day and drink ice water all day too, right up until I eat....

  11. Ramona,

    Sorry you are having such a hard time. My weight loss slowed (stopped) when I started birth control pills again. Got off them, have lost like 12 lbs in a month. Sadly, I had to start taking them again due to extreme PMDD... Are there meds that might interfer with your loss? Are you sure you're getting enough calories? Sounds like you are really active. Have you talked to Dr Miranda yet?? She told me not to eat cheese, but I do a couple times a week anyway, I love cheese! I also write down every single calorie, fat, protein, fiber and cholesterol I eat. I try to stay within certain limits everyday. It almost sounds to me that you aren't getting enough, though I don't know the nutrional data of what you are eating. I supplement with fiber and protein to make sure I get enough. Good luck and I hope that the third fill helps!


  12. Speaking of unrealistic people; about a year ago I went down for something, probably an unfill when I was trying to get pregnant. There was this lady in the back radiating negative energy, literally. Later Francisco (driver) told me that she'd been banded only a few weeks before. She didn't lose weight in 2 weeks op and so DEMANDED a fill. Not sure if she got one. THEN 2 weeks after that concluded that the band does not work (after 4 weeks and obviously no fill) and was back that day to have it REMOVED!!!! WHAT!? Crazy! It did not take this lady 4 weeks to pack on the pounds and that's all the time she was willing to wait to lose it???? I was shocked.....

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