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Posts posted by WAgal

  1. Hi Zuma,

    Of course, I remember you! Ha ha ha... my brain somewhat scrambled from the drugs, pain killer I think. We talk about Dr. Ortiz, like he is CANDY. He's just so charismatic and so good looking. I wonder if he reads these things we say. (Lori, does he??) That would be embarrassing. Anyways, Dr. Martinez, so kind and handsome also... didn't want to neglect him. Okay, I've figured out the slider thing that I see so much posted. Here's mine:


    Dear Zulma, Lisa, Linda, Kelly, Stephanie, and others recently banded,

    How are you guys doing? I've decided that we should use this forum as our daily support or whenever we can hop on the computer. God4me (Monet) said she formed a bandster group in Vegas because the local ones won't allow them to join. You know we can do this here. We can just tell each other our problems and ask for the experienced bandsters to support us and give us advice, since they have been through it. I was told during the local seminar here that support was important after getting banded. I know the bandsters here have been very helpful when I've emailed them directly for specific info. How about it? Just post whenever. Should we continue here or do we need to start a new topic called "Day to day experience from being banded on Feb 28, 2008" ?

    Well, here's what I've been doing. Finally made my own chicken vegetable soup. Just boil a whole chicken cut in half, throw in vegetables you like, but celery, carrots, onions are basics that really give it that great flavor, then a few bouillon cubes. I've been living on this as my main broth for sipping for the last two days and it tastes good. I used the chicken for other dishes for my family to eat. Believe me it is a challenge to cook for my family and not eat it. The thing is I'm not hungry. In fact I have this bloated full feeling after just sipping 1/4 cup of anything. It's head hunger I'm fighting. A church friend brought fresh baked bread from those bread machines and I so wanted to eat it. Instead of fighting the urge I decided to take a little bite, chew it, then spit it out. Why? Cause I'm crazy, I know I can't swallow it. I didn't want to keep thinking about it so I did then next best thing I knew w/out feeling deprived. Warning ladies, if you try to eat before you are suppose to then you will PB. Throw it up and feel terrible like you had the most horrible heartburn ever. I've read enough about this in blogs and forums that I don't want to experience it. Plus you'll ruin the whole purpose of the band and possibly injure yourself/the band. It is VERY important to follow Dr. Miranda's advise on your diet. She tweaked this food schedule specifically for you and your needs, at least she did mine. Also I've been reading that bread and rice is not a good choice to eat after being banded. Crackers are okay but we'll see. Maybe experienced bandsters can tell us on this forum.

    Okay, head hunger has been a battle, are you guys having this too! I keep focusing on the results I want. No more diabetes, loosing weight to fit in skinny jeans???? I've been doing a little lite housework to keep me busy but the incisions still hurts. Going to go walking today w/kids although it's rainy outside. I just have to get out! Gotta go fix my kids some lunch... I'll post more. Please post... I want to know your experience... we can get through this and just support each other.



  2. Hi Hannah,

    I also got banded on the 28th, I was the latin girl next door to you! haha! Zulma, remember me? I'm glad your doing well. I too am still a little gassy, I guess its normal. I'm a lttle sore around the bigger cut, but overall I am doing better. Today was the first day I came into the forum, hopefully I get in touch with the others in our group so we can all give eachother support. I hope you feel better, and im glad to hear your glucose level is lower.

    By the way thanks for perfectly describing the experience, I too have only good things to say about the OCC and their staff... and yes

    Dr. Ortiz is mmm mmm handsome! LOL

    Take Care


    Hi Zuma,

    Of course, I remember you! Ha ha ha... my brain somewhat scrambled from the drugs, pain killer I think. We talk about Dr. Ortiz, like he is CANDY. He's just so charismatic and so good looking. I wonder if he reads these things we say. (Lori, does he??) That would be embarrassing. Anyways, Dr. Martinez, so kind and handsome also... didn't want to neglect him. Okay, I've figured out the slider thing that I see so much posted. Here's mine:


  3. Hanna,

    Glad to hear everything went well and you found a good solution for your early flight back north. Keep us posted on your progress!


    Thank you!!! You were key to my decision and totally right about how great they are at the center. They were very accommodating, your demeanor and friendliness helps. True they are doing their best especially because of the influx of patients due to the Oprah Winfrey show. Dr. Martinez is a sweetheart. I had constipation issues and I called him. He answered the phone himself at 7:20am. I was very impressed and he was so informative and reassuring!! That's service for you. I'm expected to loose 10 lbs from surgery recovery and then it will stabilize per Dr. Martinez. Darn... anyways... I'll keep everyone posted. I'm excited and feeling a lot better today. Can't wait 'tlll I'm where Pammie is, tummy tuck. That's what I'm dreaming of anyways. I got a tire around my tummy and I'm not suppose to do abs work until after 3 months. If it doesn't go away then tummy tuck here I come. Blessings to all of you! I just hope all this excitement doesn't wear off!!!

    Hanna :)

  4. hey! kyle had a great time with you guys! Thanks for entertaining him! I showed my surgery marks? hahaha i dont remember that!- oh jeez! I am so jealous of your nice trip home! It took a lot out of me- I might have to get the Gas X strips bc i am very uncomfortable. Take care! Are you having a hard time not eating as well? I know i am!!!

    Hi Mackenzie!

    I don't know if youv've heard of Pho(pronounced Fa) soup. It's Vietnamese. Anyways if you have heard of a Vietnamese soup place near your home then send Kyle out to get some. Just ask to order the meatball soup to go and then extra beef stock for your meal for then next few days, they give a lot. Don't eat any of noodles or veges or meatball they may pack along with it, of course. But the soup is fantastic, packed with so much flavor. They also have chicken stock if you prefer but the beef is what I've always ordered. Another thing I've tried is wonton soup from a Chinese restaurant. Ask to make sure the broth is clear and then drink away just the broth...Kyle can have the wontons. He he he.. I'm satisfied so far. Don't sit down and eat with your family. Get on the computer and read blogs on bandsters, that's what I do for now. Get better.. I just woke up from a nap but will sleep again.

    Hanna :)

  5. Hi everyone! I thought that I would write about my expierence at the OCC to help put future lap band patients at ease! I was SO skeptical about going to Mexico for surgery, paying by paypal, etc. Especially hearing my best friends reaction on having surgey in Mexico...however I still had faith in Dr. Ortiz and his team.

    My husband and I flew in from Florida on the 26 and was picked up right on time. There was another lap band patient on our plane who was picked up with us as well. It was about a 20 minute ride from the airport to the OCC where we turned in our original paperwork, signed some more papers, got out picture taken for our ID card, and then started our pre op. First of all, yes we had to wait a bit, but that is to be expected. Second, the blood work was a piece of cake, the heart and lung test was easy, and the meeting with Dr. Miranda the nutrionist was one on one and as informative as you want it to be. The clinic was very nice, looked just like it does in the pictures on the website.

    From there we went to the hotel. The hotel is nice...I would recommend to ask for a room on the quiet side! Since it was cool at night in TJ the hotel did not have the AC on and it was so loud to have the door open!!!! My husband and I dropped off our bags and went to the rest. since I had been fasting all day! (BY THE WAY, PEOPLE DO GET SENT HOME IF THEY DO NOT LOSE ANY WEIGHT! ALSO YOU HAVE TO FAST!!!!!! FYI). We got an appetizer and some pizza and for dinner I had a salad that was SO GOOD!

    The next morning Mrs. Ortiz picked us up at around 730 and off we went. We waiting a bit for the other patients to be released and our rooms to be cleaned and then we were called back one by one. The private rooms were great. The bed was comfy and there was direct tv (with HBO!) The place was spotless! I was instructed to change and remove my jewlerly. Then the nurse came in and started my meds. Ive always had a hard time getting an IV started and this was no exception! She tried 4 times, and finally got it! That was a bit painful. They also gave me some oral meds that disolve under your tounge. Dr Martinez and Dr ortiz both came into my room- they were so nice and caring. Asked if we had any questions and then just had some small talk with me and my hubby. I was totally at ease!

    Then I was ready. I walked into the surgery room and everyone was moving SO FAST! I layed down- they strapped my hands down and then I realized that he had already started my anethesia! I saw 4 of everything- then i was out. I did wake up rather quickly- i was still in the OR and they were just finishing glueing up my incisions- i also still had the tube down my throat. I was a bit startled about that. Then they wheeled me back into my room and I was pretty alert. I watched TV and then about an hour later I was helped by my nurse to get up and walk around. I did get a little nausua (SP?) after walking so they gave me more meds.

    That night I just enjoyed the TV and the nurses, and the comfy setting. After my 3rd bag of IV fluid, they removed the IV (but let the port in to give me one more round of pain med and anti nausea meds before being discharged) After the IV was removed I changed into my PJs and went for another walk. They gave me a sleeping pill and I went to bed around 11.

    I was discharged around 9 the next morning and taken back to the hotel by Mrs. Ortiz where my husband was waiting.

    Our flight home was at 1030 PM on friday and we got dropped off at the airport at like 1PM!!!! WE WERE AT THE AIRPORT FOREVER. I was a bit mad about that....-- after 24 hours of being in the airport, I am at home. SORE. I think that long day of traveling might have been a little much. I do have gas pains in my stomach and its very uncomfortable.. Ive been burping a lot, and its pretty painful. Sitting for a lot period of time isnt fun.

    I am very pleased with everyone at the OCC. I met a lot of nice people! I am struggling with not eating. I dont think Im hungry but its just emotionally hard. VERY HARD. I think that this struggle of not eating (well it will last for about 3 more weeks) and then I can eat again, but never like I used to...and that is something that is hard to think about....

    I hope that this puts anyone at ease about the surgery, it was fun. I want to go back bc the OCC was that nice!!!! Good luck!


    Hi Mackenzie,

    I had dinner with Kyle, your husband, along with the Feb 28h scheduled bandsters, got a photo to prove it. You were so sweet to assure us after your surgery while you were doing your walks with us/the newcomers in the lobby. I really appreciated your kindness and willing to show your surgery marks. I have them too now.! I'm so sorry about your long wait at the airport. I had a really early return flight home and didn't want that to be a problem and so I did arrange in advance to stay at a hotel in San Diego (priceline). We caught a cab with Martha(getting her fill) to the border then got on the trolley to the Omni Hotel ... spent a little more for hotel and taxi cab but well worth the extra $110 (hotel and cab). We were comfortable and got there just 20 mins. before we had to board (after all the tsa and baggage check-in). I have a lot of gas myself but the gax-X strips sure helps a lot. I'm going to buy some liquid vitamins right now and some other stuff. Get a lot of rest...



  6. First of all let me say hello to my fellow bandsters that were there: Stephanie, Kelly, Lisa, Linda, Melody, Mackenzie there were more but my brain can't seem to remember right now. But anyways, it was great seeing all of you. I had a great experience and yes to my amazement, my daughter, Charlene, was such a big help. After surgery I was very groggy and sleepy, I walked a few times around the clinic but my recollection is a blur.

    First things first:

    Francisco picked us up at the airport. Three parties, Kelly, Stephanie and myself. We were brought into the clinic and were filling out paper work. Somehow there were two openings for surgery that afternoon and Kelly and Stephanie opted to do it. There were only 2 openings so I was left to my original date of Feb 28... those traitors!!! Hehehe.. it worked out well as Linda and Lisa were new bandster friends that I got to know and had my last dinner with at the hotel before we had our surgery on the morning of the 28th. Well to my amazement that morning there were 8 of us scheduled for surgery. Wow, I said! I talked with Dr. Martinez not realizing it was him when I asked for an extra blanket for my daughter and then I acknowledge who he was and he came into the room and conversed with us for a little while. Within a half an hour Jossi (I think that's the nurse's name) was prepping me for surgery, IV, pain killer, my insulin, I'm diabetic. I also had to have oxygen inhaled (tube like thing I was breathing into) because I was only 74% on the lung test breathing tube thingy. So yes practice your breathing. Next thing I knew Dr. Ortiz sat down beside my chair and was introducing himself and being his comedic self again, just like when I spoke to him on the phone. Wow these doctors are awfully handsome. Dr. Martinez and Dr. Ortiz whoohooo.. but I'm sure they are both married so keep your hands off ladies. Off goes Dr. Ortiz and then next thing I remember is I'm in the operating room (my daughter claims I was wheeled away in a wheelchair). No recollection of the wheelchair... I must have been out of it already. I opened my eyes looking for Dr. Ortiz. I even remember saying "Dr. Martinez, where is Dr. Ortiz?" Dr. Ortiz replies on the right side saying count to 10 Hanna and close your eyes. I did until I got to 5 and then reopened my eyes. Again Dr. Ortiz asked me to count to 10 and close my eyes and he said see you after the operation. Next recollection my private room (30 mins. is all that I was gone per Charlene, my daughter). She said I was walked around a few times then wanted to sleep... Yeah.. I remember being very sleeepy. I slept and slept till the following morning I wanted to walk some more. Anyways that morning I checked out and checked into a hotel in San Diego. I chose to do this because my flight back to WA was at 6:30am in the morning today!!! March 1st and here I am posting. I didn't get the shoulder gas pain that Lisa and Linda got but I've got lots of gas. Yes pretty gross aye? Anyways thanks for the gas X strips Lisa, they sure helped immediately while I was in the airport this morning. Gotta get me more. Overall, my experience has been great!!!! I love to meet people and am happy to have hooked up with all the nice folks I met there in TJ, including Martha who gave us a ride to the border. My greatest news that I have to share with you is that I took my fasting glucose yesterday and today and it said 120 for both days!!! My fasting glucose has not been under 170 for almost 6 months now and that alone was worth my getting banded. I'm so elated! I don't know if I'm just jumping the gun here but an added bonus is I've lost another 4 lbs! Just weighed myself. Here's to good start on banding!!! My port area hurts but probably normal. No bleeding, remarkable thing they used was human glue on my surgery cuts. This is to reduce scarring..I even bought the anti scarring cream... we'll see if it works. I loved the clinic and the whole experience. I'm an adventurer by nature but the bond we formed immediately as bandster there, together was just awesome. I have to create a MYSPACE so we can better keep in touch with each other's progress and plan our fills to Mexico new friends of bandsters.

    Blessings to all of you,

    Hanna/WAgal :P

    196/pre-op 189/now 185/goal 125??

  7. Well I am all packed and getting ready to walk out the door. Waiting for the mail man, he has my Dr. Ortiz book that I ordered, I HOPE! Then, we have to head up to our farm, do chores and off we go. We are going to St. Louis, where we get on the plane tomorrow morning. I rented a room at Harrahs Casino, thought it would give my husband and me a little time to relax, gamble, sit in the hot tub, and just kick back. We have to be at the airport at 6:45 in the morning, and off to San Diego we go. I am really excited but also very nervous. Can't wait to see you all there!

    same here.. you have a pleasant trip and I'll see/talk to you soon!!!


  8. :-? Ok people... I promised that I told the rest of the story....not sure why it did not post. I will be happy to respond to emails if you email me at lawdiva2006@yahoo.com. I will try again later to finish this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <_<

    Be Blessed ><'

    uggh :o ... I'm w/Mackenzie... I'll be going in for surgery on the 28th... well leaving tomorrow a.m. Finish the post PLEASE :) or send to me WAgal.

  9. WAgirl,

    At this point it's just time to keep it real. :ph34r: Im branded now! Vitamins, I use are all liquid, I very seldom take pills. There is liquid B-Complex, Liquid magnesuim/Calcium, Liquid Vitamin C and any other liquid that I find to be essential. Now a word to the wise, chewable fiber, BECAREFUL,

    some chewable fibers will expand once it hits the new pouch. From ,my understanding that is not good fiber. So what I did was get liquid! Now remember, anything that is liquid will go thru. That's why they say that you can drink your calories and never loss weight! #-o So remembr being banded is no joke!!!!

    God be with you ><'

    Thanks, getting ready to leave on Wed already.

  10. I think I caught that on a previous post that you eliminated a whole bunch of things. Wow girl, talk about a lifestyle change!! Bravo, and then some!! As for the pre-op diet, I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 11 lbs since 2/6. I'm starting out a little heavier than you I think. My starting weight is 229 (exactly 100 lbs heavier than when I got married 23 years ago-- :(( ), my weight today was 218, and I think I could manage a goal of 140. I am especially motivated to lose the weight because this year my parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversay and my siblings and I are planning a formal party for them in November. I told them that if I don't lose the weight, I will help run the show from the ladies room, sort of like "Charlie" from Charlie's Angels, but I won't let all my relatives see me (we live in FL, they are all in Michigan). I also want to help my daughter, (5'7", 185 lbs) as a better role model than I have been in the recent past. We actually have been taking a nightly bike ride which feels great. (We go at night since it has been a while since I have had a bike--just in case I end up in someone's front yard due to a navigational/coordination error--haha). I also have a Curves membership.

    Keep up the good work! D


    That's great! You actually are doing what I wanted to do last year but hesitated for "whatever reasons". My husband's parents had a 50th Anniversary recently and I wanted to loose weight for that but I was bogged down with planning and arranging everything. It was fun but very stressful since it was a big group of 30. We did a cruise in Mexico and extended family reunion in San Diego for those that couldn't come. It turned out great but the all day access to food was not good for me at all. Looking forward to meeting you and your daughter.

    My surgery date is Feb 28th so there's a few of us that will be there together to support one another. I also have my adult daughter coming with me. We'll see you gals soon! I am very excited too and scared and happy and anxious and well you know...

    Hanna ;)

  11. #-o

    Constipated anyone? Just got banded 2/21/08 and between the gas and no bowel movement, man it was badddddddddddd. No room for both! So at 3:30 am in the morning I was in my car going to Walmart!!!! Here is what you need..... DO NOT BUY A ORAL LAXATIVE....NOT BAND INTERACTIVE...instead use Liquid Glycerin by Fleet. It's a small suppository that is filled with gycerin. It's to be inserted in the rectum and Wala......in minutes you are thanking your Heavenly Father! Since being newly banded, I never realize how much I took passing gas for granted :D

    Now on the box it will say that if your experiencing abdominal pain do not use. My interpretation, because I am not a doctor, this type of pain did not apply to my surgery. I'm sore because I have incisions :(( So this worked like a charm for me.

    Hope this helps someone cause it sure helped me!

    Be blessed! ><img src=<' />

    Thank you, God4me! ><img src=<' /> You cracked me up!!! You're too funny! I'm not even gonna wait until after I'm banded to get the stuff... I want to be prepared. Right now I'm in my pre-op diet and I'm constipated. I keep forgetting to take the Benefiber stuff that I'm suppose to. Oh... what do you do for vitamin supplements. Is there a particular type (pill vs. liquid) or brand that you like/recommend? Four days till surgery for me! I'm excited.


  12. Post #20


    Group: Members

    Posts: 8

    Joined: 18-February 08

    Member No.: 11307

    QUOTE (jankoke @ Jan 13 2008, 05:31 PM)

    I'm not trying to be a smart rear end. But, you sound like a fat person trying to get out of a skinny body!! It probably takes a lot of mental work just to get your head into a place you've never been before.........thin. Just a question about getting lapbands outside the US......WHY???????????????? I wouldnt trust those guys as far as I could throw 'em. And that aint far! Is the cost that much less?? You cant sue Mexican docs. I'm concerned about getting it done here in the US, but risking an operation it in Mexico, no way!


    I think you might want to do some research before writing off Mexico or other places to obtain surgery. As a nurse for over 25 years, and someone who has

    researched gastric banding for the last two years, I believe that OCC in Tijuana is the premier leader in the field of gastric banding. First of all, in the US the band is rarely, if ever, covered by insurance. The average cost can be anywhere from 17,000-29,000$!!!! I don't know about you, but I sure don't have that kind of money! Secondly, the average surgeon in the US doing gastric banding has less experience than surgeons in other countries. Europe has been doing the banding for years (probably close to 15). Who do you think trains the US surgeons?? Yep, the docs from other countries! And with all due respect, if your

    priority is looking to "sue" someone if something happens, you may want to seriously re-think having surgery at all. The risks for ANY kind of surgery are just that...risks. There are many, many mistakes made in hospitals in our country on a daily basis. Sometimes honest, sometimes not. Remember that the price of healthcare will continue to escalate if everyone sues for each and every mistake that's made.


    Touche Lainie! I'm so sick of explaining to my family members. My hubby's fault. I told him not to tell anyone but he told one and here I am getting all the same kinda argument as "Jankoke" above. I don't mind explaining but there's attitude with the people I'm dealing with. Jankoke, do you think it's fair for your insurance company to basically tell you that you have to gain another 30 lbs. or so to meet the bmi requirements before you can have the surgery, when co-morbide health issues already exist from obesity? Most patients are obtaining financial loan for a self pay. It's not a quick fix... it's still a lot of hard work if you read on this forum or other bandster forums. But it is a tool that has been proven to work by the bandsters that exist.

  13. I thought I would go ahead and take before pictures, my surgery is next Thursday, the 28th. It was very sickening, they are going to have to put 2 bands on me I think, lol. I hope the day I decide to do after pictures are 100% difference. I knew I had gained some major weight this last year, but "OH MY GOSH", I should be slapped! I'll tell you this it will be a long time before I post them on here. I would like to call Dr. Ortiz and say, "let's do it today", guess I can't do that because I already have my airline tickets. I think I will use these pictures for anytime I want to cheat, I will just look at these. I would like to put them by the snack cabinet or fridge, but there is know way I want anyone to see them. I took the pictures with my underwear and bra, the ones that made me really sick. But I did take ones that I have all of my clothes on to post on here in the future, way future.

    "I AM READY FOR MY BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    LOL!! :lol: I took my before pictures too 2 nights ago and said the same thing to my husband "I want to get banded now!" He was actually agreeing with me and then I realized that I've already booked my flight and that's probably not feasible since I'm not at the 5% weight loss yet! I'm counting down... 9 days to surgery! We're getting there!

    Hanna :rolleyes:

  14. Hi hanna! I will be banded on the 27th - Im so excited but sometimes the food cravings totally make me forget about what I REALLY want. Starting tomorrow I am going to try and walk around the neighborhood. I am also determined for NO slip ups. I am cutting out Diet Coke ive heard that helps too- I have ONE more left in my fridge!!! AHH! :o) hahaha Anyway I just pray that i lose some weight. I am sure i will see you out there! :o) Good luck!!!!


    Good for you!!! You're taking the initiative to change now.

    I slipped up yesterday!!! I was so determined the whole day and then all of a sudden I found out some old friends on Classmates.com had been looking for me... they were urging me to post pics of current me (Mind you I was normal as a kid in high school 115 lbs.). Anyways I started to feel anxious... started to eat meatballs (from IKEA)... I stopped myself just in time 'cause when I checked my weight this morning, I still lost a lb. Whew... maybe my scale is broken. Anyways.. this is terrible... how am I going to avoid putting my picture online.. I'm just gonna tel them I'm not ready 'cause I want to loose some weight before I post .... Hehehe... You take it easy... We'll see each other soon and can laugh about this kinda stuff.

    Hanna :lol:

  15. Hello, this is my first post, sorry, second post, I have been watching the forum for a long time now. I have just faxed my information, I DID IT! AND, I REGISTERED ON HERE, WOW, TWO BIG STEPS!! My surgery is set for the 28th also of this month. Only thing I have left is to get my airline tickets, does anyone have any recommendations on where to get the best deal? Really look forward to meeting everyone! My husband is going along with me even though he is totally against it, but I guess he is supporting me, he is going.

    Any suggestions on the pre op diet, I think I need to start it this Thursday, how much weight are you suppose to lose? I am 215 lbs, I was thinking Lori told me 10 lbs, I need to go back and check that. I have gained 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks just reading the forum and deeply knowing I was going to do this with or without my husbands support, I know, bad girl. Every time I eat, I have this sick thought that it may be the last time I eat whatever it may be.

    Does anyone smoke that had the lapband, that is another thing I keep thinking about, quiting 2 weeks before the surgery, doing that, and dieting is going to be hard I think. Another thing I think is going to be hard is occasionally my husband and I will go and do something once a week, we may have a few drinks of alcohol, you know playing cards without a beer is going to be hard, how long before and after can you not drink light beer?

    Just a few silly questions I know. I know this is a lifetime commitment, and I really have to want it to make it work, just looking for advice.

    I am nervous, excited, and in fear I will not succeed at this, even though I want it really bad!

    Thanks in advance for all information! Look forward to talking with everyone.


    We have the same date for surgery. Let's keep in touch for support. I'll be leaving on the 27th of Feb. so we'll see each other for sure. I'll seek you out at the hotel or the center if you don't find me first. Don't know about the light beer drinking... but from what I've read, when your into solid foods... you probably could drink beer. I'm sure someone will know for sure here or ask Dr. Ortiz for sure.








    Thank you for sharing your journey... the pictures are wonderful... it really gave me an ideal path to follow. It was so nice to see the Dr's and nurses/staff you dealt with. To see them on pics puts me at ease more.

    You did it all! Congrats on your success and hard work (I'm sure), you look fantastic. =D> I was especially happy to see your tummy tuck surgery! How are you doing now? I can't wait to get banded! I wanna go now if I could.



  17. I am on the pre-op diet now. I have decided to do the 2 protein shakes and a lean cusine. I was just wondering if anyone has not lost enough weight on the pre-op diet and has gotten turned away from Dr.Ortiz. The pre op diet is HARD! I think I am going to switch to 3 protein shakes next week (one week before surgery) just to make sure I lose enough...im so scared that I wont lose enough. How much did you all lose starting the pre-op diet about 2 weeks prior? Ive had two "major" slip ups so far...but other than that ive been good (that is why i started about 3 days early, just in case)

    I am just so nervous bc I want this so badly, ive bought my ticket, paid in full for the surgery, im just scared that something will stand in the way!

    Hi Mackenzie!

    I'm doing the slimfast shakes breakast and lunch... then dinner I do the lean cuisine. Actually it seems I have cut down enormously on food consumption that I seem to be loosing a pound a day! Nice, but I do take a south diet protein bar (atkins bar) for a snack when I feel the craving to eat when I'm not suppose to. I also did someone's suggestion here about chewing food that you want to eat and then just spit it out. That was hard but at least I felt like someone didn't stop me from doing this, I tasted it then didn't want it anymore. This has helped and I'm finding it's a head hunger thing I'm battling. I've tried to just get out of the house and dream about my diabetes going away and no more worries about my health deteriorating and looking good in clothes that I've wanted to wear that will actually fit and look good. I think about a happier and healthier me. I was reading on this forum about the success patients of Dr. Ortiz on the plastic surgery section... Lipo, tummy tucks etc.... and they were where we are about about a year before their surgery! That inspires me so much! I wanna be there next year talking about my problems about loose skin and lipo suction too. Blessings to you... keep up the good fight... we do it for ourselves (banding tool) and for our loved ones that need us still (my kids). I'll be banded on the 28th...


  18. Hello, this is my first post, I have been watching the forum for a long time now. I have just faxed my information, I DID IT! ><' My surgery is set for the 28th also of this month. Only thing I have left is to get my airline tickets, does anyone have any recommendations on where to get the best deal? Really look forward to meeting everyone! My husband is going along with me even though he is totally against it, but I guess he is supporting me, he is going.

    Any suggestions on the pre op diet, I think I need to start it this Thursday, how much weight are you suppose to lose? I am 215 lbs, I was thinking Lori told me 10 lbs, I need to go back and check that.

    Thanks in advance for all information!

    Congratulations Kissyfur! We have the same surgery date! We will definitely see each other at the center or the hotel. It's nice that you have your husband coming to support you even though he's skeptical about it. My husband wants to go too but we have our 3 & 4 year olds that will not do well w/both our absence for 3 nights. They've always had me around everyday of their lives since they were born! Anyways I figure I'd get more rest after surgery if they all just stayed home and I talked with them on the phone. A little nervous about them missing mom (or mom missing them) while I'm gone.

    On the pre-op diet. I'm doing slimfast for breakfast and lunch and then a lean-cuisine for dinner. During breakfast you can eat a slice of multigrain/wholewheat bread with 1 Tablespoon of peanut butter, then lunch I'm suppose to have a small green salad with low fat dressing. Go online and do the www.slimfast.com support. I signed up to see the options of what I can do for a meal plan. We'll see how it goes because I've only started yesterday. The Slimfast Optima drink "rich chocolate royale" is fantastic. I put it in the freezer for about 10 mins. before drinking it with a straw and it becomes a slushy chocolate drink.. delicious! There's quite a bit of diff. flavors out there now, so buy a sampling of each and then buy in bulk when you've decided which ones you like. I hope this helps...I'm still figuring this out myself.

    Hanna :rolleyes:

  19. I was banded on the 11th... a bit of pain, a bit of discomfort, and to be a bit honest a of regret. Right now I am not sure this was the right decision. I am sure that will change and this it is a gimps at the rollercoaster I just got on.

    After the surgery I felt great. no nausea, up and walking around right away, and online a little pain. After the swallow test I started drinking and then I started getting the “gas painâ€. I am a little nervous about the impending diet. I new what it entailed but it is all to real now.

    Optimistic reality.. That is what I face right now.



    I'll be praying for your pain and discomfort to subside and disappear all together. Have you called the doctor? I hope they are able to prescribe you something.

    In sympathy,


  20. I just grabbed the last spot for Feb 29th which is the leap year day, so I guess my yearly surgery anniversary will only come around every 4 years! LOL

    I am arriving on the 28th and would love to chat with anyone else having surgery on the same date!


    My surgery is on the 28th.. a day after yours. I'm sure we'll cross paths. Let's hook up when we get there! How's your pre-op diet going... any tips you can give me? I've been asking everyone here on the forum, lol! I'm determined to get as much pointers as I can so I will not be discouraged and loose the weight asked of me before surgery! Blessing to all and many thanks for all of you that have responded or will respond.

  21. Im Feb 28th! I cant wait! Just need to secure a loan and plane tickets.


    Hi! Just read your post and your surgery date is the same as mine! Let's talk, I see you are from Oregon... I'm about 4 1/2 hrs. from Portland, OR. I'm excited and want to sort of buddy up with someone doing the pre-op diet. Have you started. I did the slimfast thing today... dinner I was suppose to eat my lean cuisine but decided to eat Adobo (chicken in a tangy broth) with my family that I cooked. Anyways, I'm proud of myself. I ate just what I put on my plate and didn't eat more servings. I think I have to eat earlier though... my husband gets home at 7pm and that's such a late time to eat dinner when you're trying to diet. K...email me anytime.... Sorry, I sound so eager... I hope I don't scare you.


  22. HI Hanna,

    My surgery date is on 2-27!!! Excited, too! Maybe we can see each other at the center!

    Hi Shampoo!

    Yes, I think we will be able to see each other. I'm arriving on the 27th to do pre-op assessment then 28th for surgery. You must be coming on the 26th. We can definitely do lunch, dinner? I mean sip clear fluids and broth together at the hotel Lucerna, lol ! I'm coming in from WA state, how about you?

    Hanna :-)

  23. On day 2 i was feeling pain from the gas they use and day 3 i had heartburn/gas pain but i took it easy & got thru it .....

    On day 5 Im feeling a lot better. All the gas pain that your talking about is finally gone,whew. That was uncomfortable! I didnt get it my my shoulders just in my chest & whole body pretty much,lol. The first 3 days i had only clear chicken broth & gatorade,& h2o. On day 4 I had drinkable yogart ( danimals) ..its totally weird to be full after a few sips or a half a cup of liquid, but its true. The worst part is in my head & trying to retrain myself on food & hunger & ya know all of the food addiction parts. It reminds me of the 1st time i went on Atkins & had to train myself to stay away from carbs. I have to stay focused that my body is not hungery its in my head...now when i truely am hungry I drink a lil something & the hunger goes away....staying on liquids is really a battle of the mind.......is how i feel....its actually starting to make me feel free from my food addiction that was grippin me for so long......if that makes sense? ><'

    It totally makes sense. I did the whole Atkins diet thing too and then fell off the wagon 3 months later. Thanks for letting me know your experience. I just started my pre-op diet and bought some slim-fast drinks. Rene, from the TJ clinic said that if I do a slim-fast in the morning, a small green salad for lunch and then another slimfast, then a lean cuisine for dinner. I'll see how this goes for this week... I'm determined to make this diet work. He even asked me to practice eating already...by taking small bites and chewing a lot before swallowing. This will be an adventure in itself. I do the meal preparations for my whole family, 5 of us. I'll see how I stay away from the food I cook while we dine together. I actually told my whole family to be supportive by not tempting me about food during meal times. Pray that I'll hang in there and not cheat before surgery date. I want to get a head start loosing weight. I was told that once you loose the weight it stays off... you don't regain it. That sounds soooo good to me. You take care and contact me anytime you feel like it. I'll be checking on your progress, if you continue to post.


  24. =D> I had the most wonderful experience at Dr. Ortiz's office in TJ, Mexico. I first heard about this procedure on Monday's Oprah show....and with in 15 mins of the show I KNEW IT WAS FOR ME!!!

    I called and had the best person named Lori answer the call & it just so happens we live near by each other. I booked my Dr. appt to get a lap band for Fri. 2/8/08. 4 days later & here i am a new banster!,

    Every single person from the driver who picked me up to Dr. Ortiz's mother to the fantastic nurses!! At one point the nurse even hugged me because i was so nervous!!! The receptionist, Dr. Hermans and Dr. Miranda ( invite me ur ur wedding & ill invite u to mine)lol........these people are the most wonderful doctors I have ever experienced! I was not rushed. I was not hurried. Dr. Martinez went above and behond to make me feel safe & ready to leave. I just had the best experience and would NEVER go or recommend anywhere else.

    I feel very lucky and look forward to my skinny future.

    For the record Dr. Ortiz is even cuter in person!! omg!!

    Can't wait for my first fill in 6 weeks I will be traveling to mexico for my fills directly based on what wonderful care I recieved!




    How are you doing? I'm set for surgery on the 28th of Feb. I'd like to know how things are going with you since you just had yours done. Did you get the shoulder pain that bandsters get? How are you doing on the liquid diet? I'm trying to figure out still what I'm suppose to be stocking up on for aftercare food. I pray all is well with you.


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